Applied Sciences
[ORDER SOLUTION] Environmental Studies
Questions (short answer but please 1-2 paragraphs MAX) What is the difference between LDPE and HDPE polyethylene and give common examples of each. (1 pt) List the steps needed to successfully recycle plastic and describe why can it be cheaper to buy new plastic instead of recycled plastic. (1 pt) What are the four Rs (one sentence describing each) (1pt)? What food production process utilizes the most energy? Why do you think this number is so big? (1 pt) What are some methods to improve sustainability in the food production industry? Are there any barriers? (1 pt) Describe a method of Integrated Pest Management. (1 pt) Can crop growth keep up with global population growth? If no, explain why. If yes, what are methods to support your answer. (1 pt) The danger of GMOs is often debated. What is your take? Provide three examples to support your opinion. (1 pt) List the steps needed to successfully recycle plastic and describe why can it be cheaper to buy new plastic instead of recycled plastic. (1 pt) Global CO2 emissions are expected to decline by record amounts due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Do you think the decline will last? Why or why not? (1 pt)
[ORDER SOLUTION] Seeking Justice Online
In recent years, more and more scandals are coming into the public view through the Internet and social media because the latter are now considered as a venue for online activism. Analyze the advantages and risks of exposing wrongdoings and seeking justice online. Use specific examples to support your claim. use 2 readings that i give you as reference and also add one addition academic sources.
[ORDER SOLUTION] Thermal Conductivity
I do not have very specific info from the professor. The only file she has given is how to write a lab report pdf she pulled from the tutoring center. I am flexible on the subject of the paper. If it needs to be changed to something else, please message me to ensure that we went over it in my class. I dont want to turn in a paper on something we didnt cover. This week you are designing, carrying out, and writing up your own physics experiment! The December 7-10 pages provide guidance, and I expect to see you at virtual office hours with questions! Im happy to help you at any stage of the process, even to help you think of an experiment. I will be asking the following questions when I grade: Is this an experiment that relates substantively to PHY 111? (You can make the connection clear in your introduction.) Are the independent, dependent, and control variables clear and appropriate? Does the experiment actually address the hypothesis? Was the experiment carried out with appropriate measurements and precision? Is a thorough and accurate understanding of the relevant physics demonstrated? Is the experiment original (we didnt already do it in class and I cant find it in existence already online)? Is the conclusion appropriate and commensurate with the results? Does the lab report follow the guidelines both the format and the substance of each section?
[ORDER SOLUTION] Biocatalytic Application
For this assignment, you will pick a research article published in the past 10 years that describes the engineering of an enzyme and its use in a biocatalytic application. Please ensure it is a RESEARCH ARTICLE and NOT A REVIEW. Prepare a Powerpoint presentation (1520 slides) that describes the article. Goals To learn about enzyme engineering and biocatalysis, using all the knowledge that you acquired in class To learn how to read a research article, extract and convey essential information. Pick a research article that describes the engineering of an enzyme and its use in biocatalysis – For help in finding a suitable article, you can use PubMed or Google Scholar. Journals that publish this type of study include: Nature, Science, Nature Chemistry, Nature Catalysis, Nature Communications, Journal of the American Chemical Society, Angewandte Chemie, ACS Catalysis, etc. Include, as necessary for understanding, information such as: – Name of enzyme and EC number – Cofactor required – Substrate – Kinetic parameters (kcat, KM) – Reaction catalyzed and mechanism – Reaction conditions (pH, T, solvent, etc.) – Assay used to characterize enzyme – Mutagenesis method and screening/selection assay – Type of enzyme engineering (rational design vs directed evolution) – Enzyme structure – Type of biocatalytic transformation (e.g., fermentation, biotransformation, etc.) – Biocatalytic process (e.g., deracemization, direct asymmetric synthesis, kinetic resolution, cofactor recycling, etc.) – Use 35 bullet points on slides if necessary (except when showing figures). When showing figures, include short legend to understand the figure. SUGGESTION: use a sentence to provide take-home message, either as title of slide or as statement at the bottom of your slide (see example assignment). Guidelines: 1. Introduction (57 slides) a. Explain context and background needed to understand paper (i.e. what is the current state?of?the?art? why should we care about this study?) b. Describe system under study (i.e., enzyme and/or method) c. Clearly state the objective and hypothesis of the current study 2. Methods and Results (812 slides) a. Describe what the authors did and show results from article (i.e. copy/paste figures and tables, with appropriate legend so that reader can understand) b. Explain important methods, especially if these are new engineering strategies 3. Discussion and Conclusions (23 slides) a. Put these findings in the context of the field (i.e. discussion, how does this compare to previous methods or previous work?) b. Summarize what the findings of the paper were (i.e., what was achieved? Did it work?) c. Future directions Please ensure to answer all key points
[ORDER SOLUTION] American Sign Language
Each student is required to write ONE (1) research paper using information from the book and answer the following question: What is culture? What are the characteristics of the American Deaf culture in thoughts, beliefs, values, language, and behavior patterns? What are the locations where Deaf culture is found? How is the Deaf culture similar to the hearing culture? Explain why there are similarities. How is the Deaf culture differ from the hearing culture? Explain why there are differences. Research papers need to be double spaced, in 12-pt. Times New Roman, and no more than 2-3 pages in length.
Hi! I?m writing my paper on topic e) (Choose one or more recent films/television series/recording artists/video games/books or one of the film/television/video games/recorded music/publishing industries and describe its relationship to globalization today. What does your example illustrate or prove about the impact of globalization on making or selling film/television/video games/recorded music/publishing today? today?) I was required to do an annotated bibliography before doing the paper, I attached the instructions for that and my completed copy which I got an A- on. We are not required to use those sources however, they must be scholarly. I decided to do globalization on the Korean film industry, my notes are in the bibliography. Thank you!
-What are the major achievements of the Shang dynasty? What are its dates? Describe the invention of writinghow does it start? How was it used? What kinds of decorations are found on the bronze vessels? What were the vessels used for? What does the burial of its kings tell us? Site the question in writing describe works of art that are fully identified- subject, artist (if known) date and material -cite source
[ORDER SOLUTION] Israel Palestinian Conflict
Please write the paper on the history and current news of the Israeli-palestinian conflict. What is the conflict? What created the conflict? who has influenced it and how did they do so? What countries in the region have been apart of it? Who has endorsed Israel and who has not? Have those who endured Israel before now change to endorsing and supporting Palestine? Vice Versa What has been done to try to solve the conflict? Has anything worked to solve the conflict? Could the conflict have been avoided? Include the Geography, Economy, Politics, Religion, and Society.
[ORDER SOLUTION] Plate Tectonics
Does not have to be 550 words really, just need to answer the questions. Part I. Plate Tectonics 1. Briefly list or sketch and label the layers that make up the Earth from the interior (core) to the surface (crust), and describe the key characteristics of each. 2. What causes the Earths crust to move? 3. Briefly explain the main characteristics of continental crust and oceanic crust. How do they differ? 4. Explain what happens to the crustal plates (oceanic and/or continental), what landforms/tectonic activities result, and give a real-world location as an example for each of the following plate interactions: a. oceanic/oceanic plate divergence b. continental/continental plate divergence c. continental/continental plate convergence d. oceanic/continental convergence 5. Briefly describe the pattern of locations of earthquakes and volcanoes. How might you explain this pattern to someone who does not yet know about plate tectonics?
[ORDER SOLUTION] Social Networks
The uploaded document is an example of how the essay should be. I don’t request to address the reflection questions. The research topic will be the impact of technology on interpersonal communication. I would like to have some insight on social networks as well. Thank you.
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