Anthropology Theories

1> You will be doing part 2 of the project document. You will choose a community on second life related to any BTS fandom (kpop band) to research. You can find any community of your choosing to write this. You will then follow the proposal guide as is. you must include anthropological theories that relate to the community you are talking about.  2. you will have to create a basic resrecah question that focuses on a central issue that effects the community that relates to gender, identity, race, age etc. (does not have to be all of these could be 1 or multiple) the reproach question must answer who, what, where, when and why. YOU MUST have a direct question like “how has a persons off-line identity changed after being apart of the BTS second life fandom” you must then talk about the specific group you will observe, for example, make and females between the ages of 18-25 on second life PARTICIPANTS MUST NOT BE UNDER 16! KEEP IN MIND you are not conducting any interviews you are only discussing the approach to how you will conduct interviews, that’s what you are proposing. You must include all these sections  Sections to Include: Each section should be set off with a section heading/sub-title. The total proposal should be between 2400-3000 words, not including the bibliography. Title – Your title should be concise. It can be divided into two sections before and after a colon (:). Rather than being cute or witty, you should aim to include all or most of the key words that pertain to your proposed research. Introduction (/20)- This section, which should be one- two comprehensive paragraphs that will first introduce your topic and community and provide some background information about your chosen community. It should provide enough information about the chosen topic and community that any general reader can understand exactly what the project is about. It should peek the reader’s interest and clearly outline why it is focused on anthropology. There should also be at least one sentence explaining how anthropological theories will be used to support the main argument. Clarify the purpose and rationale for your research. Be brief, and concise, and do not devote a long stretch of time to explaining the details. At the end of the introduction you should state your research question in one sentence. In this one sentence you need to inform your reader about who, what, where, and why your research is significant. This should be a refined version of the question that you wrote for your Site Selection assignment. There are links to articles on how to write a research question below, but if you are still having trouble formulating your ideas I would suggest contacting the Writing Center at York. Review of Literature and Theory (/60)- This section will be approximately 4-7 paragraphs in length. It needs to contain a more in-depth explanation of your research objectives by contextualizing it within a body of scholarly literature. Given what has already been written on the topic, why is your research important? What will it contribute to our knowledge, within the discipline of anthropology? To answer these questions, you must place your research within a theoretical and conceptual framework and review the work of other scholars. All of the sources you have listed in your bibliography should be mentioned here (even if some are only mentioned briefly) In your discussion, make sure to outline the theories that are most important to you, and discuss how other anthropologists or scholars have investigated this or similar issues. Understanding your theoretical and conceptual framework will require a lot of thought, so don’t try to write this part in one night! Take time to think about how your research will complement or refute extant scholarly writings.   If you have never written a literature review before you need to do some research to figure out how this is done. The biggest mistake students’ make is writing an annotated bibliography for this section….there is a big difference between the two. You will receive 0 if you submit an annotated bibliography. A literature review is written in formal essay-style and should clearly summarize what other authors have said about your particular topic and community. All authors listed in the bibliography should be mentioned here. It also needs to answer the question: How will this research add to the anthropological literature on the chosen topic? Anthropology theories must also be summarized and outlined in terms of how they apply. As a fourth -year student you are expected to know how to write a short literature review. If you have never written one, I would highly recommend contacting the Writing Center at York. There are also links to articles below that might get you started. Also, the best way to learn is to read others literature reviews which usually follow the introduction in all anthropological articles. Methods (/60) – This section should answer the questions of where, who, how, and when: 1) where will your field site be? 2) What methods will you use to investigate the problem you have posed? 3) What schedule do you plan to follow to accomplish all of your goals? This section should clearly outline the methods used, why and how they will be used? Where the research will take place and a bit about the demographic involved. It should also include a brief timeline as well as references to anthropological theories about your chosen methods and methodologies. Remember: your methods must conform to the Generic Protocol and our ethics clearance rules. In summary include: 1) Describe the digital place/places you will conduct your research and offer important information regarding its social importance and users etc. 2) What methods will you use to investigate the problem you have posed? You need to explain how you will contact the participants and develop a relationship with them. Make sure you explain in detailed how the methods you have chosen (and need to use due to ethics clearance) will work for your particular project, are anthropological, and will benefit the creation of a digital ethnography. You need to cite anthropology sources here. Also, explain the amount of time you will spend, if you are doing any reviews of digital documents (including review of newspapers, historical archives, etc.); and if you plan on taking photographs or videos etc. Discuss your research procedures in down-to-earth, precise language. What are your strategies for collecting information? How do you plan to organize your field data: will you keep a field log? Will it be written by hand or typed on a computer? How will you contact your participants? 3) What schedule you plan to follow to accomplish all your goals? The “Method” section should end with a timetable or timeline (which can be in chart form) that outlines when you intend to complete each step of your research and writing up. List of Interview Questions (/20_–The whole class will focus and use the basic interview question list provided (11 in all) but you also need to create 5-10 open ended questions that are more specific for your particular project focus. Make sure they are “open-ended” and not close questions. We discussed the difference in Week 7. Bibliography (/20) – This should include the sources you have or should consult, which link up with your Literature Review. For the proposal you need a minimum of ten sources (80% anthropology) you   found outside of the course material, plus any sources from the course you would like to use. Do not rely on course materials for your research project. Most of these should follow from your Site Selection. Your mark here will be based on the correct formatting, and appropriate choices (all anthropology or related to anthropology), closely related to your topic (as explained in the literature review), fairly recent (most after 2000). Remember your project is focused on “Digital Ethnography” so make sure most of your sources are as well. The more current the sources the better! All references cited in the proposal should be included in the bibliography. Use the “Author-Date” Chicago Manual Style only. Spelling, Grammar, Style, Presentation in-text citations etc. (/20)

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Cultural Anthropologist

Be sure to include specific examples from the text, and lecture material. What is the difference between race and ethnicity? Is there a difference between race classification in ancient and modern societies? How is discrimination different from prejudice? How do color complexes vary throughout the world? Why is ethnicity important to an individual and a social group? Define and distinguish ethnic groups from each other in your own society? What must a cultural anthropologist do to prepare herself/himself for fieldwork? What are the challenges/and or difficulties in fieldwork? How might these affect data? How might an anthropologist’s theoretical framework influence their data collection and interpretation? Use examples from Raybeck. REQUIREMENTS: Cover sheet that must be in accordance to research standards, and contain title, name, course, instructor and date. This page is not numbered. Text begins at the top of page 1. Number all pages of the essay. Staple essay in the upper left hand corner! Do not use plastic covers. Paper must be at least 3 pages in length, and no more than 6 pages. Use 12 font. All margins 1 “. Double space all text. REMEMBER: use specific ethnographic material to support general statements. Without specific examples, the best score you can receive is a C+. Paper must include an introduction with a thesis statement and a conclusion. Avoid using direct quotes. Paraphrase information and cite text used. GRADING CRITERIA: Follow paper requirements as stated above. Overall organization of the paper and the clarity in the presentation of the analysis. Extant of thoughtful, insightful, and creative analysis. Correct, spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Proof read your papers. Papers that are submitted to me 1 week in advance to the due date I will offer assistance with and edit, one time before the final paper is submitted. Late papers will be docked 10 points! source you must use: View: Racial/Ethnic Prejudice & Discrimination: Crash Course Sociology #35 View: A Girl Like Me: Chapter 1: Exploring Race and Ethnicity (see under content). Schaefer, R. (2015),  Racial and ethnic groups (14rth ed.). New Jersey: Pearson education, Inc.

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Archaeological Concepts

Please write a complete essay about one of the following questions. Remember to follow the following format: Introductory Paragraph Introduce your topic using archaeological concepts and approaches. Include a clear thesis statement in which you state what your essay will be about, ensuring that you answer the essay question. Body Paragraphs Support your thesis statement with clearly organized points. Make sure that archaeological concepts and approaches are used in analysis in each paragraph. Support these points with concrete examples, information, data from the articles (and text and lectures where pertinent). Concluding Paragraph 1. We have seen in this course that although archaeology is a science, it is not free of politics. What kinds of conflicts around artifacts and bones have archaeologists and Native Americans encountered? How have they been resolved? What are your recommendations for successful research in the future? Refer to the articles (Frozen in Time, Pueblo Indians Receive Remains, and Africa Rejoices) and the lecture. Or 2. For urban, state level societies to develop, agricultural intensification was necessary to produce more food. What are some techniques of agricultural intensification? Does this intensification require state level organization? How might archaeological understandings of intensive agriculture help in food production today? Please refer to Secrets of El Dorado and Footplows and Raised Fields for data and evidence.

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Hispanic Migration

Review Chapters 6 and 7 of the Frankfort-Nachmias & Leon-Guerrero text and in Chapter 7, p. 188, consider Hispanic migration and earnings and focus on how different levels of confidence and sample size work together. Review Magnusson’s web blog found in the Learning Resources to further your visualization and understanding of confidence intervals. Use the Course Guide and Assignment Help found in this week’s Learning Resources to search for a quantitative article related to confidence intervals. Using the SPSS software, General Social Survey dataset and choose a quantitative variable that interests you. Using SPSS: Take a random sample of 100. Calculate the 95% confidence interval for the variable. Calculate a 90% confidence interval. Take another random sample of 400. Calculate the 95% confidence interval for the variable. Calculate a 90% confidence interval. Post your results, the mean of Age to verify the dataset you used, and an explanation of how different levels of confidence and sample size affect the width of the confidence interval. Next, consider the statement, “Confidence intervals are underutilized” and explain what the implications might be of using or not using confidence intervals. Provide examples based on the results of your data. Also, use your research to support your findings.

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Ethical Behavior Issues

Write a two-page paper, plus the title page and a reference page on the following statement: Describe one or more ethical behavior issues in handling food and beverage products returned to a manufacturing company and a retail store. ****Chose a real example****

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Fundamentals Of Communication

CMNS 101: Fundamentals of Communication General Education Common Graded Assignment: Speech Critique This is the final exam for this course Due: December 20 (by end of the day, 11:59 pm) Bonus: Submit December 16 (by end of the day, 11:59 pm) CMNS 101 Fundamentals of Communication is a general education course designed to assist students in the development of critical life skills. One of the goals of this assignment is to assess student competence for each of these objectives: Written and Oral Communication— demonstrate effective verbal and nonverbal techniques in a variety of settings; Critical Analysis and Reasoning—explain the impact of language on communication; Technological Competence— employ appropriate technology in the design and delivery of messages in various formats Information Literacy— demonstrate critical thinking in researching, organizing, and presenting information; Local and Global Diversity— analyze the variables that influence communication, including culture, gender, nonverbal settings, and symbols; Personal and Professional Ethics— identify factors that constitute ethical and unethical communication in a variety of contexts and audiences, including family, social, school, speech audiences, career environments, and diverse populations. In addition to the above general education objectives, this assignment assesses students’ understanding and application of the following skills and knowledge specific to the public speaking unit of this course: Ability to distinguish factors that constitute effective verbal and nonverbal delivery Ability to identify reliable and timely sources of information Ability to analyze effective organization and support of speech content ****************************************************************************** Assignment Specifications View the assigned speech: Jamila Lyiscott – 3 Ways to Speak English After viewing the assigned speech, write a paper (must be a minimum of 750 words and should not exceed-1000 words in length, which is the equivalent to about 3-4 double- spaced typewritten pages) that addresses ALL of the questions below. Remember to use examples to support your answers. These papers should reflect CCBC English 101 writing standards (i.e. organized paragraphs, standard heading and format – refer to Basic Assignments- with minimal spelling and grammatical errors.) Also make sure that your answers for each question in the essay be at least a paragraph, as you are asked to provide a minimum number of examples for each question. Also remember to incorporate an Introduction and Conclusion.   ***************************************************************************** INTRODUCTION The introduction of the paper should provide insight and interest to the audience. Lead with a hook or an attention getter such as a rhetorical question, statistic, definition, humor or a statement (Hacker, 2003, p. 14). Include background information or orientation. Lastly, form a thesis statement that will include your main points (Hacker, p.13). BODY 1. How does the speaker’s background/experiences influence his/her perception of the topic? 2. What are they saying about their self-concept and/or their co-culture and how it relates to other co-cultures and realities? 3. How does the speaker consider the diversity (in terms of background, beliefs, and values) of the audience – including those watching online? 4. What aspects of the speaker’s verbal delivery were effective and/or ineffective? 5. What aspects of the speaker’s nonverbal deliver were effective and/or ineffective? 6. Research the sources used in the speech and evaluate whether they enhance the credibility of the speaker. Then find one source on the topic that the speaker could incorporate into their speech to enhance or support their speech. Explain the credibility of that source and why you selected it. 7. Discuss how the speaker avoided or displayed bias in the speech. Defend your position. CONCLUSION The conclusion should review and summarize your main points and leave the audience with something to think about (Hacker, p.16). For example, after you summarize your main points you may want to use a quote or a personal comment that captures how you feel about the speech. **************************************************************************** As a reminder, this should be written as a paper. DO NOT write this as a question/answer format

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Ruben Martinez

OBJECTIVE: You will write a three-page research paper that utilizes outside research from the WLAC online database. Your research paper will demonstrate your ability to write a clear thesis, support this thesis with research from 2-3 academic articles, and your ability to proficiently utilize MLA style. PROMPT: Pick an author and story / essay from the text (it does not have to be one that we read). You may also pick any story, essay, or even a novel that you have read that is about Los Angles. How does the author you choose use language (words, phrases, figurative language, etc…) to define Los Angeles in a unique and specific way? Make sure to discuss what the author does well, as well as, what the author’s blindspots are?

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Monitoring System

Return to the criminal justice problem you selected for Assignment #1 and walk it through the entire 7-Stage Model. This must be a detailed account of the problem and include all seven stages. NOTE: YOU ONLY NEED TO FOCUS ON ONE PROBLEM OR ONE POLICY RELATED TO YOUR TOPIC Analyze the problem Set goals and objectives Design the program or policy (for this paper you only need to select one).  Develop an action plan Design a monitoring system (including a Gantt chart) Evaluating Outcomes (you only need to identify what type of evaluation method you might use to evaluate your program). Discuss how you will reassess and review your program or policy.  Your paper must be detailed. Use the Appendix at the end of the textbook as your checklist to ensure you have covered all aspects of all seven stages. The paper when completed should be a minimum of 6-8 pages in length (more if needed). Use the textbook and at least 4 outside sources to support your key points. Use the APA style of referencing to cite your sources.

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Fashion Design

1. Identify their source texts, explain each, and discuss their relationship with each other in the context of gender and fashion (using class readings, lectures, and discussions).Your responses cannot be more than 300 words each. 2. analysis image for no more than 150 words each

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Development Theory

As for all forum questions, please use the forum question to guide your discussion and write your post in a paragraph(s) format. You do not want to repost the question and then insert your answer. Using references to support your work is important that correct APA format uses in-text citations. We learn parenting skills from many places. Perhaps our biggest influence on our attitude towards parenting is from our parents and how we were raised. We also are influenced by media, science, religion, and other sources. Our question is, what if a license was required to become a parent, as suggested by David Lykken in our week one readings. What do you think should be required to obtain that license? At first blush you may think this could never happen, and it may not. But the point is to think of why a license could be needed; think of the benefits, what would be needed to overcome objections. How do values enter in to the discussion? Use one theory from this list and apply it to your argument of license or not. Erikson’s Lifespan Theory of Development Bronfenbrenner’s Bioecological Theory of Development Jean Piaget’s Constructivist Theory Socio-Culture Theory of Lev Vygotsky

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