Business Ethics and Legal Case Study
General Motors Case 1. An organizations ethics are based on the collective behavior of its employees. If each individual is ethical, the organization will be ethical. Where do you think that the breakdown in ethics occurred? What could have been done in the beginning to help improve the ethical standards of the organization? 2. Should a manufacturer go beyond government standards if it feels there may be a potential safety hazard with its product? 3. Once the safety issue became apparent, and evidence was provided, should GM have recalled the vehicle and paid for the repairs and/or replaced the car totally right away? If only half the owners responded to the recall, what would the companys obligation be? 4. Once the Cobalt and other GM vehicles issues were made public, their reputation was damaged. Those same vehicles could (and can) still be found at discount from private sellers. Do private sellers have the same obligations as GM if they sell a car they know may have design defects? Does the discount price absolve sellers from any responsibility for the product? 5. GM is not the first company to overlook obvious issues with their vehicles. They often make the decision based on monetary gains. In the 1971 the Ford Pinto for example compared the cost of installing the $20 barrier that would keep the cars from blowing up when hit in a rear end collision, to the amount that the United States government deemed a human life and injuries would be worth. What steps need to be taken so companies like Ford, GM, and Volkswagen take responsibility? How can they shift their corporate culture and ethical standards? They may be meeting minimum regulation guidelines at times, but is that enough? Do they need to be held more socially responsible for their decisionsAttached you will find your case questions as well as an article from Business Week over General Motors article from Business Week. Formatting Provides an identifying title page; (Name; Assignment; Date) Reference page, per APA, 6th ed, guidelines Minimum length 3 pages. I want three pages of well supported content. You should answer all case questions provided but DO NOT INCLUDE THE CASE QUESTIONS IN YOUR PAPER Minimum 3 sources (one can and should include your textbook) Double-spaced; Applies a font type size of 11 or 12 points; Displays a one inch margin on all sides Appropriate Academic Grammar, spelling, sentence structure and punctuation will be important. PROOFREAD. All Case study assignments must be sent as either a Microsoft Word (.doc or. docx) file or as a Rich Text Format (.rtf) file. The files MUST be attached to the assignment. Do NOT type them into the assignment textbox. MUST SUBMIT IN CORRECT FORMAT OR AUTOMATIC 20% DEDUCTIONS Content Discussion and analysis displays understanding and implementation of key chapter concepts from the textbook and lecture components Discussion identifies and analyzes critical ethical/legal issues. Discussion includes consideration of multiple stakeholders involved. Discussion analyzes various and multiple alternatives and consequences as well as an exploration of multiple solutions. Analysis: Responses should analyze the importance or impact of those concepts (in general) as it relates to business ethics and the applicable chapter(s). Responses should include outside research beyond the article (from another reputable source).