Applied Science
[ORDER SOLUTION] Foundations for Science
Your essay should be approximately 500 words. This gives you an idea of the length I expect, but I dont count words or pages. Write the best essay that you can. Answer all topics and questions (they are in bold). Please type your essay in MS Word and send it to me by email attachment. Please dont use any other word processing programs, because I may not be able to open them. Your essay should be double-spaced, with margins about 1 inch all the way around. I do expect that you will proofread your essay and correct typos and grammatical errors. I strongly recommend again that you do not search online for help in writing this essay. 1. What is the problem of foundations for science and knowledge in Descartes philosophy?2. Descartes method of doubt is to treat as false, for his purpose of discovering some idea that is absolutely certain, any idea that is not beyond any doubt. So why does Descartes doubt that his senses (sight, hearing, etc.) are a reliable source of knowledge? What principle does he appeal to in rejecting the senses as absolutely reliable? Give some examples of how our senses sometimes deceive us. (You cannot use the example of a stick or pencil in water.)3. Descartes then says that there are some things that the senses seem to tell him that seem beyond doubt, so that if he were doubt those experiences, he would have to be insane. Give an example. Why does he then go on to say that he can doubt those experiences and not be insane?4. What is the problem of dreaming in Descartes philosophy? Even if dreaming is such a problem, something seems to be true beyond any doubt for Descartes: what is it?5. What is the evil genius? Why does Descartes say that if the evil genius exists, then he cant even use mathematics as the absolutely certain foundation for all knowledge?6. Descartes lived in a time of profound changes in science, religion, and the whole of Western culture. What does Descartes think he discovers that is beyond any possible doubt, some truths that cannot be challenged, and how did he discover them?7. Finally, why is it essential for Descartes to prove, not only that God exists, but that God is good and not evil?
[ORDER SOLUTION] Tourism Post Covid-19
After more than a year of traveling restrictions, the recovery for the tourism and hospitality sector requires to work on significant changes to adapt to the new challenges. Kindly summarize and analyse the following:- What will change in traveling behaviour?- How can industry shapers overcome these changes?- Which market segments do you believe will succeed and why?- How can Saudi Arabia adopt to challenges to accomplish the ambitious goals in the sector?
[ORDER SOLUTION] Climate Control
This topic is of great concern, but there is some debate about it. In geologic terms, climate has changed for millions-billions of years on earth. So, in the big scheme, climate change is natural and expected, regardless of human activities. However, there is no denying that humans have an impact on the planet, and one of those impacts is emission of CO2, CH4, and other greenhouse gasses. This essay should explore the basics of climate change on a geological timescale, the impacts humans are having on climate currently, what the projected impacts in the near future are (if any), and should we alter our behavior/activities. The expectation is that this essay should be 4-5 pages double spaced. I have provided several links in canvas regarding this topic in the Modules Section, but you may need to find additional information. Correct citations and a bibliography/literature cited section is required, but do not count toward the 4-5 page length requirement.
[ORDER SOLUTION] Learning and Adult Education
Statement purposePlease provide a brief written summary up to 500 words explaining your professional experience and how your proposed study in the program relates to your career goalsUp to 500 words
[ORDER SOLUTION] Nordic National Culture
When we view and discuss foreign films we are often asked to consider a directors creative engagement with questions of culture, history and politics. Filmmakers working in a given geographic region and an historical period often tell stories in order to express their views on their respective societies problems, concerns and issues. You task is to examine a Scandinavian film listed on the syllabus in terms of its critique of politics and culture. Please address the following:What is the director telling us about Nordic national culture and identity and what type of critique of their society are they presenting? What are the main themes and concerns of the work?What is the directors view of their specific countrys political tradition and history? What is the main view of history that they are advancing?How was the particular film relevant to audiences at the time of its release and how might it be more generally about Scandinavian society and culture?What universal themes are presented that also make the film easily assimilated by audiences outside of Scandinavia? Please support your opinions with specific examples from the film. You may compare and contrast two films if you would like but only if it is to compare a Scandinavian film to its American remake. In addition, please refer to at least one reading, whether on the syllabus or a product of your own research, and utilize it to support your views. Internet sources are only acceptable if they are from academic journals or institutions, or critics associated with major newspapers or culture websites.Your term paper should be seven pages in length (no less than six and no more than ten). It is imperative that you use only Times, Times New Roman, New York, Helvetica, Palatino or Arial as your 12 point font and your margins should be no less than one inch all around. If fail to adhere to these guidelines, your grade will be reduced. Written work that is plagiarized will result in immediate failure! There will be no exceptions! All essays must be uploaded through the SafeAssign link on the course Blackboard site and a copy must be submitted on Classroom. A paper cannot be evaluated until an electronic copy has been screened by SafeAssign.he upload files are the list of movies you can choose from. You can pick which ever movies you want that are in bold.
[ORDER SOLUTION] Pros and Cons of Tanning Booths
The indoor tanning industry runs a public relations campaign that highlights positive findings about indoor tanning, promoting it as part of a healthy lifestyle. Explore two or three tanning industry web sites and make a list of their arguments for tanning. Countering these claims are the studies published in scientific journals that support the view of dermatologists that there is no such thing as a “safe tan ” for any skin type. Explore two or three scientific web sites and make of list of their arguments against tanning. The body of your paper should present both sides of the argument, however, your thesis statement and concluding paragraph should reflect your position on the issue.
[ORDER SOLUTION] Covid and international trade
Explain on a word document of at least 1000 words what have been the main issues regarding COVID 19 and international trade, and also which actions can be done in order to improve it, on the coming months.
[ORDER SOLUTION] Chicago School of Architecture
Identify and define three of the four factors that contributed to what became to be known as the Chicago school of architecture.The Chicago school is a group of architects from 1880 to 1910 that are credited with creating the skyscraper design. The architects were: William LeBron jenny, William Holabird, Martin Roche, Daniel Hudson Burnham, John Welborn Root, Dankmar Adler, and Louis Sullivan.Factors to discuss more detailed: fire proof building materials, skyscrapers, hydraulic elevator, Chicago window style, etc.3 references. MLA format
[ORDER SOLUTION] Effects Of COVID-19 Pandemic
ESSAY QUESTION: “How has the COVID-19 pandemic affected people’s sense of self?”You could talk about ‘everyday life’ when answering this question, but it would also give you more of an angle to discuss some of the course readings (e.g., the work on the isolation and solitary confinement). READINGLisa Guenther. Solitary Confinement: Social Death and Its Afterlives . Please read ‘Introduction: A Critical Phenomenology of Solitary Confinement.’This is Essential reading. READINGLisa Baraitser, ‘Enduring,’ from Enduring Time.READINGLisa Guenther. Solitary Confinement: Social Death and ItsAfterlives . Please read ‘Introduction: A Critical Phenomenology of Solitary Confinement.’This is Essential reading. READINGGail Lewis. Questions of Presence .This is Essential reading. READINGLes Back. Why Everyday Life Matters: Class, Community and Making Life Livable .This is Essential reading.
[ORDER SOLUTION] Contemporary Architecture Comparison
The purpose of this project is to compare and contrast a significant work of historical architecture (before 1500 CE) and a significant modern or contemporary work of architecture in Los Angeles.The research paper will be 2000 words in length, plus diagrams, images and a list of works cited.Choose from the list below, or propose a comparison to the instructor via Canvas message.Suggested comparisons include:-The Athenian Acropolis and the Getty Center, Brentwood-The Villa of the Papyri, Herculaneum and the Getty Villa, Malibu-The Pantheon, Rome and the Griffith Observatory, Hollywood-The Colosseum, Rome and the SoFi Stadium, Inglewood-Saint-Étienne, Caen, France (or other Romanesque Cathedral) and the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angeles, Downtown Los Angeles-Katsura Imperial Villa and Gardens, Kyoto, Japan and The Gamble House, Pasadena-Governor’s Palace + Nunnery, Uxmal, ca 900CE and the Barnsdall House, Frank Lloyd Wright, Hollywood
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