Ayurvedic Nutrition Weight Loss Program | Instant Homework Solutions
Develop an Ayurvedic nutrition program for weight loss. Give details of the 8 factors affecting food, and general dietary guidelines and design an Ayurvedic food program for weight loss which includes all the Ayurvedic food groups. Design some of the Ayurvedic lifestyle changes which you would suggest for the condition of overweight (page length for this paper can be 5-6 pages long). Style format for all written assignments Submit the documents as Word (.doc or .docx) files. The document should be double-spaced, 12 point Times Roman or Courier Fonts. Use APA 6th or 7th edition to format the paper and cite references. References: Frawley, D., & Lad, V. (1992). The yoga of herbs: An ayurvedic guide to herbal medicine. Lotus Press. Ninnivaggi F. (2010). Ayurveda: A comprehensive guide to traditional Indian medicine for the west. Praeger.