[ORDER SOLUTION] Present Wrapping

the essay topic is about “10 ways on how to wrap presents creatively”. you can do anything to it, thank you very much 😀

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Formations of Mass Culture

SHORT ANSWER discussion questions (CHOOSE FOUR):1)What characteristics describe Ando Tadao’s work?2) In Marilyn Ivy’s Formations of Mass Culture, what does she mean by mass culture and what are its origins in Japan?3) How does the urban space of Tokyo relate to architecture as a specialized field?4) What is postmodernism in the context of 1980s Japan?5) How does Ando Tadao describe the relationship between his buildings and the space around them?6) What are 1980s ‘Nomad Girls’ and how did they come into existence?7) What are the features of 1980s Japanese culture and how are they reflected or commented on by architecture?

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Exoticism Of Romani Music

How much did Western culture contribute to the exoticism of Romani Music?Romani music, also known as “Gypsy music,” has a reputation for being exotic and alluring. While the Roma did manage to negotiate their representation within limitations, the market has labeled the music and performances as exotic and authentic. In world music marketing, “Roma (like other oppressed groups), have been produced by outsiders.” It is noted that Roma has historically had little control over symbolic systems. But, is there more to it? Why is it that the appearance of Romani music is so heavily influenced by other countries?The authenticity associated with Gypsy music is especially receptive in Western audiences. This can be attributed to the fact that perhaps Westerners feel as though they have lost their own authenticity. Does the marketing of Gypsy music in exoticism follow the trend of adopting the characteristics in response to Western culture?

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Ethical Issue In Healthcare

identify an ethical issue in healthcare and prepare a personal position paper that will focus on the following areas: – What is the ethical issue- Who does this affect and how- Why is this an ethical issue – What are some alternatives to this particular ethical issue – Your personal position on this particular ethical issueThis case study will be prepared in APA format including double spacing and references. The paper should be 5 to 10 pages in length (not including cover or references). The grading rubric is listed below and should be referenced when conducting your research and preparing your paper. Students are encouraged to present your potential topics prior to starting your research. 

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Theatrical Audience

Discuss how secular films made for a general thearical audience often raisespiritual questions about the nature of God, nature of mankind, and thepurposes of life.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Gender And Hair Color

Sit down somewhere where there are lots of people. Now categorize the people according to gender and hair color. Start with the males: Observe at least 20 and keep track of how many have hair that is in one of the following categories: black, brown, blonde, red, gray and other. Now do the females – again at least 20. In your write-up be sure to include your raw date as well as address the following questions: Do we expect male hair color to be generally distributed the same as female hair color? Why? Do we expect this data to vary depending upon the age of those we are observing? Why? If you wanted to measure what fraction of the population had each hair color what kinds of things would you have to take into account to do it well?Lab reports must include four parts: hypothesis (a statement of the specific things you expect to happen in the experiment), method (a detailed description of what you did), data & observations ( a detailed listing of what you saw, and an organized data table for any numerical data you collected), and Conclusions. The conclusions should state your major findings, discuss if what you found supported or did not support your hypothesis, and connect what you learned in lab to the topics studied in class that week. You must complete all parts of each lab and the lab write up for full credit.

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[ORDER SOLUTION]  Ethnic Studies

I need a paper written from the lense of an African American woman who works as an visual artist (painting & sculpture) raised in the south who has experienced systemic racism and is exploring her own Internalized Racism while dealing with her professional life working with museums and art galleries while black and touch on the racism within art institutions and everyday life as a black woman in general who is married with two young adult black sons and a daughter in the age of ongoing police killings and so on.I would like a paper written about utilizing art as a healing mechanism when dealing with emotions, in particular RAGE, grief, and sorrow. I would like to discuss the mental and emotional health of black woman, the stigma of being “an angry black woman” and transgenerational trauma.I will provide some sources for the paper that need to be utilized and the writer can provide the rest as she sees fit.This will be a senior paper for a BFA degree in Socially Engaged Art

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Music Business

Research needed to answer the question:What is the role of digital, new media technology and/or the Internet in the aspect of the music business you are exploring?This is part of a project and our topic is:streaming economics, specifically when comparing Spotify and Apple Music.how this discussion of visibility between artists and streaming platform can compare and contrast between two platforms that are basically the same with different “aesthetics”. It’s also worth doing a deeper dive into the study of playlists and algorithms that draw so many people to Spotify when Apple Music has been doing basically the same thing and how that can further contribute to revenue gain between the two.I need more research heavy rather than well written

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Celtic Heritage

Describe the Power held by Druids over Celtic Society

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Unemployment in The Arts Industry

The purpose of this essay is to explain and analyze the proven statistic that fine arts majors are facing high rates of unemployment. This becomes a large issue when considering that a college degree is a big investment for anyone. Is a degree in art, dance, music, etc worth it in the long run. Especially facing the current Covid-19 pandemic many of the job prospects that are normally available for graduate fine arts majors are no longer an option.

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