Applied Sciences
Wave-Particle Theory Of Light
Create a concept map outlining the theories and evidence that support the wave-particle theory of light. Where applicable, include (in brackets) the name of the scientist responsible for the discovery. Don’t forget to cite your sources. (30 MARKS) *This is all the information that I was given for this assignment
Essentials Of Geography
1. What is unique about the science of geography? Based on information in this chapter, define physical geography and review the geographic approach 2. Assess your geographic literacy by examining atlases and maps. What types of maps have you usedpolitical? Physical? Topographic? Do you know what projections they employed? Do you know the names and locations of the four oceans, seven continents, and individual countries? Can you identify the new countries that have emerged since 1990? 3. What does timekeeping have to do with longitude? Explain their relationship. How is Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) determined on Earth?
American Art
Instructions After reading “Transforming Colonists into Goddesses and Sultans: John Singleton Copley, His Clients, and Their Studio Collaboration” by Carrie Rebora, compose a short (one paragraph) analytical annotation that evaluates the relevance and effectiveness of the article. Note: This is the second assignment in a series of six annotated bibliography assignments. As with Module One, you may wish to consult the following website for tips on how to craft a project of this sort: How to Prepare an Annotated Bibliography. As you read, consider the following questions: What is the author’s thesis? What is the theme of their essay? What are their main points? What are the author’s credentials? Are they qualified to make the claims or raise the points they do?
Culinary Management
Discuss the Hawthorne and Likert studies and their importance to learning how to be a chef supervisor. What is meant by the concept of front-door to back-door management as it relates to the chef supervisor’s job? What are the elements of kitchen supervision? Describe them. What are the benefits of team building and empowerment within the foodservice industry? What is meant by the evolution of the chef with regard to supervisory positions? How does the chef supervisor’s role affect management, team members, and customer satisfaction?
Political Party Factions
***Use the lecture notes provided and the original reading, answer the questions in the “answer format” document directly. For each question, please find one short quote from the original reading, followed by a simple analysis of the quote to explain why this quote reflects the question. discussing four of the oracles described in Robert Borgen, “Michizane as Tenjin” (pp. 307-36, particularly 319-321) and Royall Tyler, trans., Japanese Tales #101 “The God of Fire and Thunder” pp. 144-49. In answering these questions make sure to think about how the oracle being given at a particular place and time might relate to wider historical issues. Do not assume that the oracle was true! QUESTIONS TO BE ANSWERED FOR EACH ORACLE SEPARATELY A. Who was the “author” of each oracle? I.e. who became possessed to give the oracle or had the dream vision? (male or female? part of a religious institution or non-institutional?) Do you think there may have been another person behind this “author”? B. Who was the intended audience for EACH ORACLE? Possible audience includes: 1. The three political factions at the time: a. peasants b. Fujiwara c. other aristocrats who want to get power away from Fujiwara 2. Two religious factions: a. popular shamanic religion, often led by charismatic female shamans, tied to peasants b. institutional religion, both Shinto and Buddhist, led by male religious figures, tied to aristocracy C. What was the purpose of EACH ORACLE? Are there any political and economic issues at stake? Who might benefit from the oracle? D. GENERAL QUESTION: How do the oracles reveal various religious and political factions fighting for control over Michizane? Points to consider: a. How do the common people view Michizane? That is, how does popular worship of Michizane link up to popular political protest? b. How do the Fujiwara (and Kiyoyuki’s family) view Michizane? c. How do other powerful aristocrats view Michizane? SYNOPSIS of four oracles involving Michizane (in chronological order): 1) (Borgen p. 314) In 939 during a ceremony at the Hachiman shrine, a female shaman (kannagi; Borgen refers to her as a “prostitute”) suddenly appears and in a state of possession gives an oracle from the Hachiman deity naming the rebel Taira no Masakado (d. 940) the new Emperor of the East. According to the oracle, Michizane supposedly drafted the proclamation. A translation of the oracle given in the Shômonki (p. 112), a biography of Masakado dating from soon after his death: “I am a messenger of the Great Bodhisattva Hachiman. I hereby confer upon my heir apparent, Masakado, the title of emperor. The spirit of the Minister of the Right, Sugawara no Michizane, holder of the senior second rank, has presented in writing the certificate of Rank wherein are written these words: ‘The aforesaid great Bodhisattva Hachiman hereby calls together the eighty thousand soldiers and confers upon Masakado the title of Emperor.’ Chanting the Pure Land Buddhist ‘Hymn of the Thirty-Two Signs,’ we must welcome the emperor without delay.” (Note that Masakado was killed by forces sent by the Fujiwara several months later. His head was presented to the Emperor, then buried back in the village of Shibasaki, which becomes central Edo/Tokyo. Masakado ends up functioning as a minor goryô in the Tokyo area for the next 1000 years; he is the central character in a number of Edo period Kabuki plays and contemporary fiction and anime which elaborate his magical powers.) 2) (Borgen, pp. 315-319; Royall Tyler, trans. #101 “God of Fire and Thunder” pp. 144-49 ) In 941, Dôken (AKA Nichizô), who is a son of Kiyoyuki (scholarly rival of Michizane who helped his downfall) and a yamabushi who practices Shugendô, has a dream vision in which he dies and is escorted to heaven. There he meets Michizane who says that esoteric Buddhism has calmed him down, and now he wants to be a Buddha. Dôken/Nichizô goes to hell and sees Emperor Daigo suffering; Daigo asks for prayers from the court to help him achieve release from hell for having driven Michizane into exile. 3) (Borgen, pp. 319-320) In 942 a female shaman named Tajihi no Ayako receives an oracle from Michizane. He is now known as Tenjin and wants her to build a shrine in Kitano. She builds an altar to him near her home. The oracle becomes the basis for an ecstatic singing and dancing cult that brings hundreds of people from the countryside into the capital carrying images of Michizane in portable shrines in 945. It is thought that Ayako managed to establish the shrine in Kitano in the sixth month of 947. 4) (Borgen, pp. 320-321) In the 3rd month of 947 (i.e. three months before Ayako enshrined Michizane at Kitano), the seven-year-old son of Miwa no Yoshitane, a Shinto Priest, receives an oracle indicating that Michizane, who controls 105,000 thunder demons (raijin), wants to be worshipped at Kitano like other Shinto deities, such as Hachiman and Kamo. He says that 1000 pine trees will grow there and miraculously they grow overnight. This is taken as a sign by Yoshitane and a Tendai monk Saichin, who then together cooperate to enshrine Michizane at Kitano Shrine and build a Buddhist Lotus Meditation hall. Later Pertinent Events: In the 8th month of 947, the grandson of Sugawara no Michizane is appointed to be the first head of the Shinto-Buddhist complex at Kitano. Thirty years later, in 976 the Sugawara and Fujiwara together manage to expel Ayako and her followers from the shrine.
Labeling Theory
Do you believe that rule-breakers become entrenched in deviant roles because they are labeled deviant by others and kept out of normal roles? Why or why not? Post your own ideas.
Ideological Effect
Please engage at least one of this week’s authors (Christopher Anderson and Michael Kackman) and both of the week’s screenings (Hopalong Cassidy, “The Feud” and Disneyland, “Davy Crockett, Indian Fighter”) to craft an organized and coherent 300-400 word response to the week’s material. You may choose to address any one or multiple of the below prompts and/or pose your own questions, critiques, and assessments. Please address specific and relevant aesthetic/thematic/narrative details about the episode(s), though, and use direct quotes or substantive paraphrases of the readings. You may start with some summary but synopsis should not comprise the bulk of your post. Some questions you might choose to consider (you do not need to answer all of them): How do Disneyland and Hopalong Cassidy reinforce or challenge American postwar ideals/values for children/young audiences? What appear to be the selected episodes’ main goals/purposes in terms of address and messaging? Where to you see the episodes as incorporating advertisements and other transmedia properties into their narratives, aesthetics, characters, or formats? How do the programs speak to kids as “citizen consumers”? How are these programs constructed as “educational” texts for young people and to what social/ideological effect(s)? What might they “teach” children about U.S. race and gender dynamics? How do “The Feud” and “Davy Crockett, Indian Fighter” compare/contrast in terms of their visual styles and genre orientations? How do these similarities and/or differences speak to Walt Disney’s and William Boyd’s modes of authorial branding? In what ways do these children’s episodes diverge from or align with other 1950s television genres/programs? How might we distinguish TV’s approach to teen/adolescent marketing from advertising directed towards kids? Do these programs seem “adaptable” to numerous markets/audiences or relatively “niche” in their appeal? How and why so? Screen link:
Sand Control Methods
i want reserch on well compleion and especially on : – Surface equipment design: Wellhead, Christmas tree and Surface Choke – Downhole equipment Design (Subsurface safety valves, Production packers, Gas lift valve, Side pocket mandrel) Completion fluid, Workover fluid and Packer fluid difference – Identify perforation and perforator types – Identify workover operations and sand control methods (filters, gravel packing)
Community Counseling Agency
magine your team works for a community counseling agency and you have been asked to create an informational pamphlet that describes multicultural counseling to the agency’s clients. Create a 350- to 700-word informational pamphlet that includes the following: Key concepts of multicultural therapy and family systems therapy The goals of each therapy The role of the therapist and client in the therapeutic relationship Techniques of therapy The importance of culturally competent counseling Include pictures and graphics, as appropriate.
Equipment Design
i want reserch on well compleion and especially on : – Surface equipment design: Wellhead, Christmas tree and Surface Choke – Downhole equipment Design (Subsurface safety valves, Production packers, Gas lift valve, Side pocket mandrel) Completion fluid, Workover fluid and Packer fluid difference – Identify perforation and perforator types – Identify workover operations and sand control methods (filters, gravel packing)
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