Geographical World

Post a reflection on the novel to your portfolio. Consider what you think the novel is designed to communicate to us, and how you think we’re intended to relate to the characters in the story. How does Adichie uses her novel to reflect on and communicate about the world (whether we’re talking about the geographical world the characters inhabit, or their social world, or their psychological or emotional world)? Choose any angle on these questions that interests you. You can use the focus questions provided with the reading assignment as a prompt, but you may also choose to reflect on another aspect of the novel that interests you. Include specific details from the story to support your analysis, quoting at least one passage. Don’t forget to use MLA format, citing content taken from the book with the author’s name and page number in parentheses.

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Whole Foods

1. Prepare a competitor analysis, which should include relevant financials if they are available (refer to Exhibits 5 and 6), and your view on their competitive position in the marketplace and their top four (4) strengths on the corporate innovation radar (a grid view / spreadsheet / diagram or combo of those should help). How would you define Whole Foods’ industry? Who are Whole Foods competitors and why? 2. How would you describe Whole Foods’ strategy? What is their own position within the 5-forces versus the industry as a whole / how are they competing? What individual value chain activities (where they create the value) in the case support your point of view? (Be specific.) 3. How attractive is Whole Foods’ current market position? Is it sustainable, why or why not? (Be specific about their position and why, using financial data to support you viewpoint for or against the case — and “throw the book at me,” when it comes to sustainable competitive advantage, VRIO, innovation radar.) 4. What do the financial ratios in Exhibit 4 tell you about the past performance of Whole Foods? How informative is the historical ratios for Whole Foods’ prospective performance? (2 pages maximum) 5. Examine Exhibit 7 in detail and answer the questions listed below (use this Exhibit 7 Final Spreadsheet and expand upon the spreadsheet with your own calculations to support your point of view — my clue is: % (percentages): How important are each of the underlying financial assumptions in the ROA and financial forecast? (Look at the trend lines, what do you believe is relevant?) What assumptions play the biggest role in driving the anticipated improvements in ROA? (Assumptions such as: margins, asset turnover, growth, Ebit, stores.) Are the assumptions reasonable, why or why not? Look at files for more instructions. Please watch this lecture it is crucial to the professors expectations

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Sport Policy

Explain under what conditions can we expect convergence in sport policy? (20 marks)

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Experimental Design

Relate the knowledge you have gained of the concept of experimental design to a product or service. What factors would you test in running your experiment? Considering the root cause methods that you have studied, which is your preferred method? Why?

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Counter Terrorism Programs

You will choose a topic directly related to the study of intelligence analysis and write a 8-12-page research paper on that topic, making use of a minimum of 5 different sources. The paper must be written in APA format and adhere to the standards of academic writing. 1. What is “counter-terrorism?” What counter-terrorism methods have been successful? What can governments do to improve counter-terrorism programs? 2. “International institutions don’t matter in counter-terrorism. Just look at what happened in Rwanda.” Do you agree or disagree with this assessment? Address the role or lack of role of international bodies in counter-terrorism. 3. What is the role of the press in counter-terrorism? How has the press contributed to the escalation of terrorism? How has the press contributed to counter-terrorist activities? 4. Have suicide attacks helped or hindered terrorist groups’ goals? How has the advent of suicide attacks changed counter-terrorist strategies?

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Color Theory

Assignment instructions: Part 1 1.1    Line (there are several types of line to use/describe)          Shape (explain specific types of shapes possible in an image)          Contrast (how is it being created) 1.2    Texture (explain which type of texture, where, and what is it doing to the image) 1.3    Implied Depth: Space (how is the illusion of space created = several possible terms from powerpoint lecture) 1.4    Color theory (several terms/topics that can be used – explain where, and what is it doing to the image) 1.5    Time (how is this implied/revealed in the image- and explain)          Motion (how is this implied/revealed in the image- and explain) 1.6    Unity (why? describe)          Variety, (where and why? describe)          Balance (various types of balance- explain and describe) 1.7    Scale (how and why is this evident and how is it evident)          Proportion (how and why is this evident and how is it evident) 1.8    Emphasis (explain where, what, and why)          Focal Point (explain where, what, and why) 1.9   Pattern (explain what is creating)         Rhythm (explain why is it there, where, and what is it doing to the image) Proceed to purposefully select 5 terms/topics from above that you can identify the most in your assigned image One sentence per term (do not use multiple terms in one sentence or description) Include a summary-definition of each term/topic you are using. Describe how each term is being used in your given image – as you use and describe how it is being used explain why and where it is happening Within your analysis = Bold and underline the topics/terms- so we all can easily see what terms you have chosen

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Court-Annexed Alternatives

A divorcing couple with three children, a boy age 11, and two girls ages 7 and 4, cannot agree on which parent should have primary custody or on a visitation schedule for the noncustodial parent. In this hypothetical situation, which court-annexed alternative dispute method (mediation, settlement conference, ENE, nonbinding arbitration, mini-trial, or summary jury trial) do you think  is most appropriate and why? If the parties cannot agree, do you think the court system should intervene? How long do you think attempts at conflict resolution between the parties should be allowed? Share your opinions on the discussion board.

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Sediment Transportation

Questions: 1.      Describe the geography of western North America during the Late Triassic based on the evidence discussed in the paper. Include things like coastlines and the location of active and extinct volcanic centers. 2.      What does the paper show about sediment transportation? 3.      Where did rivers flow from and to where? 4.      What formations were deposited by these rivers (be specific)? 5.      What was the composition of sediments transported from these areas, and what kind of source rocks were therefore present? 6.      Aside from zircon age using U-Pb dating, what other information was used to determine the source of zircons?

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Program Sustainability

Enterprise Risk Management is a process where organizations review risk or risk silos to better understand how risk impacts the organization, but more importantly the affects of a risk silo and its impacts on another risk silo and those residual impacts. Many organization create scenarios to understand possible implications; for example, “a drop in sales affects on finance and maintaining workforce levels”. Each risk silo in itself has impacts and requires management. ERM would investigate other outcomes as they interact and may present changing dynamics. After reviewing the “Enterprise Risk Management” article — LINK HERE ( , incorporate the following into a paper. An in-depth description of Enterprise Risk Management (you may use additional sources and research) The importance of program sustainability Explain the purpose of taking risk out of siloed functions What is the purpose and value of Risk Registers Explain why organizations have included into the risk management portfolio non-financial activities, such as ethical corporate practices and external social and environmental activities Close the paper by articulating an understanding of the resources committed to ERM practices. Do they benefit to an organization? Why or why not?

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Global Health

The concept and organization of global health rests on a contradiction: It may be universal in its aims—to eradicate infectious diseases across the planet and prevent new ones from spreading, to improve generally, on average, the health of the world’s poorest citizens, and so on—yet it must address itself to innumerable local situations, where extant health care capacities, social-political-economic organization, culture, climate, terrain, etc. radically differ from one another. How has the discipline and practice of global health addressed itself to this gap? How have/can medical anthropological approaches contribute(d) to bridging the global and local? Think in terms of concepts, approaches, and methods. Give examples.

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