Biopsychosocial Intervention
review the Sanchez Family interactive caseMarried to Hector for nearly forty years, Celia Sanchez has been in this country for about two decades. Devoted to her family, Celia has never worked outside the home, and does not drive. She delights in cooking for her children, taking care of the home, and taking care of the grandchildren of her oldest children.Given her desire to stay close to home and family, Mrs. Sanchez has not developed the proficiency with English that her husband has. This has been a barrier to her efforts to care for the family. For example, in the relatively few instances that she has been so ill that she required the services of a physician, she needed her son to go with her to interpret for her. Her ability to participate in parent-teacher conferences has, over the years, been very limited. And when one of her children came in contact with the juvenile justice system, she was unable to understand fully the legal implications of the choices she faced.Recently, the son of her sister Delores came to the United States from Mexico (see Robertos history).The rest of Mrs. Sanchezs extended family all still lives in Mexico. She returned for a brief visit a few years ago for the funeral of her mother, but, given the expense and time involved, she rarely has contact with her siblings, nieces and nephews, and aunts and uncles, even though her extended family was quite close when she was growing up.Mrs. Sanchez has been concerned with how to stretch their money to accommodate the childrens needs, as well as her needs and those of her husband. She wanted her husband to apply for food stamps, but he is adamantly opposed, and she is unwilling to go against her husband. She has secretly been obtaining commodities from her Church pantry. Since she is a parishioner at the Our Lady of Guadalupe Church, her visits there do not raise her husbands suspicions.She is worried that there is not adequate income for the food the family needs, given the two extra mouths to feed and the variability in Hectors employment, especially during the recent economic downturn.Mrs. Sanchez is unable to proficiently understand and communicate in English. The Sanchez family needs more information about the process of permanently adopting Celias grandson, Joey, especially if their daughter will contest this move.Celia is concerned about the tension between her husband and her over the presence of her nephew, Roberto, in their household. Introduces the purpose of the exerciseidentify lenses for conceptualizing client problems and consider interventions through the biopsychosocial perspective.Provides a quick summary of the Sanchez Case studyDescribes the issues faced by Sanchez Case studyRelates Sanchez family case study with at least three theories from the following list :Medical model theoryCognitive development theoryPsychodynamic theoryLearning theoryHumanistic and Existential perspectives.Explains why the three selected theories are applicable to the Sanchez family case study.Name of article (in APA format)A minimum of three scholarly sources, current within 5 years, were used