Backyard Constellations
short but detailed summary of the history of how the constellations we have today came to be (giving an example of the history of origin of a few constellations, how were the 88 that we have today determined by the IAU etc.)Include the formation of the IAU and how decisions were made regarding constellations,also tell us about 2 recent decisions/findings made by the IAU in the past 5 years.Based on the constellations you observed, you will also research at least 5 stellar objects that reside in one or more of your constellations, giving a brief summary on each in your own words, including characteristics such as, type, magnitude, location in the constellation and any unique qualities (the 5 constellations I observed were the Big Dipper, Orion, Scorpius, Gemini, and the Taurus) So, base the 5 stellar objects within these 5 constellations. My name is Reanna Lucero, Professor Damien Olsen, Course: Stellar Astronomy, and you can use the current date.