Assignment: Research Critiques and PICOT Statement Final

Assignment: Research Critiques and PICOT Statement Final ORDER NOW FOR CUSTOMIZED AND ORIGINAL ESSAY PAPERS ON Assignment: Research Critiques and PICOT Statement Final This paper is the final of attached documents. please make sure to meet the word count and APA format and references done correctly. ( i have attached the last 3 assingments i posted and again this is continuation and final draft). Assignment: Research Critiques and PICOT Statement Final Prepare this assignment as a 1,500-1,750 word paper using the instructor feedback from the Topic 1, 2, and 3 assignments and the guidelines below. PICOT Statement Revise the PICOT statement you wrote in the Topic 1 assignment. The final PICOT statement will provide a framework for your capstone project (the project students must complete during their final course in the RN-BSN program of study). Research Critiques In the Topic 2 and Topic 3 assignments you completed a qualitative and quantitative research critique. Use the feedback you received from your instructor on these assignments to finalize the critical analysis of the study by making appropriate revisions. The completed analysis should connect to your identified practice problem of interest that is the basis for your PICOT statement. Refer to “Research Critique Guidelines.” Questions under each heading should be addressed as a narrative in the structure of a formal paper. Proposed Evidence-Based Practice Change Discuss the link between the PICOT statement, the research articles, and the nursing practice problem you identified. Include relevant details and supporting explanation and use that information to propose evidence-based practice changes. Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required. rough_draft.docx bedpans_use_in_healthcare_facilities.docx__picot_.docx bedpans_use_in_healthcare_facilities.docx__picot_.docx rough_draft.docx quantitative_research_c Running Head: BEDPANS 1 Impact of Bedpans in Healthcare facilities Bedpans, portable devices designed for bedridden patients in hospitals to act as their toilets. They are mainly used for collecting urine and feces. Consequently, the use of bedpans in hospitals has various challenges which include: pain, discomfort, and embarrassment amongst its users as well as the nurses. It is embarrassing as the patients don’t have their privacy and they feel to be over-dependent on the nurses; they may sometimes miss locating the bedpan and end up soiling their beddings. In addition to that, in rooms where patients are more than one, and you are required to use a bedpan, brings about more discomfort and maybe resulting in a patient holding onto their excretes. According to Saxer (2011), bedpans are popularly used by patients during the nights rather than during the day; as most of them tend to constipate of avoid taking liquids so that they don’t have to experience the shame of using these devices during the day. With assisting element from the bedpan device to the challenged patients, the device has some physical effects on the patients. These impacts tend to be severe while others mild i.e. severe cases such as death have been recorded due to the usage of the bedpans as some of the patients develop a sharp rise in pressure. The patients who die as a result of using bedpans are mostly those who suffer from heart diseases. Despite the side effects, the strains and stress caused by this device, patients have used it as it is necessary in some cases. People have also advocated for the use of bedside commode, a portable toilet which does not use running water. The table always looks like a chair that has a toilet seat and a bucket or container underneath. The bedside commode is believed to minimize energy spent by the patients to empty their bowels, and it is not likely to lead to death (Bryce 2011). Assignment: Research Critiques and PICOT Statement Final BEDPANS 2 The deaths that arise due to the use of bedpans can be reduced and made extinct by introducing the bedside commode. Straining caused by constipation can also be reduced and surgical operation to the patients to prevent venous thrombosis which is a primary cause of the deaths (McGuire and Green 1950). Disposable bedpans ease the handling for the nurses. It also enhances the general cleanliness of the patients. The bedpans are disposed of by destruction and flushing to waste. During disposal, magnitude hazard was revealed by assessment of clinical machines. These risks were shown mostly in the disposition of the content when running the machine. Some defects were identified from the system, which rendered it unsuitable for use in infectious disease. Bedpans are metallic or plastic in nature, but they tend to be hard and cold, and it is never thick and big enough (Gattinger 2013). Research indicate that, some nurses tend to frustrate the patients who use bedpans, for instance, a patient asks for a bedpan after it has been taken away and all the nurse does is ask why they didn’t use it when they had it but are rather opting to ask for it when it has been taken away. This kind of attitude tends to affect the patients both emotionally and psychologically. Nurses should provide education to the patients, by engaging with them and asking questions like “What was their first experience like, when using bedpans,” by asking this kind of questions, the patients will have a feeling of relief and a sense of belonging. They will not feel like they are being criticized for something beyond their control. Ethical Considerations BEDPANS 3 A review of the ethical considerations was addressed to show the ethical considerations associated with how the study was conducted. For the success of the survey, there was confidentiality of sources as no participant was disclosed for having reported or said anything. All the participants were guaranteed anonymity. Taking part in the research project was however out of one’s will and chances were given for backing out in case a member felt uncomfortable. The information gathered during the investigation process, were to be destroyed after examination by the members guiding “The Code of Ethics for Registered Nurses” to ensure that none of the codes have been violated. Purpose of the study To understand the comfort of the patients in using of the bedpans The research design The research data was collected with the use survey which included qualitative and quantitative items from the researchers. Data Collection The study was explained to the participants who took part in the research and then they were given a chance to decide on whether they are comfortable in answering the survey questions or not. This is to imply that the consent of the participants was obtained and for those who declined they were just thanked, and their names were taken out of the lists of members. The information shared was kept confidential thus protecting the participants. Discussion BEDPANS 4 The discomfort caused by the use bedpans is raising major concerns in the nursing sector. The pain felt by the patients includes embarrassment, fear, anxiety, lack of privacy, shame, body pains and lack of knowledge on how to use these devices Schlachter (2015). A small percentage was maybe comfortable with the use of bedpans when they are not in a position to reach out to the washrooms, but larger percentages are affected by this. Most patients tend to hold on when the time comes for them to use bedpans and this is always as a result of fear of messing up their bed areas, or someone seeing their mess and bearing of the pain that results from using bedpans. Assignment: Research Critiques and PICOT Statement Final However, the discomfort can be reduced if the nurses were to be a little bit friendly to the patients and educate them on how to use the devices. This will help them in dealing with fear and potential sources of embarrassment as they will have been taught on how to use the bedpans thus doing away with the feeling of anxiety of maybe soiling the bed areas. Conclusion Patients tend to feel like they are being subjected to more pain from the use of bedpans. This should bring about an introduction of a more comfortable mode of excreting body wastes especially for those who are bounded by their beds. Bedpans, however, are likely to cause more infections amongst the patients if not cleaned properly after use and this are some of the things that should be done away. They are not reliable improvised toilet devices but rather a source of embarrassment and pain to the person subjected to use it. References BEDPANS 5 McGuire, J., & Green, R. S. (1950). Bedpan deaths. American practitioner and digest of treatment, 1(1), 23. Bryce, E., Lansdale, A., Forrester, L., Dempster, L., Scharf, S., McAuley, M., & Browning, S. (2011). Bedpan washer disinfectors: An in-use evaluation of cleaning and disinfection. American journal of infection control, 39(7), 566-570. Gattinger, H., Werner, B., & Saxer S. (2013). Patient experience with bedpans in acute care: a cross-sectional study. Journal of clinical nursing. Saxer, S., Gattinger, H. A., Dopler, R., Scheffel, S., & Werner, B. (2011). The frequency of using the bedpan in acute care. Pflege, 24(5), 297-302. Schlachter, E. K. (2015). Patient Perceptions of Bedpan Usage and Comfort Levels. 1 Bedpans Use in Healthcare Facilities Patients experience various challenges that arise from clinical care. For instances, the patients that are bed ridden and cannot assist themselves in the washroom have to use the bedpans. Bedpans are devices used to collect fecal and urinary materials from the patients. These bedpans cause patients to strain too much especially when one is suffering from cardiac diseases. PICOT Statement For acute and long-term bedridden patients (P), how bedpan (IC) does influence their health recovery (O), and the frequency of using them in particular time when they are hospitalized (T). Equally the bedpan remains still frequently usable in critical care infirmaries, advances in bedpan mockups are essential to handle the complications. However, there exist also more than a few developments of deed nurses ought to consider while caring for persons who are at the mercy of the bedpan. Article 1: Patient Perception Of Bedpan Usage and Comfort A bedpan is a device used by bedridden patients to collect wastes from the body such as urine and fecal matters. This article analyses the level of comfort concerning the use of bedpan reported by patients with high acute care settings (Schlachter, 2015). Assignment: Research Critiques and PICOT Statement Final The patient satisfaction encompasses the following, psychospiritual requirements such an as embarrassment, real interaction with healthcare givers, good odor and a room free from noise or too high temperatures. Such patients can engage with more health-seeking behaviors. Research was conducted that involved 78 people from Swiss hospital. The research data was collected using survey such as qualitative and quantitative items from the researchers. Sixtysix patients were found to have experienced pain caused by the manner in which they used the 2 bedpans. Others had bedsores related to the utilization of the bedpan. Besides, patients suffered from shame, embarrassment, and fear of soiling the bed area (Schlachter, 2015). Article2: Frequency of Using the Bedpan in Acute Care The article explores the incidence of the patient in using the bedpans. A study was conducted using the quantitative descriptive study to measure the frequency and time span of using the bedpans for a particular time (Saxer et al., 2011). The study showed that patients used bedpan mostly during the night than during the day. Article 3: Bedpans Deaths Pains are reported to have died out of using the bedpans. The majority of these patients suffer from serious heart diseases. Some develop a sharp rise in blood pressure when using the bedpans. These deaths can be reduced by avoidance of straining caused by constipation and surgical operation to the patients to prevent venous thrombosis, which causes death (McGuire and Green, 1950). Article 4: Energy Expended By Patients on the Bedpan and Bedside Commode Despite the stress and discomfort caused by the bedpans, they have been used by universally because it is very necessary in some an attempt to reduce the strains, recently people have advocated for the use of bedside commode (Benton et al., 1950). They minimize energy spent by the patients when emptying their bowels. 28 patients were selected for the study from wards at Bellevue Hospital. Article 5: Bacteriological Hazards of Disposable Bedpan Systems Disposable bedpans ease the handling for the nurses and enhance the cleanliness of the patients. The bedpans are disposed of by destruction and flushing to waste. To find out the 3 magnitude of the hazards, a J.M.L clinical machine and big machines were assessed mostly in the disposal of the content when running the machine (Gibson, 1973). Some defects were identified from the system, which rendered it unsuitable for use in infectious disease. Article 6: Bedpan Washer-Disinfectors Research was conducted where two types of bedpans decontaminator were used to minimize the Clostridium difficult in health centers. It took 16 months of evaluation where the fecal material was used as the indicators. 1982 observations were recorded by the end of the research (Bryce et al., 2011). According to the results, the polypropylene material gave the best results as compared to stainless steel. 4 References Benton, J. G., Brown, H., Rusk, H. A., & Birnbaum, J. (1950). Assignment: Research Critiques and PICOT Statement Final Energy expended by patients on the bedpan and bedside commode. Journal of the American Medical Association, 144(17), 1443-1447. Abstract A survey was conducted to compare the energy used by the patient when using the bedpans and the bedside commode. It is the results provided evidence to show that bedside table is more comfortable and does not strain the patient, therefore, are not likely to cause death Bryce, E., Lansdale, A., Forrester, L., Dempster, L., Scharf, S., McAuley, M., & Browning, S. (2011). Bedpan washer disinfectors: An in-use evaluation of cleaning and disinfection. American journal of infection control, 39(7), 566-570. Abstract. In the experiment on in use evaluation of disinfection of bedpans, the research shows that the stainless materials are less efficient as compared to the polypropylene materials. Disinfecting bedpans reduces the risk of infections for the doctor and promote tidiness for the patient. Gibson, G. L. (1973). Bacteriological hazards of disposable bedpan systems. Journal of clinical pathology, 26(2), 146-153. Abstract The article brings out the hazards caused by bacteria that are associated with disposable bedpans systems. The current systems are not fit for the use in infectious disease hospitals nd inwards. There is a need for disposable bedpan carriers that requires cleaning and disinfection. 5 McGuire, J., & Green, R. S. (1950). Bedpan deaths. American practitioner and digest of treatment, 1(1), 23. Abstract. Patient’s deaths caused by bedpans have been reported over many years. This article provides evidence of the deaths of patients for the last ten year in Cincinnati hospital. The deaths were mainly caused by heart complications caused by strains while using the bedpans. Saxer, S., Gattinger, H. A., Dopler, R., Scheffel, S., & Werner, B. (2011). The frequency of using the bedpan in acute care. Pflege, 24(5), 297-302. Abstract Patients as nursing practice however frequently use the bedpans; the patients describe them as uncomfortable. The article identified the frequency in which the patients use the bedpans in time and different departments 729 patients both men and women are included to carry out descriptive. A quantitative study. The survey showed that the bedpans were used mostly at night than daytime. Schlachter, E. K. (2015). Patient Perceptions of Bedpan Usage and Comfort Levels. Abstract The primary purpose of this article is to examine the patient expert in the use of bedpans. It’s evident that patients feel uncomfortable in using bedpans because they find them unpleasant and embarrassing. The article uses descriptive quantitative methods where a sample of 50 participants completed the interview. Patients experienced the discomfort in using bedpans the 6 pain caused and discomfort. Therefore, it is recommended for redesigning of the bedpans to improve their experience. Sandlin-Leming, D. (n.d). Assignment: Research Critiques and PICOT Statement Final Using Environmentally Green Bedpans and Other Health Care Products to Decrease Health Care-Acquired Infections and to Lessen the Amount of Medical Waste Deposited in Landfills. Journal Of Perianesthesia Nursing, 24(6), 411413. Abstract Urinary catecholamines were measured by spectrofluorometric assay using trihydroxy indole method. 1) The mean levels of urinary catecholamines after using the toilet were significantly higher than those after using the bedpan. 2) The increment rate of urinary adrenaline from resting level was greater than those of urinary noradrenaline in both methods. 3) These results suggest that patients with the myocardial infarction in acute stages should not use the toilet for defecation. Gattinger, H., Werner, B., & Saxer, S. (n.d). Patient experience with bedpans in acute care: a cross-sectional study. Journal Of Clinical Nursing, 22(15-16), 2216-2224. Abstract As the bedpan is still regularly used in acute care hospitals, innovations in bedpan models are necessary to address the problems. But there are also several courses of action nurses should consider when caring for patients who are dependent on the bedpan. Relevance for clinical practice the discomfort of the bedpan, the feeling of dependency and embarrassment could lead to unwanted patient reactions, such as avoidance of fluid intake or leaving the bed. If nurses know the reasons for this behavior, they could meet these problems with empathetic understanding. 7 1 Bedpans Use in Healthcare Facilities Patients experience various challenges that arise from clinical care. For instances, the patients that are bed ridden and cannot assist themselves in the washroom have to use the bedpans. Bedpans are devices used to collect fecal and urinary materials from the patients. These bedpans cause patients to strain too much especially when one is suffering from cardiac diseases. PICOT Statement For acute and long-term bedridden patients (P), how bedpan (IC) does influence their health recovery (O), and the frequency of using them in particular time when they are hospitalized (T). Equally the bedpan remains still frequently usable in critical care infirmaries, advances in bedpan mockups are essential to handle the complications. However, there exist also more than a few developments of deed nurses ought to consider while caring for persons who are at the mercy of the bedpan. Article 1: Patient Perception Of Bedpan Usage and Comfort A bedpan is a device used by bedridden patients to collect wastes from the body such as urine and fecal matters. This article analyses the level of comfort concerning the use of bedpan reported by patients with high acute care settings (Schlachter, 2015). The patient satisfaction encompasses the following, psychospiritual requirements such an as embarrassment, real interaction with healthcare givers, good odor and a room free from noise or too high temperatures. Such patients can engage with more health-seeking behaviors. Research was conducted that involved 78 people from Swiss hospital. The research data was collected using survey such as qualitative and quantitative items from the researchers. Sixtysix patients were found to have experienced pain caused by the manner in which they used the 2 bedpans. Others had bedsores related to the utilization of the bedpan. Besides, patients suffered from shame, embarrassment, and fear of soiling the bed area (Schlachter, 2015). Assignment: Research Critiques and PICOT Statement Final Article2: Frequency of Using the Bedpan in Acute Care The article explores the incidence of the patient in using the bedpans. A study was conducted using the quantitative descriptive study to measure the frequency and time span of using the bedpans for a particular time (Saxer et al., 2011). The study showed that patients used bedpan mostly during the night than during the day. Article 3: Bedpans Deaths Pains are reported to have died out of using the bedpans. The majority of these patients suffer from serious heart diseases. Some develop a sharp rise in blood pressure when using the bedpans. These deaths can be reduced by avoidance of straining caused by constipation and surgical operation to the patients to prevent venous thrombosis, which causes death (McGuire and Green, 1950). Article 4: Energy Expended By Patients on the Bedpan and Bedside Commode Despite the stress and discomfort caused by the bedpans, they have been used by universally because it is very necessary in some an attempt to reduce the strains, recently people have advocated for the use of bedside commode (Benton et al., 1950). They minimize energy spent by the patients when emptying their bowels. 28 patients were selected for the study from wards at Bellevue Hospital. Article 5: Bacteriological Hazards of Disposable Bedpan Systems Disposable bedpans ease the handling for the nurses and enhance the cleanliness of the patients. The bedpans are disposed of by destruction and flushing to waste. To find out the 3 magnitude of the hazards, a J.M.L clinical machine and big machines were assessed mostly in the disposal of the content when running the machine (Gibson, 1973). Some defects were identified from the system, which rendered it unsuitable for use in infectious disease. Article 6: Bedpan Washer-Disinfectors Research was conducted where two types of bedpans decontaminator were used to minimize the Clostridium difficult in health centers. It took 16 months of evaluation where the fecal material was used as the indicators. 1982 observations were recorded by the end of the r … Get a 10 % discount on an order above $ 100 Use the following coupon code : NURSING10

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