[ORDER SOLUTION] Architecture Design

reflection, here are the questionsQ1: What is the meaning of Architecture Design, and why It’s significant?Q2: How does the history of Architecture Design influence contemporary design?Q3: What are the professional areas in Architecture Design?Q4: How to discuss and critique Architecture Design?

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Electrostatic Interactions

discussing this experiment and the results.Explain the behavior of the balloons referencing the charges.Explain how the distance and direction of John Travoltage’s finger effects the spark to the door knob.Dust in homes often clings to furnishings due to electrostatic interactions. Using principles from this lab and your reading, describe how you think the tiny dust particles acquired a charge.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Wildlife Conservation

Explain how you can contribute to society by helping the animals

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Women Liberation Movement

The HELP movie.Analyze the social issues and focus on the main characters lives as they faced both racism, segregation, and being a woman in the 1960shttps://www.mov.onl/2021/01/the-help.html

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[ORDER SOLUTION] The Role of The Artist in Society

What is the role of the artist in society? Are there multiple roles they can play? What contributions can an artist make? What are the benefits and drawbacks of having a plan—versus play or spontaneity—when creating a work of art? What might Kentridge mean when he says the “seriousness of play” is about “staying in the looseness of trying different things?” Why call the act of play “serious”? Choose one of Kentridge’s drawings or a still image from one of his films and discuss how this image reflects both playful and serious elements. How does Kentridge balance planning and spontaneity? How can students (and teachers) similarly incorporate both in their work? Discuss how Kentridge describes his relationship to society. What does his work do? How does Kentridge “re-evoke” that initial shock he experienced as a boy when he saw what people were capable of doing to one another? How does he express this? What reasons might he have for making work through erasure, rather than making multiple drawings or even animating his work on a computer? Why might Kentridge use this process over other animation methods? Why show the process?

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Democracy in the Middle East

The essay should be 6 – 7 pages long, double-spaced, Times New Roman font size 12, with 1 inchmargins.DO NOT use casual language (e.g., contractions), prose, cute metaphors, or generalities. DO NOT useunsubstantiated claims (e.g., claims without citations). DO NOT use long quotes.DO use subtitles and paginate. Always cite other peoples? ideas, even when you paraphrase them. Anyor academic dishonesty will strictly follow the cheating and plagiarism policy.An additional page at the end of your paper should contain your works cited (bibliography). A goodbibliography should have at least 3 academic sources (e.g., peer-reviewed, scholarly articles, etc.).Citations should be in APSA format.LengthTopic of section Substance of section1 page IntroductionparagraphThis should contain, in the following order:? A description of the problem? Your thesis statement in BOLD? SignpostsRecall: A thesis statement contains a claim and a rationale.1 page Explanation ofTheorythe theory you are using. Cite and explain the classic works of thistheory and explain how the theory relates to your argument.1 page Evidence 1 Evidence 1 that supports your rationale (examples, cases, empirical supportwith your reasoning)1 page Evidence 2 Evidence 2 that supports your rationale (examples, cases, empirical supportwith your reasoning)

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[ORDER SOLUTION]  Denial and Deception

Conduct a critique of a Denial and Deception effort of your choice. This critique will be your final Assignment. Set the stage of the situation and identify: the major players; their interests and objectives; the reason for deciding upon Denial and Deception; the objectives of the effort; the mechanics of the effort; their effects on the situation; and their effects on the overall situation. Finally , make a judgement on whether the effort was a success, or a failure, and why. The critique, your evaluation of the operation, MUST form the premise/thesis of this paper.YOU MUST WRITE YOUR CRITIQUE ON THE TOPIC SELECTED EARLIER IN CLASS.Format: You should format your paper using the ENDNOTES standards provided by the Chicago writing manual (i.e. 1-inch margins on all 4 sides, double spaced, without an extra space between paragraphs or subheadings, 12-point font). It is highly recommended that you pick up a copy of the latest Chicago manual as it is used across INTL courses.DO NOT USE QUOTES unless absolutely necessary and do not “creatively” cut and paste from other sources. Your paper should be your own work–the product of your own thinking and consideration. Provide facts and examples and cite them properly.You should have a standard title page that includes the title of your paper, your name, course, and date. In the syllabus it was noted that you use be using the Chicago author-date referencing style, this means that you should also have a coordinating references list at the end of your critique.Your paper should be 10-12 pages in length and utilize a minimum of 10 sources, 8 of which must be from peer-reviewed journals.The topic I have chosen is General Patton’s Ghost Army and the effectiveness of their operations in the success of D-Day.Research your own sources using Google Scholar.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] The Carbon Atoms

* All matter is composed of atoms. What does that mean? What does it imply? It means that everything around you is composed of tiny particles too small to see with the naked eye. It means that you and I are made of those same tiny particles known as atoms. We obtain these particles from the foods we have consumed over the years. The average carbon atom in our own bodies has been used by 20 other living organisms before we get to it and will be used by other organisms when we are done with it. Thus, at this point in time, your body consists of over 1 trillion carbon atoms that were at one point in time part of me, your chemistry professor. (note: this calculation assumes that all of the carbon atoms metabolized by me as your chemistry professor over the last 40 years have been uniformly distributed into the atmosphere as CO2 and as a result incorporated into the plants that you eat).    * The fact that all matter is made of atoms implies that our bodies, our hearts, and even our brains are made of atoms that behaves based on the various laws of chemistry and physics. Some humans view this concept as a means of devaluing the life of a human being. We have always wanted to distinguish ourselves from everything around us, and the idea of being made of the same particles as other matter takes something from that distinction….or does it?    * Can you answer this? Do you find the idea that you are made of atoms disturbing? Why or why not? When answering the question, incorporate various chemistry laws to substantiate your view also indicate what type of instruments scientist use in reference to atoms and what are some new advances that has bettered the environment?Provide substantial evidence by indicating the sources used to support your theory. You must provide at least 2 sources, i.e. journal articles, books, etc.To receive full credit for this discussion:* Your original post should be a minimum of 150 words.* Provide substantial evidence by indicating the sources used to support your theory. You must provide at least 2 sources, i.e. journal articles, books, etc.* Reply to at least one of your classmate’s postings. The reply posting should be at least 5 sentences in length.Make sure it’s in APA FORMAT

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[ORDER SOLUTION] War-Related Art Work

Find one war related artwork in any medium, prepare a two paragraph long discussion comment of a minimum of 200 words. Include introduction of the artwork or landmark, description of the artwork or landmark, a personal opinion about the artwork and a minimum of one reference needs to include an image of the artwork as well in a separate file with photo info.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Blacks in American

Discuss in two sentences each how David Walker, Martin Delaney, Frederick Douglass and Booker T. Washington saw of Blacks in American. Then write a paragraph on who you agree with the most and why.

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