Ecosystem Ecology

The boundaries of an ecosystem are often defined in terms of the general characteristics of the plants and animals that live in an area, For example the boundaries of a desert ecosystem might be where moisture increases and vegetation becomes more abundant. All ecosystems are open with regard to energy sources (usually the sun), but consider the sources of water, air, food, building material and other resources.  Describe the sources and explain where fo they come from.

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Administrative Agencies

To ensure the fair, efficient, and transparent administration of public services, a variety of information-specific mechanisms were put in place to drive and monitor how subordinate agencies operate and share public information. Assess the existence and effects of judicial oversight of federal administrative agencies by addressing the following in a written report: Appraise how courts act as a checks and balances of administrative agencies. Evaluate the fundamental role of legislative oversight relative to administrative agencies. Evaluate the fundamental role of judicial review as it relates to administrative agencies. Distinguish between procedural and substantive due process. Evaluate potential barriers to contemporary judicial review. Support your assignment with at least five scholarly resources.

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International Relations Theories

Please answer the following questions .the essays should be minimum 800 words for each question. Try to answer the question directly without going into details of other issues. Please write a concise clear essay directly tackling the question with properly cited footnotes when necessary.  Make sure that your similarity index is not higher than 14%. Higher similarity scores will lead to reduced points. Make sure that you comply with these requirements 1- How/ why is intersubjectivity important in dealing with the theoretical and practical issues of IR? Make sure to indicate how intersubjectivity is utilised in different theories and what their implications are.  2- Why is there no international theory as Martin Wight claims? And why is there no nonWestern IR theory? Please deal with both parts of the question by uniting them under a single problematique, linking issues of Western and non-Western IR theory

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The African Diaspora

Please, define the African Diaspora.  Also, consider the political forces/dynamics behind its emergence as a global phenomenon. How did the idea of West/Europe emerge and how is it related to the idea of Africa and Global Blackness?  What does it mean to belong to the African Diaspora (as a global community) in light of the very diverse experiences of black people around the globe?  Who does belong to the African Diaspora, anyway? These questions are merely a guide to your reflection. Instead of responding to each one as a Q & A, please see them as an invitation to focus on these aspects of the readings. Your assignment is a  500-word entry in which you identify the main arguments, draw connections with previous readings, and pose some questions. You are expected to engage with the authors on their terms, not yours! Specifics: one-page, single-spaced, times new roman 12’

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Sustainable Energy

Describe critical factors for evolving Fort Collins’ Utilities efficiency, conservation, and distributed energy resource programs to achieve goals set in the Climate Action and Energy Policy.

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The Civil Rights Movement

I have to write a reflection essay by the 12th on the painting “shakespear’s African” by Robert Colescott and the song “We’re a winner” by Curtis Mayfield. and how they impacted the Civil rights movement for my African American Aesthetics class. I have an outline and need 3 pages on each work with a work cited page.

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Information Hierarchy

For this assignment, use some of the following techniques to gain insights and familiarize yourself with the company: ( Review the website experience from the perspective of a customer: Pretend you’re a customer, walk through the website (Booking. com) and take note of the following: What do you notice?  Is the website trying to sell you something? Draw your attention to deals or discounts?  How are they doing this? With animation? Color? Information hierarchy?  What do they want you to think is important? What is the goal of this website overall? Research the market: What other companies are vying for competition in this market? Pick 2 competitors (Expedia and CheapTickets), walk through their websites and take note of the following: What major similarities and differences do you notice?  What are they doing better/worse than your company?  What market or business data can you find online? Which of these companies are out performing the others? How?   Optionally, leverage techniques from this article: How to analyze a competitor’s content strategy  (Links to an external site.) Understand the audience: Look on the company’s website (, blog or search for more information to understand the audience. Ask yourself questions such as: Are they known for serving one type of audience vs. another?  If you were to guess, who do you think your company’s top customer personas would be? Families? Business people? Other companies? Has your company been in the press? Is a certain audience described in the press? What audiences is the company reaching through media placements? Deliverable: Individual assignment. Each student should create a summary of findings about the company, competitors and audience.

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List Of Speeches

Read Edward Carson’s cross-examination of Oscar Wilde on the following individuals: Lord Alfred Douglas (pp. 104-111) Alfred Wood (pp. 115-126) Edward Shelley (pp. 133-143) Walter Grainger (pp. 206-210)  Please also refer to what Carson says about Wood and Parker in his opening speech for the case for the defense (pp. 262-265; pp. 277-278). Finally, read pp. 280-283, where Carson’s speech is cut off and the trial comes to a surprising end. Write a piece in 400-500 words on one of the following: -In what ways was Wilde “advanced” for his time? In what ways was he an old-fashioned Victorian male? How did Wilde try to reconcile one with the other? Analyze the text carefully and give appropriate examples. -Analyze some of the words and expressions that Carson used when he cross-examined Wilde and when he opened the case for the defence. Analyze some of the words and expressions that Wilde used in answering Carson’s questions. What are some of the obvious differences? Are there any similarities? Do not simply list examples with descriptions. Your piece should have a structure.

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Historical Determinants

Q1: Review the historical determinants of the modern world and browse the galleries and images of Renaissance art on websites. What role did the invention of linear perspective in art play in helping to create the modern world? What aesthetic components, forms and themes do you observe in the Renaissance paintings and sculptures? Q2: Another historical marker of modernity is the emergence of capitalism and global commerce. As we can see in the images, the invention of linear perspective placed the individual at the center. This helped to create a relationship between the individual viewer and the outside world which became an object to be observed and ultimately controlled. This distinction also reinforces difference and distinction between self and other. How do the art works presented this week reveal relationships of power and inequality, e.g., between male and female, Europeans and colonized peoples? Global trade expanded during the Renaissance. What evidence do we find of trade, commodities and the celebration of moneymaking in Renaissance art? Q3: In the Middle Ages, the Christian religious view of human beings as sinful, fallen creatures who needed the Church to achieve redemption was dominant in European culture. In the Renaissance, how did humanists like Pico della Mirandola reorient the idea of humankind? How does Michelangelo’s famous Sistine Chapel ceiling reflect this view? As printing developed, what role did books, e.g., the Bible, play in giving ordinary people a greater sense of power over their own destinies?

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Spector Developed

Your task is to first, list and describe some of the techniques that Spector developed, and how they affected the sound of his recordings. Then, from the list below choose two songs produced by Phil Spector, and describe how they reflect his stylistic traits.   Songs: o   The Righteous Brothers, “You’ve Lost That Lovin’ Feelin'” The Crystals, “Then He Kissed Me”

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