Faith and Ethics in the Workplace | Instant Homework Solutions

GCU’s Statement on the Integration of Faith and Work states, “We recognize and embrace the potential of human work for furthering the greater good and strive to further the good of the culture and the society.” Consider how you might approach the following scenario in a manner that is in accord with the spirit of GCU’s perspective of the integration of faith in one’s workplace. Scenario: Tones Company purchased a warehouse in a downtown district where land values are rapidly increasing. Gerald Carter, controller, and Wilma Ankara, financial vice president, are trying to allocate the cost of the purchase between the land and the building. Noting that depreciation can be taken only on the building, Carter favors placing a very high proportion of the cost on the warehouse itself, thus reducing taxable income and income taxes. Ankara, his supervisor, argues that the allocation should recognize the increasing value of the land, regardless of the depreciation potential of the warehouse. Besides, she says, net income is negatively impacted by additional depreciation and will cause the company’s stock price to go down. (Based on Concepts for Analysis 10-6 from Intermediate Accounting.) Write a paper (500?750 words) that addresses the following: Recommendation of an ethical decision in the scenario. Explanation of how the ethical decision supports the good of the culture and the society. Implications of applying a Christian worldview within the accounting workplace, in general. The paper may be written in the first person and must be grammatically correct. At least two external sources should be cited.

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Understanding Risk and Corporate Diversification | Instant Homework Solutions

Understanding risk: 1. Part A: Stock A has a standard deviation of 10% and an expected return of 8%. Stock B has a standard deviation of 15% and an expected return of 11%. A client wants to know which stock has a better risk-return profile. How would you answer her? Part B: Stock C has a standard deviation of 20% and a beta of 1.20. Stock D has a standard deviation of 16% and a beta of 1.44. A client wants to know which stock is riskier. How would you answer her? 2. The material in Chapter 8 of the required text clearly illustrates that there are tangible benefits for individual investors that diversify their portfolios. It makes sense then too for corporations do diversify their product or service portfolios. Or does it? Be sure to read the supplemental readings related to corporate diversification and offer your views on whether corporate diversification is beneficial for the owners (i.e., the shareholders) of the corporation. Your initial post should be at least 200 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources.

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Business Transactions Modelling | Instant Homework Solutions

Work to identify what accounts are impacted by certain business transactions. Based on what you identify as the transaction’s effect on the respective accounts, you will then record the impact the transaction has on the basic accounting equation, as well as prepare a tabular analysis and financial statements.

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Microeconomics Topical Discussion | Instant Homework Solutions

Answer the following questions: – How is the demand for lumber affected by the demand for housing? – Define market power, and then discuss the rationale for government regulation of firms with market power. – Explain the difference between fixed-production technology and variable technology. Should the government set a goal of reducing the marginal social cost of pollution to zero in industries with-fixed production technology? Should they do that in industries with variable technology? – What is the Lorenz curve? What does the Lorenz curve in Exhibit 2 illustrate?

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Reverse Mortgage and Depreciation | Instant Homework Solutions

1. Your parents or grandparents have asked for your advice on a reverse mortgage. Go to (Links to an external site.) and read about reverse mortgages. Now calculate how much of a payment your parents or grandparents would receive if they were born in 1924 and their home is worth $150,000. Use this forum to discuss the following: a. Based on your research, what would you advise your parents or grandparents to do? b. What are the pros and cons of reverse mortgages? 2. Comment on another classmate’s entry. ADD VALUE. Go to (Links to an external site.). Find the price of a car you would like to buy. Assume you bought this car at that price for business use and it has a residual value of 20% of the purchase price. Compute the depreciation each year under a 5-year straight-line depreciation. Then, calculate the depreciation using MACRS (Table 17.5 in the text). How does this depreciation represent the value of the car as it ages? Would this depreciation impact the amount of money you would spend on a car? Why or why not? Comment on another classmate’s entry. ADD VALUE. Two posts required for credit.

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IFRS versus US GAAP Accounting Models | Instant Homework Solutions

With knowledge of the accounting differences between IFRS and US GAAP look back on your views, only from the perspective of the quality of the financial statements. Knowing what you know now about IFRS treatment for PP&E, investment property, financial instruments etc. do you think the US should adopt IFRS to increase the quality of financial reporting? Please explain.

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Accounting Information System for Small Business | Instant Homework Solutions

Identify a) the classes and associations in the following narrative, and b) draw a class diagram with multiplicities: “Paige runs a small frozen yogurt shop. She buys several flavors of frozen yogurt mix from her yogurt supplier. She buys plastic cups in several sizes from another supplier. She buys cones from a third supplier. She counts yogurt and cones as inventory, but she treats the cups as an operating expense and doesn’t track any cup inventory.” You can use Word or Excel to document tasks “a” and “b” above. Grading rubric: 1) Identified classes and associations in the narrative (3 points) 2) Draw a class diagram with multiplicities (3 points)

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Why students pursue an accounting degree | Instant Homework Solutions

Why do students choose to pursue a degree in accounting: What are the salary expectations of accounting and non-accounting majors? Discuss the major challenges inherent in pursuing an accounting degree? What can be done to help students overcome these challenges? What can be done to encourage more qualified students to pursue a degree in accounting? Discuss possible “roads less taken” in accounting career paths (explain pros and cons, specifics on how to succeed, etc.)

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WH Framework

For this assignment, refer to the scenario located in the “Questions & Problems” section of Ch. 2, “Business Ethics” in Dynamic Business Law. This scenario involves Steven J. Trzaska, the head of L’Oreal USA’s regional patent team, and ethical rules and core values of the company. Read the scenario in the textbook and complete the […]

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Paperless Payroll Law

The state of Kansas passed legislation in 2007 that allowed employers to select their employee pay method. The legislation was known as the “paperless payroll law,” and many employers opted to give their employees paycards instead of cash, check, or direct deposit. This practice spread to many other states, including New York. In 2017, the […]

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