Applied Sciences
[ORDER SOLUTION] Appropriation In Art
It is hard to nail down a fully accurate, and all-encompassing, definition of postmodernism. However, one characteristic that is often associated with Postmodern art is the use of appropriation. Write a short essay discussing the use of appropriation in a specific work of art. It can be a film, a comic book, a song, a painting, a sculpture, or any other creative endeavor. Be sure to discuss: what is being appropriated was it from another creative piece? It is a found object something that was already produced but is now being incorporated into a new work by someone who had not created the original thing? Is just an idea or concept? What could be the meaning of this appropriation? What added message or concept is brought into play by doing this?
[ORDER SOLUTION] Ecological Footprint
(FIRST ASSIGNMENT) WRITE A 1 PAGE ESSAY ON QUESTIONS BELOW AND 1 PAGE ESSAY ON YOUR OPINIONS ON THE TOPIC. 1.Take the ecological footprint calculator test. Afterwards think about what kinds of factors did the calculator look at? Were these social issues or only personal issues? BAsed on the reading, do you think these are the main factors that actually impact climate change? Explain. (SECOND ASSIGNMENT) WRITE A 1 PAGE ESSAY ON QUESTION BELOW AND WRITE A 1 PAGE ESSAY ON YOUR OPINIONS ON THE TOPIC. 2.Think of a concrete way to combat climate change while also making a more just society. It can be a small initiative or a large scale one.
[ORDER SOLUTION] Social Commentary Art
Social commentary art is any artwork that makes a statement about society either past or present. Choose an artist that creates work that fulfills this purpose.A definition of social commentary can be found here can include: poverty, racism, AIDS, smoothing, drugs, crime, gangs, abuse, child abuse, family, violence, torture, modern slavery, terrorism, environmental issues, technology, relationships, war, political injustice, social criticism, feminist criticismFor a list of artists see below.Your paper should:Be at least 450 words longDiscuss the background/biography of the artistDescribe the work of artExplain how the work of art is an example of social commentaryAll assignments must be in 12-point font (Arial or Times New Roman), use correct grammar and spelling, and coherent sentences. Please proofread, Please use your own words (no plagiarism); I want to hear what you think, who you are, and what you have to say. Please include the image you are discussing and works cited.Artists may be but are not limited to:Pablo Picasso GuernicaFrancisco Goya May 3rd, 1808Van Gogh The Potato EatersVan Gogh The Absinthe DrinkerBarbara Kruger Your Body is a Battle GroundBarbara Kruger I Shop Therefore I AmBanksyKeith HaringRoger GordyDorothy LangeKelly FinlawMark JenkinsSarah Kiser
[ORDER SOLUTION] Coastal Management
Assignment 3: Coastal Processes – Todays shorelines are under attack! What are the main processes that affect coastlines today and why are they so vulnerable? What can be done to mitigate some of these hazards and protect shorelines? (relates to Ch. 15 Oceans and Coasts)
[ORDER SOLUTION] Information On Two Typefaces
Please discuss whether do you agree or disagree with the claim made by Massimo Vignelli that there really were only one or two typefaces. The rest was just pollution. (This assignment is a One-page journal writing, so use first-person point of view)
[ORDER SOLUTION] Chemical Equilibrium
The procedure section is for you to convince the reader that you carried out the experiment knowledgeably and carefully. Think of the reader as someone who is unfamiliar with the procedures carried out in the experiment. Do not copy the experimental procedure from your lab manual or give the reader instructions. If you copy the laboratory manual instructions, the person reading your report will feel as though they are being ordered to do something. You must report what you and your lab partner did during the laboratory period. Often times, students will do additional tasks that aren’t expressly stated in the manual. When you have completed your procedure summary, an individual should be able to take it and complete the experiment with the summary alone. If you don’t include the finer details, the person completing the experiment will not get the same data as you did. Section Requirements: Discuss the setup and operation of the Vernier LabQuest 2 and spectrophotometer Describe the preparation of the calibration samples Describe the preparation of the validation/test samples To begin carrying out this procedure, we first got our equipment prepared. The labquest 2 and spectrophotometer recorded our
Art and Class. Almost every art form is a reflection of the class for whom the art is made. We see repeatedly that the most lavish works are made for upper classes, while more modest works are for the lower classes. What about access to art? In many cases, the wealthy are the only ones who can afford to purchase high profile art or develop collections around well-known artists. Most private collections are closed to the public, but some private collections eventually end up in museums.Does the museum redress the class-related issues of ownership and access to art?Who controls what art gets into museums?Are there any forms of art that transcend class?How has COVID-19 altered this?
[ORDER SOLUTION] The Classical Era
Goal: The goal of this assignment is to compare a performance of Classical music to pop/rock music using musical terminology to express your ideas.Course Objectives:CO-1: Identify Western music by style and era.CO-2: Apply musical terminology, concepts and critical listening skills to a given major composer and style of music.CO-3: Analyze the social, political, and cultural influences on Western and non-Western music.Description:Choose an excerpt from two concerts, one of a pop or rock concert of your choice and one of a performance of music from the Classical Era (1750-1800 AD) chosen from the list below. Watch approximately 10 minutes of each concert. (Please note: The rock or pop concert you choose should be one you watch during this course, rather than a performance you watched or attended prior to the class.)After viewing the concert excerpts, construct a comparison of these two concerts and address the following:1. Explain why you did or did not enjoy the concerts.2. Evaluate similarities and differences between music in the Classical era and rock/pop music. Be sure to reference specific musical attributes of the concerts, and use musical terminology and information from the course materials to express your ideas.3. Discuss the types of people who attended concerts in the Classical era and those who attend rock or pop concerts today, and why people attended concerts in the Classical era versus today. (Be certain to use specific information from scholarly sources to support your points about concerts during the Classical era.)4. Analyze how new technologies, such as digital media and the internet, change the ways music is experienced.Classical Concert List”Piano Concerto No. 23 in A major,” Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart”Violin Concerto No. in D major,” Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart”Symphony No. 25 in G minor” Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart”Cello Concerto No. 1 in C major,” Franz Josef Hayd”Symphony No. 104 in D major,” Franz Josef Haydn”Night Music of the Streets of Madrid,” Luigi Boccherini”Piano Sonata, Op. 40, No. 2 in B minor,” Muzio Clementi”Piano Concerto No. 4 in G major,” Ludwig van Beethoven”Symphony No. 4 in B-flat major,” Ludwig van BeethovenThis paper should be 750-1000 words in length. This assignment should reflect knowledge and understanding of the course materials. Points should be supported by specific information from scholarly sources and musical terminology should be used to express ideas. This paper should be written in paragraph form using complete sentences with a clear introduction and conclusion. Be sure to reference both concerts in the introduction and conclusion.In addition to these elements, please be sure to fulfill the Requirements for Writing Assignments (see below), including citing all sources (including the concerts) both in the body of the text and in a reference page. Please note that MLA is the standard citation style in the humanities. Here are some good sources of information for Evaluating Online Resources, Citing Sources, and Writing & Grammar Resources. The video links for the concerts should be cited in the body of the text and in your reference page.
[ORDER SOLUTION] Creative Freedom
The 4 Prompts that you can write about with complete creative freedom, from scratch:1. What would you say is your greatest talent or skill? How have you developed and demonstrated that talent over time? 2. Beyond what has already been shared in your application, what do you believe makes you stand out as a strong candidate for admissions to the University of California?Maximum words of 350 words for each question.
what is the global issue? what are the affects ? what can we do ? *living conditions of average resident,employment, etc cite strong quote*
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