Biography on Elie Wiesel
· Choose from one of the individuals listed below .· Submit a 6-8 page double spaced typed paper. · You MUST answer all the items on the attached sheet in essay format. Research is required. · A minimum of five references is required. These need to include books, journals, and database items. If your person has written any autobiographical material, this, too, needs to be included.· MLA format is required. · A Works Cited page is required. · Elie Wiesel· A Holocaust survivor, a Nobel Peace Prize winner, Wiesel has long been the voice of those murdered in the Nazi genocidal machine. How does Wiesel still speak to the next generation in order to make a better world? How does his religious background inform his world-view?HOW TO CRAFT THIS RESEARCH PAPERYou must incorporate the following into your paper. You may type the question and then the answer if that is easier for you.1. Early background information about the individual. This wouldinclude but is not limited to education, family history, and religious and/or spiritual beliefs.2. Write about some of the accomplishments and achievements the individual made or continuesto make. This would include letters, research papers, as well as actions taken by the individual.3. What critical decisions did the individual make?4. Why should this person be remembered?5. What were the important beliefs of your person? Summarize theideas, beliefs, and or value system that this person expressed through his or her writings and/or deeds.6. Select two quotations that were actually made by the individual. Copy them exactly. Then in your own words, explain what the statements mean and how they help you to understand your individuals personality and motivations.7. What new insights did you gain from learning about this individual?8. If you could meet your person what TWO challenging questions would you ask. Please explain why you want to know these two things.9. Choose three new words or concepts that you learned while doing your research. Define the words or concepts by creating your own sentences using these new words or ideas.10. Make sure you are using in-text citations throughout your paper.11 .Make sure you have an MLA Works Cited Page in the proper format