[ORDER SOLUTION] History Of Religion

Cite from the Sources for the Cultures of the West reader any work of literature from chapters 19-23 and answer the below question in at least 150 words. Remember: proper syntax and two replies of the same length are required for full credit.What role did religion play in the modern world leading up to the beginning of the Twentieth Century? Was it as relevant in pushing the narrative of Western Civilization as it was during the Renaissance and Enlightenment? Did it win or lose most of its ideological battles during this time? Why? How does your selected source show this?I will send you chapter readings in Few hours…And students post in few hours… you need to reply to 2 students..

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[ORDER SOLUTION] The Cancel Culture

The backlash against the fallen woman films of the late 1920s and 1930s was representative of a larger social panic over changing sexual mores and Hollywood’s role in glamorizing female aggressiveness, delinquency, and prostitution.We often hereabout “cancel culture” mostly in relation to sexual misconduct or racist behavior, does “cancel culture” affect men more than women?Compare and/or contrast the social panic about “fallen women” films to more recent ones in your lifetime (ex: the “wardrobe malfunction” of Janet Jackson during halftime of the 2004 Super Bowl).How are these events indicative of much larger concerns and anxieties circulating in society?

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Cultural Syncretism

Please answer any five questions from the list below using a short essay format. Your answers should be around 300-500 words and should ideally use materials from the Slides as well as ideas from the lecture and readings (no citation necessary).1.What were some of the major causes of the break-up of Yugoslavia? (List and briefly explain at least three.) Which cause do you find most convincing and why?2.What is cultural syncretism and how is it reflected in Balkan music and culture? In what ways has cultural syncretism been historically denied in this region and why?3.How does punk challenge “respectable” and “normative” presentation of femininity and masculinity? What symbolic resources did early British and American punk use to challenge gender and sexual norms and forms of public presentation? Do you find similar strains of “queer” and “feminist” punk in 1980s Yugoslavia? Provide at least two examples from songs/music videos referenced in the readings or the slides.4.What can album covers of Yugoslav punk and rock bands tell us about Yugoslav punk and its historical context? Provide at least two examples.5.How did punk and rock bands engage or challenge issues of unified Yugoslav identity and authoritarian nature of the socialist state during the 1980s? Provide at least two examples from songs/music videos referenced in the readings or the slides.6.With what sort of values/ideologies and communities was turbo-folk associated in 1990s Serbia? Is Eric Gordy in his article, “The Destruction of Musical Alternatives,” arguing that turbo-folk is inherently violent and backward? Why or why not?7.How has turbo-folk transformed since the 1990s vis-a-vis representations of national identity and gender? Provide at least two examples from songs/music videos referenced in the readings or the slides.8.What was the role of popular music in Croatia in the 1990s during the Yugoslav breakup and the Croatian War of Independence? How did Croatian popular music try to represent a unique Croatian cultural identity and what were some of the features of that identity?

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Local Geology

Initial prompt: Research common rocks and minerals in your region. In your 200-400 word initial post, describe at least 3 rocks that are found in your region, including their classification (igneous, metamorphic, sedimentary), the minerals that compose each rock, and the type of location that each rock can be found (near ocean, mountain, valley, etc).

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Classical Archaeology

1.  Compare the frescoes of the Knossos “palace” to those found in the West Building at Akrotiri on Thera.  Do their subjects indicate differing ways of life by those inhabiting these buildings?  Do their color palates differ, and if so do these differences imply different levels of wealth?  Feel free to make any other comparisons you believe are appropriate.2. Compare the approaches of Heinrich Schliemann and Sir Arthur Evans to their excavations.  Do the thirty years between the start of their excavations (1870 for Troy; 1900 for Knossos) bring any changes to Evans’ management?  Do both men do things no archaeologist would do today?3. Mysterious scripts called Linear A and Linear B were unearthed on Crete (A) and at Mycenae (B).  Michael Ventris and John Chadwick with the assistance of Alice Kober broke the code of Linear B.  Within the last ten years, several archaeologists have claimed at least partial decoding of Linear AWhat are the characteristics of each?  Why are there special challenges in decoding Linear A?  Based on your research and on what we have said, do you believe that the decoding of Linear A has been successful?Be sure to start with a clear thesis of your own and use specific references to the Odyssey to support your thesis.4. The Acropolis of Athens, the citadel of the city, has mythic and historical connections with the founding of the city datable to at least the tenth-century Mycenaean period.  Select ONE of these mythic associations and relate it to the topographical placement of its buildings and / or paths of access.You might (but by no means must) consider the Panathenaic procession and the route it traveled to dress the statue of the goddess; OR the contest of Athena and Poseidon for the naming of the city and its location on the citadel; OR one of the variants on the birth of Erechtheus and the placement of the Erechtheum; OR any other you may prefer.5. Select and discuss one of the buildings or areas of the Agora of Athens and consider its placement.  Does its immediate vicinity have any special relevance, whether practical or historical, to its function?You might (but by no means must) consider one of the stoai (sing. stoa); OR the tholos; OR the metroon; OR the law courts and empanelment of the dikastes; OR any other building or area which you believe has an important municipal function.6. The ancient pilgrimage sites we have discussed have common features, not only in their location but in their function(s).  Choose any TWO noting how they compare and differ as well as how such comparisons and differences complement their function(s).

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[ORDER SOLUTION] The Three-Fifths Compromise

Do you think the implementation of the three-fifths compromise made the representation of states fair? Why or why not?explain what the three-fifths compromise isWhy was the three-fifths compromise introduced

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Musical Background

Write a one page essay on your musical background. Include favorite genres, exposure to the “Classics,” experiences in church or school music, and any other music endeavors from childhood through your adulthood.PreviousNext

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Culinary Arts

Which of the proteins listed above are plant-based? Beans are the winner here, and they are an amazing addition to any meal. Have you ever had beans at breakfast?Today, you’ll be researching other plant-based proteins (especially those that you may not be familiar with) that you can add to breakfast.  Plant-based proteins are lower in saturated fat and cholesterol, and they’re often rich in fiber and other vitamins and minerals too.Today, take about 45 minutes to research plant-based proteins. Then, write a paragraph in which you tell me about at least five different food items that contain plant-based proteins that you think would be suitable for breakfast and that you might like to try. Briefly describe each of these and how they may be used at breakfast.  Finally, search online for a delicious-looking breakfast recipe that contains one of these plant-based protein ingredients, and include the link with your paragraph.Here’s how you will be graded:Paragraph- Structure (5 pts) – Contains introductory sentence, supporting details, and concluding sentence.- Content (10 pts) – Contains at least five different plant-based proteins and describes each, explaining how they may be used at breakfast.- Link (5 pts) – Breakfast recipe contains plant-based protein

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Geographical Differentials Of Pay

Please answer each question1. Of the two, Team-Based Pay and Pay for Performance, which one do you think an employee would be more motivated to receive? Do you think an employee can be fairly paid with Team-Based Pay? Explain.2. Give some pros and cons of geographical differentials of pay. Do you think there should be a national and international pay scale? Explain.3. What do you consider important in the workplace to assist employees with their work-life balance? Explain.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Hunter-Gatherer Societies

Use this Hunter-Gatherers resource page as a starting point. There, you will find an in-depth examination of the hunter-gatherer society as well as additional sources to explore. Make sure you use and refer to at least two sources in your presentation. Use this template to create a presentation of 10–14 slides, with speaker notes. A title and reference slide should be included. PowerPoint help is available through Smarthinking. Be sure cover the following in your presentation:What are 2 examples of contemporary hunter-gatherer societies?How do hunters and gatherers view rights to land?How do hunters and gatherers view rights to property, such as tools or personal possessions?What evidence suggests that hunter-gatherer societies have a conservationist ethic?What can an industrial, modern society learn from hunter-gatherer societies?

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