Applied Science
[ORDER SOLUTION] The Biography Of Judy Chicago
Paper AssignmentWrite a 6-8 page paper (type-written and double-spaced, including footnotes and bibliography) on one of the women artists listed below. The objective of this paper is to evaluate the uniqueness of the art and the contribution the artist made in the history of art. Follow this format:1. Discuss her training and major influences in the development of her art.2. Contextualize her art by discussing how her art is related to the art of her time and stressing the similarities between her work and that of her contemporaries.3. Explain the uniqueness of her art–this time, focusing on the difference between her workto the others of her time and any particular traits that solely identify her work. While pointing out the general characteristics pertaining to the majority of her work, use specific pieces (about 4-5 works) to discuss her art in detail.4. Conclude by assessing the significance of her art in the history of art.This is not a biographical essay on an artist, so do not dwell on the artists personal life, but focus on her art. You should only address the items spelled out above.Articles I need to use are uploaded in the files.
[ORDER SOLUTION] Energy Balance
Describe the difference between energy balance, energy status, and energy flux, and describe how each influences ovarian function. Be specific, using evidence from the lecture and/or readings. Why does this response make evolutionary sense?This needs to be 3/4 page single spaced. Please
[ORDER SOLUTION] Wildlife Ecology
a short (minimum 500 words) formal essay identifying one or more specific issues related to the Wildlife Ecology and sources necessary
[ORDER SOLUTION] Capsicum Annum
Research about Capsicum Annum with Acetic Acid & Citric Limon as an Alternative Insecticide.
[ORDER SOLUTION] Architecture Mysticism
write about the book architecture mysticism and myth and what are the main goals the William Lethaby focused on and why?
[ORDER SOLUTION] Executive Director
In this Discussion Post write about how you develop a balanced budget. This is important if you are creating budgets for programs as an Executive Director. What makes a budget balanced? Is the budget you developed balanced? Why or why not. In your 250 word post, describe your budgeting process and what you have learned along the way
[ORDER SOLUTION] Primate Behavior
Answer the following questions. Question #1 is specifically from the Jane Goodall video Among the Wild Chimpanzees. You do not need to watch the full thing, as long as you can answer the questions accordingly. In answering the rest of the questions, please give multiple examples. Theres no page limit; just write enough to answer each question fully.1. Why did Jane Goodall begin her study of chimpanzees in the wild?2. Provide multiple specific examples from the videos shown in class for each of the following behaviors. Where possible, provide examples from chimps AND another primate species.Mother-infant bonding:Aggressive and display behaviors:Friendly (affiliative) behaviors:Tool use:Learned behaviors other than tool use:3. Describe two specific behaviors in chimpanzees or other primate species that you thought were unique to humans and/or that surprised you and/or that you found particularly interesting. Why did you choose these behaviors?
[ORDER SOLUTION] The Cascade Of Solar Energy
Describe the cascade of solar energy to earths surface and the resulting energy exchange between the earth and atmosphere. Including solar radiation. Thermal radiation. And latent heat transfer.Also describe how you (directly or indirectly) influence ten different radiative transfer contributions ( such as surface absorptions or transfers)
[ORDER SOLUTION] Video Game Controversies
the impact of video game on behavior
[ORDER SOLUTION] Terror Alert System
A suspected terrorist is arrested in connection with an imminent terror threat. A bomb has been discovered at a local shopping center. The timer shows that the bomb will detonate in 2 hours. The man in custody is believed to be the bomb maker and the only person who knows how to disable/detonate the bomb. You and your partner are police officers assigned to this case. You both have been brought in to interrogate the suspect. An hour passes, and you havent made any progress. Your partner unplugs all of the recording equipment and asks you to leave the room. Twenty minutes later the officer exits the room with the code to deactivate the bomb. You look inside the room to find the suspect unconscious and his face covered in blood. Your partner asks you to back up his story that the suspect became aggressive during the interrogation and that he was simply defending himself. There is no tape to challenge your version of the events. It would be the terrorists word against yours. With the deactivation code received, the bomb was deactivated potentially saving thousands of lives. QUESTIONS: Would you follow your partners instructions? Why or why not? Is the use of police interrogation torture ever justified for a greater good? You should present both sides to this argument and then indicate what you ultimately believe. Be sure to include in your answer the ethical and legal consequences of your decision.
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