Digital Media

Please respond in complete sentences for each question, unless directed to do otherwise, demonstrating in your reply that you have read the material in order to receive full credit. There are three topics (please respond to ALL).Topic 1: Digital MediaThis week, you watched Digital Nation: Life on the Virtual Frontier Chapter 1: Distracted by Everything 2: What’s It Doing to Their Brains Turkle believes that students are wrong to think that a “multitasking learning environment”will help them succeed as students. She believes that in order to learn certain things, we need to be still, quiet and focused on one thing at a time.Question #1:Do you agree with the professor’s opinion? Is it possible to learn while multi-tasking? Why or why not? NOTE: The focus here is learning and multitasking while using digital mediaTopic 2: Digital Media’s Impact on SocietyDiscussion:This week you read “Intersection of American Media and Culture”, which explained how differenttechnological transitions have shaped media industries. #1:How has technological developments in radio, television, the Internet, OR newspaper (SELECT ONE) influenced mass communication? Support your response.Topic 3: Digital FutureThis week you read Digital Life in 2025 by Janna Anderson and Lee Rainie. and Rainie summarized 15 theses about the digital future of which eight were classified as more hopeful.Question #1:Which ONE of the eight “hopeful” theses do you see as the most hopeful? Explain your choice.Minimum Topic Response: PLEASE RESPOND IN THREE OR MORE SENTENCES PER TOPIC.NOTE 2: Please make sure you answer EACH item and LABEL each item (#1, #2, #3, etc) so that I can easily check that each item has been answered.NOTE 3: After you post your response, please review it to make sure it is formatted correctly and is easy to read.

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Construction Of Buildings

What is truth in architecture? Question how truth in architecture is represented in the experience and construction of buildings?

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Music Theory

Attached below is sheet music for Debussy’s Reverie. Annotate the first two pages of the score as requested in the 1st bullet point and answer the questions in the 2nd bullet point:• On the score, please mark the harmonic rhythm (below the music) and the phrase rhythm (above the music) from the third measure through the 2nd-to-last measure of page 2. Use brackets.• Compare the harmonic rhythm and the phrase rhythm. Remember: the “phrase markings” do not necessarily line up with the phrases. Some suggestions: do they line up with each other? Is one faster than the other? Does that change? Does any of this determine the effect the music has, and if so, then how?

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Artifacts Of Colonialism

Please write a short, research paper addressing the items below. Use examples, research, or any personal experience where appropriate.1 – In your own words define and explainhow the term “colonialism” is defined based on your research and understanding.2 – What processes or artifacts of colonialism should we expect to discover as we continue exploring the world.InstructionsThe response should be 1500-2000 words and must be written in a formal style with proper paragraphs (double-spaced, 12-point font, and 1-inch margins).  The response must be properly cited. It must include 2 external sources. It must include a cover page with the following information; title and name.

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Gender Issues

How do class, race, gender and other identities function to shape the outcomes for men and women in two of the following arenas in a named Caribbean territory:? Education ? Advertising ? Popular Culture1. Identify and name a Caribbean territory to be used as the reference point for your response 2. Offer an explanation of how and why some identities take pre-eminence over others 3. Offer no less than three feasible and specific recommendations to respond to issues of otherness and/or oppression in the selected country. 4. Use at least two relevant theories in your analysis and discussion of the issues raised

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Design Communication

Answer the following questions please.1. What is the conventional way or ways Design and Art have been classified as separate? What is an alternative way to see them as related and co-dependent on one another?2. Describe the primary differences between ‘denotative’ and ‘connotative’ typography. Consider and name two to three design artifacts that rely on each typographic approach to function and why. (Hint: Newspapers typically rely on denotatively styled typography. Why?)2–3 design artifacts that employ denotative typography and why:2–3 design artifacts that employ connotative typography and why:

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Greek Virtue Ethicists

Do not do outside research or use external sources for this assignmentAristotle and the ancient Greek virtue ethicists saw a connection between virtue and happiness.  According to Aristotle, at least, it was impossible for one to attain true happiness–eudaemonia, or a “good life”–without first cultivating moral virtue.  Another way of putting this is to say that evil people cannot be happy in this way.  Interestingly enough, contemporary psychological studies of happiness seem to show that he’s right.  People who do “good” are more likely to live satisfying lives than those who don’t.  But Aristotle is making a stronger claim.  He’s saying that it is a contradiction–a logical impossibility–to have a satisfying life without virtue.  That’s different from saying it’s more difficult to do (which is what psychology tells us).  What do you think?  Is it possible to have a satisfying life–to attain eudaemonia–without being a good (virtuous) person?  Can evil people be fully happy? Explain your reasoning.Each discussion post should be at least 250Do not do outside research or use external sources for this assignment

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History Of Anthropology

+Essay #1: Making the Familiar StrangeThroughout this book we will be exploring how anthropology’s holistic, cross-cultural, and comparative approach can help us think more deeply about other people and live more consciously in our global world. As humans, we take for granted many things about our lives and how the world works, whether it is our notions of race or the cheap cost of a chocolate or a can of Coke. But anthropologists often describe how doing fieldwork can make the familiar strange and the strange familiar.Preparation: Review Guest’s ExampleFor this essay, you will be asked to conduct an anthropological analysis of a familiar object. Your book provides a great example on page 30: take a can of Coke, for instance. Can you make this most familiar cultural object unfamiliar? What would an anthropologist want to know about that can of Coke? What can you learn about yourself, your culture, or globalization in general from that can of Coke? How does the social life of a can of Coke intersect with the lives of people who produce it? To conduct an anthropological analysis – that is, focusing on the people behind the product – you could research answers to the following questions:1. What’s in it? Where in the world did the ingredients come from?2. What can you learn about the workers who produced it? What is their life like?3. What are some specific examples of places where Coke has had an impact on the local communities where it is produced? How has it affected these communities?4. You may want to explore one specific case study by researching Plachimada, India, and Coke. What is the relationship of the people in Plachimada to a can of Coke? Do they drink it? Do they work in the factory that makes it? How much do they earn? How much has the Coca-Cola factory changed their lives? Has it affected people in the community differently based on age, gender, or class? What actions did the people of Plachimada take to protest problems caused by the factory? Were they successful?5. What is the impact of the can of Coke on the community where it is consumed? What are the health impacts? The environmental impacts? Where does the waste end up — landfills, the ocean, recycled, repurposed?6. What do you pay for a twelve-ounce can? What are the real social costs of producing a can of Coke – in terms of water, power systems, sewage treatment, pollution, garbage disposal, and roads for transportation? Who pays for them?7. What is the environmental impact of making a can of Coke, considering what it takes to grow and process ingredients such as high-fructose corn syrup and the quantity of water required to produce the finished product?

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Resilient Caregiving

In Chapters 5–6 of your text, you learned the critical roles that parents play in providing stability and supports to children who live in at-risk environments. You also learned how physiological needs could contribute to how children respond to adversity. Please use your readings and research peer-reviewed journal articles in the Purdue Global Library to support your post.Please respond to the following:1.  Define adversity and explain how living in an at-risk community contributes to a family’s ability to foster resilience.2.  Discuss one physiological need that must be met in order for a family to have a chance at developing resilience. Find research on the physiological need chosen and share your findings.3.  Search Clay or Duval County, FL for an organization or agency that provides services that address the physiological need you chose. Discuss the programs they offer that assist families with meeting this need.Please read the following chapters in your text:Chapter 6: “Low-Income Fathers as Resilient Caregivers”Chapter 7: “Do What You Gotta’ Do: How Low-Income African American Mothers Manage Food Insecurity”Chapter 6 discusses the challenges that caregivers face when raising children in an at-risk environment. This chapter focuses on the development of resiliency factors in fathers and the critical role they plan in providing stability to a child’s environment.Chapter 7 also discusses the challenges that caregivers face when raising children; however, the focus in on the physiological needs of food, safety, and security. In addition, this chapter focuses on the critical role that mothers play in providing nurture and supports that can foster family resilience.OTHER ACADEMIC SOURCES MAY BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE TEXT. CITATION AND CHAPTERS ATTACHED.

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Moral Education

Answer the questions below. Use the sources provided and also use outside sources as well.1. Based on virtue ethics, why is moral education crucial to a person’s ethical development? Illustrate the necessity of moral education by discussing the pursuit of pleasure and the virtue of temperance (from Birsch, 2014, p. 174, #8).2. Use your understanding of Just War Theory and Bellaby’s (2014) list of potential harms and the Just Intelligence Principles to discuss what you would need to know in order to resolve the ‘Think About It’ question for the week. Don’t think through this from a particular ethical approach, only discuss the potential harms and just intelligence principles that would need to be considered.3. Consider and discuss how harm should be assessed (to the target, yourself, Country Y, the CIA, and the United States).This is the Think About It pertaining to number 2 and 3 above: You’re a Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV/Drone) operator for the CIA. Currently you are flying a UAV within Country X, which is within airspace that has been authorized by the CIA. A HUMINT report comes in that indicates a high value target has been spotted crossing into Country Y, a country you know to be off limits for collecting on.You can fly close enough to see the target from within your designated airspace, but the rules have been very clear that you must not collect imagery from Country Y. Your boss is telling you to verify the target before HUMINT move in to extract the target.What do you do?Sources to use:Birsch, D. (2014). Introduction to Ethical Theories: A Procedural Approach, Long Grove, IL: Waveland Press – Chapter 8: Aristotle’s Ethical TheoryGalliott & Reed (2016). Ethics and the Future of Spying: Technology, National Security and Intelligence Collection. New York, NY: Routledge – Chapter 7: Persons, personhood and proportionality: building on a just war approach to intelligence ethicsBellaby (2014). The Ethics of Intelligence: A New Framework. New York, NY: Routledge. – Introduction & Chapter 1: Harm, just war, and a Ladder of Escalation

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