Assignment: Video Presentation
Assignment: Video Presentation
Assignment: Video Presentation
Assignment: Video Presentation
Week 8 HIT Executive Summary and Video Presentation The purpose of the executive summary is perhaps the most important section of your healthcare informatics project. It is usually the first section of a business plan that leadership will read, but it should be written last. A successful executive summary presents the highlights of your project and is an opportunity to support clinical and administrative safe processes. Instructions Create an Executive Summary and Presentation of your HIT project. You will integrate and summarize the work that you have accomplished over the last seven weeks and present it via an executive summary and a Kaltura video. Executive summary Your written executive summary will be a maximum of three to four pages and completed in current APA format following the instructions outlined below. Your executive summary needs to be consistent with the full business plan to secure facility leadership support for this informatics project. You should include your: Healthcare mission and vision statements A brief sketch of your plans and goals A quick look at your company and its organization An outline of your strategy Highlights of your gathered informationfrom all weeks of the course The key to the executive summary is to pick out the best aspects of every part of your plan. Extract the essence of each key part and present a highlight reel of your business. What is the informatics problem and how does it fit into your healthcare organization? You will need to explain why your idea has merit and how it can solve a common problem by making things easier, faster, or cheaper for your healthcare organization. Be sure to include your problem statement in week 1, and integrate and summarize the gap analysis and gap solution in weeks 2 and 3 for this section. Include best practices applied from the literature. Demonstrate that there is a problem and why it needs to be addressed in reference to patient safety. What did your collection of information with the A3 PM, WBS, and SIPOC tools reveal? Include an image of one of the more relevant tools as an image in this section. Summarize the effects of these tools on the informatics project and be sure to include a focus on the user and current usability issues that are now present in the health information technology? How much will it cost, and how much financing are you seeking? Decide if this is an internal solution (using IT in the healthcare organization) or an external solution (buying software from a vendor). Provide a short explanation of how you will use any financing you seek. What are the immediate and future recommendations? The summary is the place to put your best foot forward to speak about immediate recommendations to leadership. Paint a realistic and factual portrait of a compelling opportunity for the healthcare organization and outline the risks inherent in it. Presentation Create a Kaltura video introducing your informatics project to facility leadership following the outline from the executive summary above. Your Kaltura video presentation should be a maximum of four to five minutes long, not to exceed 5 minutes. Review the Getting Started with Kaltura link in your main menu if you need a refresher on using the tool. Tutorials for this Question Available for $20.00 nurs656 Week 8 HIT Executive Summary and Video Presentation latest 2018 march Tutorial # 00586694 Posted On: 04/30/2018 04:15 AM Feedback Score: Not rated yet! Puchased By: 0 Posted By: nyanya Questions:22789 Tutorials:22041 Feedback Score: 98% (1773 ratings) Report this Tutorial as Inappropriate Tutorial Preview
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