Applied Sciences
Graphic Design
Apply an appropriate typeface, including size, weight, structure, form, direction, and color. Remember, you need only to revise the bold-faced type. The statements underneath are there to provide background information that can help you make typeface decisions. Avoid adding graphics rather focus on using the type to convey your message.You must also include a justification for your design decisions. Include justification statements to clarify why you made each of your design choices. You need to explain at least (4) four parts of your design such as the typeface selection, color, weight, form, direction, structure, etc. relating this to what you have learned in the chapter. In other words, ask yourself, why did you chose each item. Explain it. (Why did you chose the typeface? Why did you choose the color? Why did you choose italics
Scientific Misconduct
I have attached my friend’s assignment and I need someone to re-write in difrenent words without plagiarism, and here is the instructions:The Department of Health and Human Services Office of Research Integrity (ORI) has developed an interactive tool on responding to research misconduct. The video follows four characters and what happens to them when they make various decisions related to a case of suspected research misconduct. View the interactive video “The Lab”, playing the role of Kim Park, available at (Links to an external site.) Also, read the introduction and Chapters 1 and 2 of Introduction to the Responsible Conduct of Research (Links to an external site.) by Nicholas Steneck. Prepare 2-3 paragraphs total that answer the following questions: When you played Kim Park in “The Lab”, did you run into any problems? What were they? Identify and briefly discuss the most interesting thing you learned from the Steneck text. What are your answers to questions in the Case Study at the beginning of Chapter 2 in the Steneck text?
Interdisciplinary Studies
Instructions and model attached. Use below for model. This is Week 2 part.Topic: Expanding business knowledge could help senior managers become better overall leaders and employees.Research Question: If a manager decides to advance there career while still understanding different experiences of employees and executive expectations, how do they balance between the two?Disciplines Incorporated: Business (Leadership, Management, Structure), Social Science (History, Cultures)
Sustainability In Fashion
Write and submit a 850 word response to the reading. You will be evaluated on your ability to evidence your overall understanding of the subject through referencing the readings as well as responding to its validity within your personal experience (you can make this up in regards to anything about jakarta, indonesia, where I am from). Offering a critical analysis along with strategic next steps are recommended to conclude your responses.Things to address:What do I disagree with as written, what’s my dissenting opinion, and why?What does the reading leave unanswered, and how do I see answers to those questions?What new questions do I uncover in reading these works, and why are they so hard/complex to answer easily?
Computer Science
Submit as single MS Word document.Title each Part below. The minimum approximate length for both Parts together should be 1500 wordsPart 1 of 2Evaluate:What are different kinds of insider threats to our US cyber security?What mitigation efforts can help address this concern?Does corruption and cyberinfrastructure have anything in common? What are they and what can be done to help address this concern?Conclude with a research or policy question for further research.Part 2 of 21) How does social media assist emergency management. Give examples. 2) How does social media hinder emergency management. Give examples.3) How can emergency management officials help assist with providing relevant and detailed information about public health concerns?Conclude with a research or policy question.You must utilize literature and cite properly.Use APA style. Submit as Microsoft Word document.
Human Population
Choose a health problem in the human population. Some examples include cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer of a specific organ, an infectious disease, etc.Describe the biological and physiological aspects of the health problem and potential chemical treatments or pathways that are affected.Discuss the natural progression of chronic diseases, or the natural history of infectious or exposure-related illnesses.What are the potential outcomes of the disease (recovery or death), and what leads to those potential outcome(s)?
Government Performance
What is e-government? How can it improve government performance? Have you or your family ever used e-government? In your opinion, what repercussions does e-government have for noncomputer users?
Monopoly Power
Evaluate whether growing market concentration and monopoly power, in an industry such as motor manufacturing, are necessarily undesirable.
Natural Science
A company approaches you claiming that they have found a simple way to have argon and aluminum react to combine into a new compound.For the small sum of $7000, you can invest in this company.Using your knowledge of chemistry, what should you do? Explain clearly why you would or would not invest in this company.
American Popular Culture
WEEK THREE WRITING ASSIGNMENT Due Sunday January 17th by 10:00pm Exporting American Culture/Globalization. Choose a current American cultural identifier of your choice, sports, fashion, film, etc. In a 3-4 page paper describe how this piece of American popular culture has influenced another country, (ex: baseball in Japan) Please post your topic so we don’t duplicate, thanks (Hockey in Europe) The topic you choose for this paper can not be the topic you are using for your final paper. Include: How did your topic originate (brief)? Why or how was it adopted by another country? What makes them important? Are there celebrities involved in the other country? What values or role models do they reflect? How socially acceptable is it? Who does it appeal to? How is it marketed?
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