[ORDER SOLUTION] Art Photography

you are required to submit a 500-word (double-spaced, standard essay format) response paper outlining how you felt about the work that the artist spoke about (or displayed) and discuss any connections that you see between the work of the artist and your own artistic research.  Here is the lecture to watch

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[ORDER SOLUTION] American Theatre

Imagine that you are the professor for a new spring course in Asian/American Theatre and Performance Studies at UC-Riverside. What would be the main theme around which you would design the course? Asian/American women playwrights? Yellowface on stage and screen? Asians in operas, operettas, and musicals? What do you hope that students would take away from this course? How would you accomplish these objectives? How would you organize the series of assigned readings and viewings? Will your class include any field trips to see performances or conduct archival research? Will you invite guest scholars or artists? For your final project, you will create your own Asian/American theatre syllabus. The syllabus must include the following:   • a course description o 100-150 words o summarize the exigency, content, and guiding questions for the course • learning goals o use active verbs to list 4-6 objectives that students will achieve by the end of taking this course • week-by-week reading/viewing assignments and activities for 10 weeks o assign at least 10 plays and/or films o assign at least 5 scholarly articles or book chapters ? you may copy only 1/3 of the plays and 1/3 of the scholarly writings that are in Prof. Galella’s syllabus because you are encouraged to seek out additional texts o include, if you want, specific field trips and guest speakers o organize the assignments so that they build upon one another, they are in conversation with one another, and they are grouped into sub-themes • a syllabus rationale  o 400-500 words o justify your chosen course theme o address how your students will meet your learning goals  o elaborate on your selected readings/viewings (not every single one of them but a representative sample) ? demonstrate knowledge of these texts ? rationalize why you are assigning them o explain how you organized the course   You will be assessed based on your demonstration of research and thought, pedagogical skill, cogent organization, written clarity, and following of assignment guidelines.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Popular Culture

Your task is as follows:   If we believe Liu’s thesis, that 21st century America –by dint of its diversity and the appropriation of digital realms for cultural commentary –will disavow one man who defines ‘cultural literacy’, then we must work as omni-Americans to collectively define the boundaries of cultural literacies.   This isn’t easy work. We’re all different, and what’s popular today will be left behind tomorrow, mere detritus in the vast floating jetsam that is popular culture. Still, some things endure in our culture. If Hirsch laid the foundation for it some 30 years ago, and we-all have the means to update that list today, what does a revised list look like?   As part of your response, I want you to clearly understand the implications Liu makes in his article, but I also want you to reference entries from Hirsch’s work; the latter might be items that you’d replace, or that you’d keep, or that you think could be a one-for-one swap for a ‘thing’ from our culture that better defines literacy today.   Allow me an example: “wireless” is not an entry in Hirsch’s book. It could have been, because prior to the 1920s, people called radio ‘wireless’. It has other applications, too: garage door openers, deep-space communications, cordless telephones, etc., are all wireless. But with the rise of cellular technology in the 1990s, the term wireless was revived. One could make a fairly convincing argument (albeit using Liu’s directives as well as the other pundits we’ve read this semester) that that’s one possible update for the list.   So, in short, applying Liu’s conceptual framework for an updated list, and using Hirsch’s list as a starting point, how do you go about facilitating that list? What does it now include? And why have you included those items?

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Analysis Project

Option 1) Analysis Project! Choose any song or piece (a comparison of two pieces is also acceptable), and provide an analysis essay (1500-2000 words) using the terms we have learned in class. If a score is available, great! If not, that’s ok, provide an audio file or link. Your analysis should include a few quick details at the beginning about the artist and the circumstances of the composition, but the majority of the essay should be focussed on the musical details of the work itself. Some important details you might include could be: what is the key? Does it have a key? What about rhythm, does it have a regular time signature, how many big beats per measure? etc. Is there a regular rhythmic pattern or is it changing? Are there scales and/or chords present? Can you identify them? How often does the harmony change? Do you recognize parts of the harmonic progression? How many voices are there (i.e. melody? bass? other details about instrumentation)? Are there motives? Gestures? Phrases? Can you remark on anything else about the form? Melody? Harmony? Rhythm? And so on! I also encourage you to explore higher level aesthetic questions, What do you find most significant moments in the work, why? Are there moments of tension? or moments of repose? How do the parts of the piece all fit together to tell a story? How does it make you feel? How does it go about expressing whatever it seems to be expressing? If you can connect these questions back to the musical details above, that would be the ultimate goal of analysis.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] World Civilization

To demonstrate your understanding of world civilizations, your final essay will focus on the analysis of the rise and fall of empires/kingdoms throughout the time period in which we studied. Remember, this is NOT a summary of the events or the empire/kingdom, it is an analysis of the similarities and differences. Also, you will be making one last final connection to today’s society. For this assignment, pick an empire/kingdom from each group below and develop an essay addressing each of the following components: 1. Compare and contrast the development/creation of the empires/kingdoms. 2. Compare and contrast the decline/fall of the empires/kingdoms. 3. Explain which of the empires/kingdoms you choose had the greatest influence on our society today. Make sure to provide examples of how this civilization can be seen in our society today.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Strategies For Lytro

There is a 5-page case study about Lytro, no further research is required beyond the case. The assignment is to conduct an entrepreneurial strategy assessment of Lytro and develop recommendations for how it can enhance its chance to establish and sustain a competitive advantage based on three questions:  1) Comparing Alternative Entrepreneurial Strategies – 50% of the paper 2) Choosing an Entrepreneurial Strategy – 25% of the paper 3) Entrepreneurial Strategy Recommendations – 25% of the paper In-depth details are found in the attachments, it quite a simple paper, no research needed beyond the case. It’s 8-pages but you can including any frameworks used, so I’d say the writing can be 7 pages. We can discuss this further and I will be available to submit any further data/frameworks and answer any questions needed.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Performance Studies Syllabus

Asian/American Theatre and Performance Studies Syllabus   Imagine that you are the professor for a new spring course in Asian/American Theatre and Performance Studies at university. What would be the main theme around which you would design the course? Asian/American women playwrights? Yellowface on stage and screen? Asians in operas, operettas, and musicals? What do you hope that students would take away from this course? How would you accomplish these objectives? How would you organize the series of assigned readings and viewings? Will your class include any field trips to see performances or conduct archival research? Will you invite guest scholars or artists? For your final project, you will create your own Asian/American theatre syllabus. The syllabus must include the following:   • a course description o 100-150 words o summarize the exigency, content, and guiding questions for the course • learning goals o use active verbs to list 4-6 objectives that students will achieve by the end of taking this course • week-by-week reading/viewing assignments and activities for 10 weeks o assign at least 10 plays and/or films o assign at least 5 scholarly articles or book chapters ? you may copy only 1/3 of the plays and 1/3 of the scholarly writings that are in Prof. Galella’s syllabus because you are encouraged to seek out additional texts o include, if you want, specific field trips and guest speakers o organize the assignments so that they build upon one another, they are in conversation with one another, and they are grouped into sub-themes • a syllabus rationale  o 400-500 words o justify your chosen course theme o address how your students will meet your learning goals  o elaborate on your selected readings/viewings (not every single one of them but a representative sample) ? demonstrate knowledge of these texts ? rationalize why you are assigning them o explain how you organized the course   You will be assessed based on your demonstration of research and thought, pedagogical skill, cogent organization, written clarity, and following of assignment guidelines.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Conventions Of Representation

We have been examining art across cultures and time periods. Pick 3 different and distinct examples of art from the entire course to demonstrate that art is a product of its context and show how each culture/time period utilized specific conventions of representation and a method of delivering them.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] United States Congress

The Signature Assignment will be a 3-4 page essay (excluding cover page and references) on one of the two topics listed below (do NOT do both!): Analyze the ideas of culture from five advertisements using the concepts we have discussed in the course. Be sure to include the ads in your paper OR Explain how a candidate for Congress in the US would use concepts we have discussed in the course to put together a campaign for election. You should use a minimum of 5 academic sources in support of your Signature Assignment. Your goal is to make an argument and support it with concepts that we have discussed in the course. Must be double-spaced with 1-inch margins and typed in 12-point Times New Roman. Your Essay should have a Cover Page and Works Cited Page. Essays should be proofread for spelling and grammar mistakes. You must cite all texts used, including page numbers to avoid plagiarism. Your essay must have a thesis statement and a conclusion based upon the sources that you read. Make sure that you find evidence to back it up.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Streaming Platforms

Submission Instructions: Paper must be submitted electronically on Blackboard via the submission link. The submission link can be found on the Blackboard homepage under the tab titled “THE FINAL PAPER.” Paper must be submitted as a Microsoft Works document. The submission link will expire at 11:59PM on the due date. You will not be able to submit your paper after the link expires. Essay Format and Length: Essays must be typed and double spaced in MLA format.  5-7 pages (including a required “Works Cited” page). Citation Please refer to the MLA Handbook for more information on how to cite references MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. Helpful links:  https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/mla_style/mla_formatting_and_style_guide/mla_formatting_and_style_guide.html https://style.mla.org/ Proper credit must be given for any citations, quotations, or ideas that are not your own that are cited in your paper. Improper or absent citations are automatically considered plagiarism. Film Source:             Lumet, Sidney. “Network [film].” United States: Metro Goldwyn- Mayer (1976). FINAL PAPER CONTENT INSTRUCTIONS This assignment is based on Sidney Lumet’s film, Network (1976). Students are responsible for locating and watching the film. It is in print on DVD and is widely available on video streaming platforms. You are to construct your essay based on the following questions and discussion points: Briefly describe and summarize (in your own words) Mr. Jensen’s famous “forces of nature” speech to Howard Beale? Give an example of how the worldwide corporate and financial domination that Mr. Jensen spoke of continues today. Name a specific company or corporation that owns and controls several media outlets. How much control does that particular company have over its media content? Briefly summarize Howard Beale’s “turn off your television set…turn them off…” sermon / speech during his first revised newscast. Did audiences perceive this film as pure satire or fantasy in 1976?  How has this film become less of a satire and more of a “prophesy” about the current state of reality television?  (NOTE:  This question will require you to locate original 1976 newspaper and magazine film reviews as well as other relative material to support your answer). Valid sources for an academic research paper include: Original film reviews (New York Times, Variety Magazine, Cinema Today). Books about specific films or directors (filmographies, biographies, and autobiographies). Interview transcripts (with directors or actors…Ex: Hitchcock / Truffaut). Video and audio interviews (must be cited properly and written transcription-style in your finished essay). Critical essays by notable film historians (Robert Osbourne, Roger Ebert etc…). Sources that are not valid include: Personal blogs, Facebook, MySpace, and Twitter Wikipedia or any other facsimile Product reviews from commercial retail sites (Amazon, Barnes & Noble, etc.) IMDB (Internet Movie Database) reviews and plot summaries

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