[Get Solution]Consumer Product

Pick One Consumer Product and Critically Analyse It using at least 3 peer-reviewed articles.CONSUMER PRODUCT:FITNESS & NUTRITION Papers         So much stress and so little time? We’ve got you covered. Get your paper proofread, edited or written from scratch within the tight deadline.

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[Get Solution]Customer Service Issues

Guidelines for organization:You are the HR Manager for a cable company that has recently decided to build a new call center to handle customer service issues. Your company is considering four (4) locations for the call center: Memphis, TN; Montgomery, AL; Jackson, MS; and Baton Rouge, LA. The plans are to initially hire 100 customer […]

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[Get Solution]Genetics and Variation

Discussion BoardConsider your own genetics (traits received or did not receive from your parents) and the environment in which you grew up. Which do you think has a greater impact on a person’s life decisions—”nature” (the genes people have) or “nurture” (the environment people in which grow up)? Explain your choice and support it with […]

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Series of Biographical Questions

Overview:Each student will research and write a biographical essay (of at least 1000 words) that examines the life and music of acomposer introduced in the textbook (or selected by the instructor). Each student will be assigned a composer inthe weeks to come.Details:The purpose of this assignment is to develop the skills necessary to analyze, synthesize, and critically assess researchmaterials. A series of biographical questions will be provided for each student to address during the course of theirresearch.Requirements:The essays must be double-spaced and use Times New Roman, 12 Point Font.Students are required to include an annotated bibliography with a minimum of six (6) sources cited (two books, twojournals, and two web links). Both MLA and APA styles are acceptable. Please note, Wikipedia is not considered areliable academic source and will not be accepted. In addition, papers missing in-text citations will not be accepted.A rubric will be used to assess the project (See Attachment)Check the calendar for due dates.Listening Requirements:Students are required to listen to one complete work composed by the research subject and respond to question(s)about the musician’s music.Resources:Students are required to submit this writing assignment to Tutor.com. In addition, each student will be required to turnin the Tutor’s comments with the final draft of the assignment as proof that he/she made use of the service. The finalversion must also be submitted using Blackboard’s SafeAssign tool.References:Below are eleven (11) biographical questions for each student to address during the course of their research.1. When and where was the musician born?2. What are the names of the musician’s parents, their occupations and any additional facts regarding theirrole in developing the musician’s musical talent?3. What are the facts regarding the musician’s general education and musical training?4. What instrument, or instruments, (include voice) did the musician play?5. Based on the range of years of the musician’s life and work, to what traditional period of music historydoes he (or she) belong?6. What influences (i.e., family members, teachers, or established musicians of the day) helped to shape themusician’s musical work?7. What kind(s) of music (e.g., chant, opera, oratorio, art song, symphony, etc.) did the musician create overthe span of his (or her) career?8. After listening to one of the musician’s compositions, how would you characterize the music? Include thetitle of the piece of music that you are discussing and the details that illustrate the musical elementspresent in the piece (i.e., melody, harmony, rhythm).9. What is the most significant contribution that the musician has made to the history of music?10. When did the musician expire? Give specific details regarding the circumstances of the musician’s death?11. Recount one anecdotal story about the musician’s life or work that you discovered during your research?

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Popular Culture Text Analysis

Instruction:Directions about the entries are as follows:For this paper you will locate an item that fits one of the popular culture text categories below (focusing on an American Popular culture item) and write an analysis for that selection.Popular Culture Text Themes: choose any one from belowA fashion trend (attach pictures to your analysis)A music video (provide lyrics and a YouTube link if possible)A sport (provide pictures)A television show (provide pictures and brief background about the episode)A movie (provide pictures and a weblink to the movie trailer)A popular item for consumption (provide pictures)A piece of popular technology (provide pictures and brief background about the item)After you have chosen a theme and picked a specific text that fits that theme, you need to write your analysis. For your analysis you should answer the following (you should answer these in numerical order):1) What is the item?2) Why did you select this item? What is its significance?3) What do you “see” in the item? You need to include visual with summary of what you noticemost. Describe any people – what do they look like? What are they wearing? What are they doing? How are they positioned? What does their body language convey? What is being said?4) What “argument” or “claim” do you think the item is making? (E.g. What claim isa Hummer automobile making? What about a snowboard? A tattoo? A Marlboro cigarette ad?)5) What values, lifestyles, or points of view are represented, or omitted, in this item? In looking at the item, it is important to understand that there is no “value-free” pop culture; all aspects of culture carry subtle (and not-so-subtle) messages about who and what is important. Oftentimes, what or who isNOT REPRESENTED is just as important as what or who IS REPRESENTED. Try to analyze your item for values and points of view.6) How might different people understand this item differently than you? No two people see an item the same way. Each person brings to the item a unique set of life experiences (age, gender, education, cultural upbringing, etc.) which, when applied to the text creates unique interpretations.7) Who do you think created this popular culture item? Take your best guess. Remember that everything you see was created by someone.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Metaethics and Pro Choice

DB 3 reply: Respond to one classmate’s thread with a 500-600 reply. You should respond to someone who wrote on a different topic than your own. Provide respectful and constructive criticism regarding their application and areas of disagreement. You are expected to incorporate the textbooks and outside academic sources in your reply.Be sure to carefully define your terms. You are expected to support your position with rational arguments, fitting examples, and expert sources. Any quotes or information used from sources other than yourself must be cited using footnotes in current Turabian format and will not count towards the total word count.You will be penalized for falling short or exceeding the word count. This is a university-level writing assignment and therefore it must be carefully proofread, free of grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. Do not use slang, emoticons, or abbreviations (as if you are texting or sending an email to a friend).

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[ORDER SOLUTION] North Carolina Citizenship

Meaningful words about what being a North Carolina citizen means to me!

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Covid Effects On the Hospitality Industry

Discuss how Covid 19 is shaping the future of the tourism and hospitality industry and its implications for Pacific Island countriesprovide examples where possible. Use a range of sources INCLUDING at least five academic articles to support your arguments AND include in-text citations

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Process Book Reflection for Graphic Marks

– What did you learn from the project?- What were your greatest strengths?- What were your greatest weaknesses?- If you had to do it over, what would you do differently?- Were there any unexpected lessons?- do a reflection each one and follow the questions.- please add on a reflection for the color wheel and the sequence Painting project

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Obstacles to Development

For this assignment, write a 4-6 double-spaced page paper on the state you focused on in this class, comparing and contrasting its development with another state that is unconsidered to be developed. In your paper, provide a short overview of the states and identify what you think are the main obstacles to development. Discuss what their development strategies has been so far and how you would change them.The paper should contain the following:IntroductioBrief discussion of both states’ history and main obstacles to development- consider any relevant environmental issuesCurrent Development strategy- incorporate how theory explains the strategy. This may be similar to what you wrote in the previous paper but cannot be the same. Employ a different theory, or add information to what you previously wrote. No material may be repeated word for word from your previous progress assignment.Your recommendations for change, including how theory helps guide your recommendationsConclusionReference List

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