Understanding the Limitations of Financial Ratios | Instant Homework Solutions

MT217M2: Analyze financial statements ratios used to measure the financial performance of a business entity. GEL-1.03: Demonstrate college-level communication through the oral delivery of original materials in Standard English. GEL-6.05: Adapt research skills to discover and sort relevant sources to complete tasks Financial statement analysis is the process of analyzing a company’s financial statements to make better economic decisions. The process for financial statement analysis includes specific techniques for evaluating risks, performance, and future prospects of an organization. Directions This Assessment is separated into four parts. In Part 1 of this Assessment, you will begin by researching and summarizing four of the benefits of financial analysis and indicating which is the most significant to you. In Part 2  of this Assessment, you will define and properly classify the financial classifications and ratios listed below.  In Part 3 of this Assessment, you will calculate and explain the significance of the Liquidity, Profitability, and Market Value financial ratios, and provide a year to year comparison of assessed financial trends. In Part 4 of this Assessment, you will compose an analytical essay in a minimum of 350 words reporting the one financial measurement trend you find to be most significant. Use the Word template provided to complete your Assessment. Minimum Submission Requirements 1.This Assessment should be in a separate Microsoft Word document. Use this template for your Assessment. 2. Respond to the questions in a thorough manner, providing specific examples of concepts, topics, definitions, and other elements asked for in the questions. Your paper should be highly organized, logical, and focused. 3. Your paper must be written in Standard English and demonstrate exceptional content, organization, style, grammar, and mechanics. 4. Your paper should provide a clearly established and sustained viewpoint and purpose. 5. Your writing should be well ordered, logical and unified, as well as original and insightful. 6. A separate page at the end of your paper should contain a list of references, in APA format. Use your textbook, the Library, and/or the internet for research. Be sure to cite both in-text and reference list citations were appropriate and reference all sources. Your sources and content should follow proper APA citation style. Review the APA formatting and citation style resources found in the Writing Center. The Writing Center can be found in the Academic Success Center in the Academic Tools area of your course. (It should be in Times New Roman 12-point font, include correct citations, Standard English with no spelling or punctuation errors, and correct references at the bottom of the last page.) If work submitted for this competency assessment does not meet the minimum submission requirements, it will be returned without being scored.

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Pricing in Managerial Accounting | Instant Homework Solutions

Case 3-22 Plantwide versus Departmental Overhead Rates: Pricing First – answer the case study 3-22 in McGraw Hill Connect. Then, use the correct answers to write the case study report. The actual case study in McGraw Hill Connect is worth 10 points. I have given you unlimited opportunities to get the correct answers on the case study in Connect. The remainder of the 50 points comes from your report. Answer each question as if you were the managerial accountant for the Teledex Company and are presenting to the company president as indicated in the case study. For each answer explain the terminology and concepts used. For example, in #1 rather than just give the predetermined overhead rate, explain the calculation – this is a professional report from a managerial accountant to the company president.

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Accounting and Auditing | Instant Homework Solutions

One possibility is to discuss the forms of corporate governance used in a different country and how/why those structures have been developed due to differences in culture, legal systems, tax methods and methods of measuring performance.  You have seen the Anglo/American, Germanic and Japanese approaches in the materials so do not duplicate by examining those countries.  You might instead show how a different country has adopted a modified version of one of these three models.  Another possible topic for your paper could look into the issue of executive compensation or the role of the Board of Director sin terms of influence on corporate governance.

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GAAP Accounting Principles | Instant Homework Solutions

Access the financial statements from the most recent annual report of a foreign and domestic company with which you are familiar to complete this assignment. Then, address the following: 1. Determine the generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) the foreign and domestic companies use to prepare financial statements. 2. Determine whether the foreign or domestic companies provide a set of financial statements that include the same components. 3. List five format differences in the companies’ income statements. 4. List five format differences in the company’s balance sheets. 5. Note any terminology differences that exist between the two companies’ income statements and balance sheets. 6. Assess whether the scope and content of the information provided in the notes to the financial statements is similar to the two companies. 7. Compare the overall presentation of the financial statements and notes to the financial statements between the two companies. The Analysis of Foreign and Domestic Financial Statements paper

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Investment Diversity | Instant Homework Solutions

You are finance manager of a Moroccan company that looks to diversify its investment strategy by investing in short term assets.1. On March 1st, you bought 100.000 shares of Maroc Telecom at 160 MAD/share; 2. On March 18th, you received cash dividend of 9 MAD/ share; 3. On March 20th, the price of Maroc Telecom shares dropped to 145 MAD/share: 4. On March 28th, you decided to sell all your investment at 148 MAD/share. Requirements: A. Record the journal entry for each transaction. B. How transaction 3 is different from transaction 4. C. What will happen if the share price increased to 172 MAD/share ? explain your answer and record the journal entry Problem 2: Shooster Company is disposing of a $25,000 truck with no residual value. This truck has been fully depreciated. 1. Record the journal entry of this operation Suppose that the truck has an accumulated depreciation of $ 21,000. 2. Record the new journal entry. Problem 3: The New look company purchased a machine on January 1, 2010. All the relevant information is given below: Cost of the machine: $300,000 Expected useful life of machine: 6 years Salvage value: $50,000 1. Prepare a schedule showing the depreciation expense of each year of the useful life of the machine using sum of years’ digits method. Problem 4: An asset costing $200,000 has estimated useful life of 5 years and salvage value of $4,500. 1. Prepare a depreciation schedule using double declining balance method. 2. What is the book value of the asset at the end of the first year ?

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Organizational Financial Conditions | Instant Homework Solutions

A manager has many tools available to analyze an organization’s financial condition, the four most common of which are the balance sheet, income statement, statement of cash flow, and ratios. Each tells a different story. For this discussion, you are the financial manager for LazyRiver Regional Hospital. You have been asked by senior leadership to provide a primer on financial reporting tools to the newest managers. Prepare a five-slide narrated presentation on the balance sheet, income statement, and statement of cash flow in which you discuss what each tool contains and how we can use it to make financial decisions. For example, what does the balance sheet illustrate? What types of decisions would a manager make using it?

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Rita Crundwell | Instant Homework Solutions

Please dont repeat the questions and anwser in a  paragraph  1. Who are all of the people at fault for this situation and why? 2. What does the evidence tell you? What kind of mistakes did the auditor and others make? 3. What are some policies and/or procedures that could be put in place to help avoid situations like this in the future? 4. If you were asked to defend Rita Crundwell in court, how would you do it? I am looking for a devils advocate here. 5. (alternate) If you cant answer #4 above, then discuss what you think may have led her to this point. From opportunity, to rationalization to financial pressure, it looks like all elements of the fraud triangle were present. How did these issues contribute to her eventual demise? 6. How did Rita try to justify what she had done? Please click the link to watch the sources   Rita Crundwell – Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting.pdf

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Whistle Blowers | Instant Homework Solutions

Link for the Ted Talk video is below 11 minute video Question 3 take from video and add some more through quick research Answer each question separately  https://www.ted.com/talks/kelly_richmond_pope_how_whistle_blowers_shape_history?utm_campaign=tedspread&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=tedcomshare  Answer the three (3) discussion questions: 1. In the video Kelly Richmond Pope (speaker) discusses an academic fraud case reported by Mary Willingham at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill . In your opinion, was Mary’s report justified? Why? 2. Does the treatment of Mary and other whistleblowers discourage others from speaking  out against wrongdoings? 3. What laws were create and implement to protect whistleblowers?

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Timing Recognition of Revenue | Instant Homework Solutions

Research the importance of the timing of the recognition of revenue using at least  six sources, at least  two of which should be peer-reviewed articles and at least  two of which should be reports from the following accounting resources: ?  Accounting Principle Board Opinions ?  Technical Bulletins ?  Position Statements of Financial Accounting ?  Accounting Research Bulletins ?  Emerging Issues Task Force (EITF) minutes ?  American Institute of CPAs: AICPA.org ?  Financial Accounting Standards Board: FASB.org ?  International Financial Reporting Standards: IFRS.org ?  International Accounting Standards Board: ISAB.org ?  Securities and Exchange Commission: SEC.org ?  KPMG International: KPMG.com ?  PwC: PWC.com  Provide a reference list in APA format for all the sources you used in part A and any other references you used in the task, including at least six sources, at least  two of which are peer-reviewed articles and at least  two of which are reports from the given accounting resources.

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Theory of Business | Instant Homework Solutions

Please choose a question below. You only need to select one question from the list below: 1. How do businesses make money? What strategies can they use to gain a competitive advantage? 2. Differentiate between the cash and accrual bases of accounting. 3. When are sales recognized under the cash basis of accounting? When are expenses recognized? Explain.

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