Applied Science
[ORDER SOLUTION] Medieval Bioarchaeology
Imagine that you are working with a team of bioarchaeologists that has just excavated a medieval cemetery. The cemetery has over 200 graves, with all ages and sexes represented in the skeletal sample. You are interested in knowing if there are differences in the health between the ages and sexes of the individuals?How would you answer the question above using skeletal remains?What analyses would you need to conduct with the Skeltons, and what health indicators might you look for in the bones?
[ORDER SOLUTION] Culture Of Poverty
We have spoken about the concepts of culture of poverty explanations and structural violence explanations in this course. Define these two concepts. Which do you think is a better explanation of the ongoing poverty in Lesotho amidst the AIDS epidemic? Give specific examples of structural violence from Infected Kin. (Consider explaining what you think a purely culture of poverty style explanation of life in Mokhotlong would look like?) Does Block think structural violence is sufficient to explain Mokhotlong? Why or why not? How do you think we should strike a balance between these two kinds of explanations for inequality? (If you are also answering question 8 above, please ensure your answers are sufficiently different and dont simply repeat the same points, although you may draw on some of the same concepts.) (Aim for 350-550 words)
[ORDER SOLUTION] Musical Accompaniment
How involved are people in observing the musical accompaniment to television/film/video games they engage with?
[ORDER SOLUTION] Native Identities
This week we read our first play, Manahatta, and discussed the musical Hamilton. Both of these scripts raise important questions about “authenticity” and representation at at least two levels: the level of production (ie casting in Hamilton) and at the level of narrative (in the story told) like the questions about different Snake family members Native identities in Manahatta. Using specific examples (lines, actions, plot points, actors details, etc) discuss how authenticity of identity functions or doesnt function at the level of either production or narrative.
[ORDER SOLUTION] Labor Mobility
The paper is to explain how people have responded or could respond to the effects of climate change on labor mobility. It is to be 2-3 pages long (500 words and double spaced). Have at least 3 sources, one of which is peer reviewed. The attached file has further instructions.
[ORDER SOLUTION] Film Soundtracks
The music used in films greatly enhances the experience of the viewer. Music can add so much to the emotions playing out in the movie, whether it is heard during dialogue or in scenes without words. Unspoken thoughts can be conveyed to the audience through the use of appropriate music. For this discussion, pick a movie in which the music stands out to you.In your post below, include the following:Post link to movie clip if available on YouTube, Vimeo, etc.Include name of movie and name of music piece if knownInclude the time of the video where music starts (if long clip)Discuss why you think the music was chosen for the particular sceneDiscuss how you feel the musicimpacted the sceneWhat would you have done differently (perhaps a different piece of music?)
[ORDER SOLUTION] The Italian Renaissance Era
Select a painting or sculpture by the Italian Renaissance artist, Michelangelo, and discuss the artistic composition of the work and reasons why you selected this piece. What does the work represent or mean? What interests you about this work of art? Be specific in your answer
[ORDER SOLUTION] Mexican Technical Workers
In what way does Diego Riveras painting Dream of a Sunday Afternoon in Alameda Central Park connect to the “Manifesto of the Mexican Technical Workers” specifically, how does it connect to the vision of the artist as a worker?
[ORDER SOLUTION] Teleological Thinking
This should be a short academic paper (MLA format, approximately 8 pages; one page is about 250 – 300 words.) Cite your sources. Good writing and clear arguments are important.Teleology. Write a short history of teleological thinking. How relevant is it today?
[ORDER SOLUTION] Human Diversity Teaching
Assignment 3Written Critique/evaluation of Culturally Relevant/grade Appropriate Educational Resource(s)Select one multicultural learning resource (book, video, class activity, etc.) as the basis of your written critique. Students are advised to select a resource that is designed for the grade level at which they intend to teach and that is written on a subject that they intend to teach (language arts, reading, social studies, history, English, mathematics, science, arts, etc.).Each critique/evaluation should provide the following information:Cover PageNameAssignment 3 Title of resource, author(s), year of publication Age level Subject areaSecond Page and Third Page Skill to develop:Your critique should also address, when appropriate, the following:the resource; its lesson design and contentsWhat dimensions of diversity does this resource address (cultural, race/ethnic, gender, sexualorientation, social class, exceptionality, second language, etc.)What are the strengths of this learning resource?What are the weaknesses of this learning resource?What might a teacher need to subtract from or add to the lesson in which the learning resource isused?What adaptations might be made for incorporating human diversity teaching?
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