[ORDER SOLUTION] Atheistic Existentialism
Please watch/read the following links and answer the questions below- https://imgur.com/a/h6KbhiW (read up to the point where all the questions are answered for the textbook section)-Textbook reading1. How does the reading define (or explain) human freedom? Is it something all human beingswant, and do you agree with the explanation given?2. What points does the textbook use Dostoevskys The Brothers Karamazov to illustrate?3. What is bad faith? Do you have any examples from your own life that illustrate this concept?-May reading1. A paradox is a logically confounding event or idea–something that doesnt seem to make sensebecause it has internal contradictions. Why is the relationship between freedom and destiny aparadox ?2. How does May use the grand inquisitor to explain a concept?3. According to May, what is the difference between how western and eastern cultures view theindividuals relation to community? What do you make of his account of cultural difference?-Sartre reading1. What does Sartre say is the purpose of his essay (why is he writing it?)2. Explain the dilemma sartres student faced. What advice did Sartre give them, and what advicewould you have given them?-Frye reading1. How does Frye characterize the common response to feminism? What is the typical response tothe claim that women are oppressed? Do you think this still holds true today?2. What does the metaphor of the bird cage represent?