Case Study Company Brand Story
Im working on a Marketing question and need guidance to help me study.
Case Study
Company Brand Story
Write down your company brand story. Make it short and sweet…specifically:
- What you do
- Who you do it for (What You Offer)
- What makes you different
- Examples
- Unique in what you make
- The way you do what you do
- Who you do it for
- Patent
- Secret process
- How you show up
- The fun people
- Your story
- Started by your grandmother during a vacation to France.
- Examples
Grading Criteria
- Brand Story
Marketing Team Values
Write down at least three values that your team should use as decision making tools.
What is most important to you in making decisions and in what order? Ensure that your values are specific enough that your team will be able to apply them in real world decision making.
Grading Criteria
- Value should be interpreted by everyone the same way
- Value should tell employee what to do and when it applies
- Value should be a rule, not a for example
Market Segments
Write down at least three consumer groups that you believe will buy your product or service and sort them in groups (segments) by one or more of the following. The intention is NOT to have one segment for each criterion, but to use multiple criteria per segment.
- Where they are (location)
- Who they are (demographics)
- What they like (psychographics)
- How they behave (Behavior)
Grading Criteria
- Segment should use one or more criteria, not one segment per criteria
- If you hired a salesperson, they should be able to physically find this group of people
- Your marketing campaign should be able to cover everyone in this group, otherwise they should be divided into multiple segments
- Everyone in the segment should:
- Have the same problem
- Use the same solution
- Talk about it the same way
Target Market
Write down the segment, that you will focus on first (target) and why such as:
- They will spend more money
- They are easier to reach
- You already have a media channel to them
- They already show the biggest input
- They are more likely to tell others
- Other
Grading Criteria
- Think about criteria in terms of value to marketing team in terms of low cost, lower effort, or bigger payoff in some way including sales OR brand awareness
Market Position
Write down what your brand position is relative to your competition. Ex.
- Easier
- Faster
- Cheaper
- More reliable
- Last Longer
Ex: We keep track of your customer and business interactions like the SAP Enterprise Resource Planning System, only without the high staff overhead to run and maintain it.
Grading Criteria
Should be tailored to the way the target market sees value