Board Game
Project Requirements 1. You must precisely define the rules of the game so that I can understand whether your program is correct (clearly define the rules even for a well-known game). The definition should have enough details so that another programmer can create a similar program according to your definition. 2. The program is interactive (i.e. it allow inputs from the user and provides feedback to the user). The program uses user interfaces that provide clear, well-designed, and visually pleasing feedback to the user. 3. At least one non-trivial use of two-dimensional array 4. Your program must use named constants where appropriate (i.e. there should be no hard-coded literals other than named constants). What you need to submit A report (pdf or docx format) containing the following (only one report per group): Title page Project name Group member names Pseudocode of your program Rules of the game Describe your representative test cases along with screenshots Use sufficient screenshots to show that your program behaves correctly according to the definition. Brief discussion of your project experience Did you enjoy this project? What problems did you encounter? What did you get out from the project? How did you find the project (too easy, easy, just right, difficult, too difficult)? What type of help/references did you use in your project (e.g. book, web sites, classmates, tutors)? Describe the roles of each partner.