BUSM 491 Week 1 Response Posts
I need an explanation for this Management question to help me study.
~ Describe possible ideas for business start-up. In what ways can you imagine integrating your faith in a business start-up? Also, choose one or more of the self-assessments on your entrepreneurial potential and let’s discuss them in our groups.
Two (2) response posts ranging from 75-125 words
Posts to respond too are attached below as well as my response to the discussion post.
This weeks study ———–
Effectual Entrepreneurship (2nd ed., 2017) by Read, Sarasvathy, Dew, & Wiltbank. Publisher: Routledge (Paperback ISBN: 9781138923782; E-book ISBN: 9781315684826)
- Skim Part 1 of “Effectual Entrepreneurship” text: What we know about entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship.
- Skim Chapters 1-5. Sounds like a lot, but really lots of graphics and examples.