Assignment: Psychology and Evaluate.
Assignment: Psychology and Evaluate.
Assignment: Psychology and Evaluate.
Assignment: Find Topic Of Issue on Psychology and Evaluate.
Assignment Content
Using Figure 1.2 in Ch. 1 of Exploring Research, create a flowchart using Microsoft® Word or a similar program that helps you identify what research design to use for your research question.
Your submission will be evaluated, not on the appearance of your chart, but on the match between your proposed research and your selected method. You must 1. Clearly state your research question or hypothesis, 2. Answer the relevant questions from the chart, identifying the characteristics of your research that lead you to, 3. A clearly identified research method. You should have one method selected.
Choose a single topic or iss ue in psychology that is of interest to you. The11 find a recent psychological, empirica l journal article on this topic using the library s
database. Each student w ill present one empirical article from (late) 2004 20 16
at some point during the semester. Each presentatio n should include a detailed
description of (a) the reason for conducting the research (how the authors see their research as contributing to the literature), (b) theories and hy potheses described In the article, (c) methods, (d) results, and (e) the broader· relevance of the research.
Artic le presentations should not exceed 15 n1inutes . Article presenters are to
prepare a handout or PowerPoint presentation, and distribute a pirinted version of it
(3 slides per page) to each person in attendance that w ill be used to l1elp direct our group discussion. Specific dates for article presentations w ill be detet n1ined dur·ing