Biological Weapons of Mass Destruction Questions
1. Describe in full the difference between a bacteria and a virus. 2. Describe the value of a network of physicians and hospitals in early detection of an outbreak. 3. Evaluate, not just describe, the effectiveness of detection methods on a biological WMD attack. 4. Discuss in full the balance between public health and safety and individual freedoms. Include and site at least one additional source of information in reference to Covide19 and whether the government has a right to restrict public gatherings, mandate certain business, such as bars, must be closed, and that people must wear mouth and nose coverings. THIS question IS important. YOUR answer must be detailed and EXTENSIVE. A 2 or3 or 4 sentence answer will not receive much credit. Five things you need to watch for: 1. (a)Your assignment cannot be greater than 18% duplication. I will not have SafeAssign review the references as a duplication so that will reduce some of your numbers. (b). I will allow you to submit your assignment twice, but both must be submitted before the deadline. If your first submission is over 18% duplicated, fix it and resubmit. Only 1 resubmission is allowed. SafeAssign will show you where the duplication has been found. Change it to your own words but still cite it in your references. I prefer the term references rather than bibliography in your reports. 2. Use a cover page. Some reports use up 1/4 of a page with name, date etc. which i don’t like. 3. Number your pages, even if the assignment is 1 page long. Do not number the cover page, there is a way to adjust that in word. Work with each other to find out how to properly number the pages. 4. Have a reference page with all your citations. 5. Cover page and references are Never counted as the minimum page requirements of an assignment