[ORDER SOLUTION] Developmental Disabilities

Career Internet Research1. List three (3) agencies/organizations with offices in Onondaga County (or your home County that provide supports for persons with a disability. Make sure they are agencies or organizations,not programs.   Choose three (3) different general disability areas. For example, Mental Health, DevelopmentalDisabilities, Mobility Disabilities, Intellectual Disabilities, Visual or Auditory etc.. For each organization, identify the target population. (e.g.) Who do they provide services for? (hint: There may be more than one.  “All disabilities” is not anacceptable response.) What are the types of services provided?List at least three (3) job titles/positions available at each agency/organization and what theminimum education and experience requirements are for the jobs/positions.Based on your research, which agency/organization interests you most? What job or position would you like to have?What additional education or development will you need, to apply for that position/job?

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Human Impact On Climate Change

You should be prepared to write an essay about one of the topics listed below. The required length for the essay should be between 200 and 300 words (approximately 2-3 paragraphs). The essay should follow either the MLA Handbook or the American Psychological Association (APA) writing style. This assignment will be submitted inside the Quizzes area of Canvas.List of Potential Essay Questions (Canvas will assign you one of these)Describe how human activity has impacted coastal processes.Describe how human activity has impacted natural vegetation in Texas.Discuss arguments for and against the concept of human impacts on climate change.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Engineering Service

Essay: DiscursivePrompt: Engineers make a positive contribution to our lives today. To what extent do you agree?

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Final Fantasy Video Games

1. Write a 1000 word MLA format research paper on music for Final Fantasy video games2. Give biography of composer Nobuo Uematsu to include: date and place of birth, major achievements, education, work facts, overview of what makes the person significant3. Discuss Final Fantasy Orchestra World Tour

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Feminine Leadership

Write a brief (1/2 pg-1 pg, double-spaced) reflection paper.  Describe your perceptions of female leadership in the aviation industry.  Do you feel a bias exists?  If so, what can be done to break down barriers?  Support your response.  Submit the paper to the provided drop box.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] New U.S. Administration

12-point font sizeTimes New Romandouble spacedAPA format for citation. Required to cite at least 5-10 scholarly articles or credible source.Make 3-4 arguments in the paper.Pick ONE of these prompts to write about:1.Joe Biden’s recent executive orders will work to change the way America is perceived by its citizens and the world. Yes or No? Why or Why not?2. Joe Biden’s inaugural speech was effective in pursuit to unite the nation. Yes or No? Why or Why not?3. What were the pros and cons of the Inaugural poem by Amanda Gorman? What parts stuck out? What parts attempted to unite the nation?The paper should have an Introduction in which it arouses the reader’s interest, states and argues against the approved policy proposition verbatim, and previews the body of the paper. Each paper should also have a conclusion in which the student achieves the same functions, only in reverse order. The Introduction, Body and Conclusion should be discernible.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Museum Studies

Review and evaluate the successes and failures of two different artists’ interventions discussed in class. (1000 words) – Fred Wilson, Mining the Museum, 1992-1993 – Hans Haacke, Shapolsky et al. Manhattan Real Estate Holdings, a Real-Time Social System, as of 1 May 1971, 1971 Some questions to think about: What do they critique about the institutions they are exhibited at? What do they reveal about those institutions? As a visitor, how might you experience encountering this artwork in a museum setting? How would it change, if at all, your perception of the institution and the other artworks on display?

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Nature Of Transitions

I need a writer to write my Results, Discussion and Conclusion for me I have sent a Sample method as i have already wrote my introduction and method. The only Difference is that I used B3LYP Hybrid Functional (the writer should get familiar with it) . Here are the main headings and point you should be focused on talking more about:Results and discussion:Examples of optimized geometries (show bond lengths etc.) – refer to appendix for full list of optimized Cartesian coordinates.Full table of calculated transition energies, wavelengths, oscillator strengths, and experimental wavelengths/transition energiesFull table of orbital # assignments and orbital energies, orbital energy gapsPlots of calculated vs. experimental transition energies (6-31G(d) basis set – include also 6-311G+(d,p) if you were able to complete those calculations). Plots of orbital energy gap vs. experimental transition energiesPlots of selected orbital isosurfaces illustrating nature of transitions (pàp*)Analysis of above including mean signed errors and rms errors. Table comparing R2, average signed errors and rms errors for your functional vs. other functionals. Discuss correlation vs. accuracy, trends in errors etc. Conclusions: Did the TDDFT calculations correlate well with experiment, how does this compare between functionals? Which was the best functional (consider correlation and accuracy). Effect of basis sets (if 6-311+G(d,p) calculations were performed). How does this compare to correlation with orbital energy gaps? What could be done to obtain more accurate results (e.g. larger basis sets). 

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Value Of Justice

PAPER 1Write a three page paper—double-spaced; 12 point font; 1 inch margins—on the following topic, due April 27th, 2021 at noon on Gauchospace.Explain Socrates’ function argument, highlighting points of agreement and disagreement between Glaucon and Socrates.In your paper, be sure to address the following points:(1) How do Glaucon and Socrates understand the human function?(2) How do Glaucon and Socrates understand justice?(3) How do Glaucon and Socrates use their understanding of the human function and justice to argue for or against the value of justice?

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Sin To Righteousness

How do we grow from sin to righteousness? You may want to discuss one or more of the following: the role of Bible study, prayer, the Holy Spirit, dealing with bad habits and starting new ones, accountability, discipleship.

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