American Revolution Essay | Instant Homework Solutions

In this essay, you will be analyzing and evaluating the causes of the American Revolution using both primary and secondary sources. In the process, you will be practicing one of the key skills in the historical thinking: evidence-based argumentation. Learning to make a clear argument that is supported by specific evidence is essential to the kind of critical thinking that your time in college should help you develop. Include: American (pro-Revolutionary) perspective and British (anti-Revolutionary) perspective. Please use the following for Primary Resources… American (pro-Revolutionary) perspective Resolutions Stamp Act Congress The Rights of the British Colonies Asserted and Proved British (anti-Revolutionary) perspective Declaratory Act Soame Jenyns and Samuel Johnson At least 5 paragraphs and at least 1000 words. MLA format. Double spaced. 12 Font, Times New Roman. 1″ inch margins on all sides. Citations must be formatted according to the MLA guidelines, including both in-text and a final source page (Work Cited).

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American Revolution Essay

American Revolution Essay

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