Environmental Politics

JK Galbraith claims that economic ideas have “accommodated” changing  politics. What does he mean? Do you think he is correct? How might economic ideas about the environment have “accommodated” trends in environmental politics? The primary criteria used in evaluating written work will be:  1) Mechanics: Your work must be completely free of grammatical errors, spelling errors, or major factual errors. References can be in any style but the same format must be used consistently and they must be accurate.  2) Writing style: Your papers should be written in a clear and unambiguous style which assists, rather than impedes, communication with the reader.  3) Structure: Your written work should have a clear focus, provided by the research question, and a structure which logically flows from that focus.  4)Precision and accuracy: Precision means saying exactly and specifically what you mean, avoiding ambiguity and vague generalities. Accuracy refers to the absence of major factual errors.

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Individual Evaluation

Modality and Therapeutic Activity Workshop: Group and Individual Evaluation Submit Assignment Due No Due Date Points 25 Submitting a text entry box, a website url, or a file upload Available until Dec 11 at 11:59pm Course Weight: 15%- See rubric for assessment criteria. Due Date: One week after workshop by midnight (11:59 pm). (*mark of 0 if elements not submitted/late without consulting instructor for approval before due date as per policy) Goal:  For the student to critically analyze their own role in the implementation of the Modality and Therapeutic Activity Workshop.            For the student to critically analyze their group members’ role  in the implementation of the Modality and Therapeutic Activity Workshop.  ____________________________________________________________ One week after the Modality and Therapeutic Activity Workshop has been implemented each CYC student will submit a 4-5 page (not including APA title page) individual evaluation of their role along with the  Group Members Rubric and summary. Classroom feedback may be included as it relates to the student’s individual role. Marks will be awarded for the student’s own ability to critically analyze their skill set.  The are two parts to this assignment:  1. Group member assessment-5% Assessment of all group members participation during planning and implementation of the workshop and psycho-educational write up. See template here:  Minimize File Preview 2. Self assessment-10% Critical assessment of skills demonstrated during the planning and implementation of the workshop, therapeutic activity/discussion and psycho-educational write up. ____________________________________________________________ 1. Group Member Evaluation (5%)  Complete Group Member Evaluation rubric and write a summary paragraph for each member. 2. Self Assessment (10%)  Critically analyze your role during the workshop/therapeutic activity & discussion.  Focus on how you implemented the therapeutic activity and facilitated the small group discussion.  Assess all the positive and negative aspects. Analyze your role during preparations for this assignment. Discuss what you would do the same and what you would do differently if you were to engage in this assignment again (including planning, implementation of workshop, therapeutic activity/discussion.) Provide examples of the modification ideas such as the exact wording you would use or changes to the task. Include a clear statement of your goals and strengths for this workshop.  Provide concrete examples to support your observations and assessment. ____________________________________________________________ Formatting: Typed in 12 point Times New Roman font double spaced group members summary and Self Assessment single space the group members rubric Include a title page in APA format Docx or .doc format Submit one (1) file Resources for APA referecing:  (Links to an external site.) Rubric Workshop Assignment: Group and Individual Evaluation Workshop Assignment: Group and Individual Evaluation Criteria Ratings Pts This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome On-going assignment involvement 5.0 pts Level 5 Leadership role in contribution to group effortAttended all group meetingsExcellent, ongoing participation on and off-lineExceeded group expectationsMet all deadlinesSuperior effort demonstratedGoes beyond stated criteriaExcellent Peer reviews 3.0 pts Level 3 Adequate leadership in their assigned roleContributed to group effortAttended most group meetingsSome participation on and off-lineMet group expectations/met most deadlinesAverage effort demonstratedAverage Peer reviews 1.0 pts Level 2 Minimal contribution to group effortMinimal leadership in their assigned roleAttended some group meetingsMinimal participation one and off-lineDiscussion ForumMet some group expectationsMet some deadlinesAverage effort demonstratedAverage Peer reviews 0.0 pts Level 4 No leadership in their assigned roleDoes not attend most group meetingsLittle to no participation in planningDiscussion ForumFails to meet group expectationsFails to meet deadlinesBelow average effort demonstratedBelow average Peer reviews 5.0 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Part One: Group Member Evaluation- Rubric and Summary 10.0 pts Level 5 Completed on or before due dateSuperior detail, includes rubricExcellent summary of each member’s role in assignmentExcellent example of assignment 7.0 pts Level 3 Completed on or before due dateAdequate detail, includes rubricAdequate summary of each member’s role in assignment 5.0 pts Level 2 Completed on due dateSome detailsSome summary of each member’s role in assignment 2.0 pts Level 1 Not completed or lateMinimal detail, no rubricMinimal summary of each member’s role in assignment 10.0 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Part Two: Self Assessment-Application 5.0 pts Level 5 Exemplary observationsExcellent linkage to course contentAll points supported by relevant concrete examplesCritical analysis of own strengths and goalsAbove expected criteria 4.0 pts Level 3 Adequate observations or descriptions includedAdequate linkage to course contentAdequate examples includedAdequate analysis of own strengths and goals 3.0 pts Level 2 Some observations includedSome linkage to course contentSome examples includedSome analysis of own strengths and goals 1.0 pts Level 1 Missing observationsNo links/limited links to course contentMinimal examples includedMinimal to no analysis of own strengths, goalsRelies predominantly on classroom feedback or sweeping generalizations 5.0 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Mechanics 5.0 pts Level 5 Well organized.No errors in spelling and or grammarAPA: error-free.Completed in a timely manner.Thoughtful and professional conclusions. 4.0 pts Level 3 Generally well organized.Minimal errors in spelling and or grammar.APA citation: errors.Completed in a timely manner.Some conclusions. 3.0 pts Level 2 Poorly organized, does not follow format.Several errors in spelling and or grammar (3- 5 mistakes)APA citation: frequent errors.Completed in a timely manner.Minimal conclusions. 0.0 pts Level 1 Poorly organized, does not follow format.Major repeated errors in spelling and or grammar (more than 5 mistakes).APA citation: major errors.Not completed in a timely manner.No conclusions. 5.0 pts Total Points: 25.0

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American Experimenters

John Cage re-imagined the piano as a one-person percussion instrument. Choose an instrument that you find interesting (the human voice can count), and find 2-3 examples of musicians pushing the technical possibilities of that instrument beyond traditional limits. Describe the things they do? How do these new techniques expand into new areas of sound? Are these techniques just “gimmicks” or are they truly expressive? Please supply links to video or audio recordings of the pieces/songs you find. – use the outline as much as you can  – its a compare contrast essay  – use 2 youtube sources, and 1 internet source

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Protecting Pornography

Research question: Can pornography be protected as ‘speech’ and what types of regulations of pornography can be endorsed?You have to use external academic literature as well for writing this paper. There are many academic articles and books on google scholar about this topic.”Student should write a final paper of about 4000 words (with 10% margin). The student should read approximately 200-300 pages of additional literature for the paper.”Evaluation based on:(a) structure, style, language(b) the originality of the leading question and arguments(c) the ability of the student to consistently research a qeustion and develop an argument(d) the degree to which the student displays knowledge and insight related to the course’s readings and themesI have also attached comments doc of the advisor for this paper.

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Intermittent Fasting

5.     Method a.      Identify the type of Method: meta-analysis b.     Present the step-by-step process of the research c.      Present the tools that used to carry out the research: ·        Databases; studies; limitations; d.     Present how the tools were handled: ·        Limitation; purpose of the limitations: ** Population ** access to the studies ** language ** keywords used for the search/research: keywords should be entered between “X” marks e.      Incorporate a minimum of 5 references 6.     Results a.      Presents clearly and objectively/neutrally the findings; only present them: ·        Narrative paragraph ·        Visual (table, figure, graph, etc..) HIV Treatments Article Criterion 1: survival Criterion 2: quality of life Criterion 3: cure Smith (2019) Treatment A: low Treatment B: 50% Treatment A: good Treatment B: low Treatment A: no cure No cure Johns (2020)       Robinson (2017)       Peterson (2020)       Gomez (2018)         b.     do not: interpret, analyze, discuss the results;

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The Philosophy of Plato

Write a 4-6 page essay-style answer to one of the following questions:Question I: Plato’s PhaedoWhat does Simmias mean when he compares the soul to a harmony or attunement? Why does this comparison present a problem for Socrates in the Phaedo? How does Socrates respond to Simmias’ challenge? Is Socrates’ response convincing, in your view? Explain.This assignment involves three tasks:Task 1Explain in detail Simmias’ conception of the soul as a harmony or attunement. What are the relevant similarities between a harmony and the soul, on this picture? How does Simmias’ comparison present a problem for Socrates in the Phaedo? In other words, why can’t Socrates simply accept Simmias’ comparison? Explain.Task 2In the Phaedo, Socrates gives four distinct reasons to doubt Simmias’ conception of the soul as a harmony or attunement. Discuss two of these reasons. Why does Socrates doubt that Simmias’ conception of the soul is apt? Your job here is to explain whatever two reasons you selected as thoroughly as you can.Task 3Finally, your job here is to focus on one of the reasons you discussed in Task 2, and to develop a response to it on Simmias’ behalf. Imagine that you are a participant in the dialogue. How would you come to Simmias’ defense, if you had to? For example, do you think that one of Socrates’ reasons relies on an error or a confusion of some kind? If so, then explain the error or confusion as thoroughly as you can.Question II: Plato’s Republic, Book 2In Book 2 of the Republic, Glaucon argues that everyone who practices justice does so “unwillingly” (358c). In your view, what does Glaucon mean by this? How does Glaucon support this part of his position? Reconstruct Glaucon’s case with numbered premises. Does his argument succeed, in your view? Explain. This assignment involves three tasks:Task 1First, interpret Glaucon’s thesis, explaining its key terms. In particular, what does Glaucon mean by “justice”? And what does he mean by the term “unwillingly”? Defend your interpretation with textual evidence. Task 2Begin by reconstructing the argument found at 359b-360d. Number your premises, stating them as clearly as you can. Make sure to list only those premises you take to be essential for generating the conclusion. The conclusion of the argument should also be clear in your reconstruction. Next, identify what support (if any) you find in the text for each of the premises. What reasons does Glaucon give on behalf of each of the premises in question? Where you find support for the premises to be lacking, provide whatever defence you can for the under-supported premise(s). For clarity’s sake, make sure to refer to the premises according to the numbering you supplied earlier in Task 2.Task 3Finally, you should evaluate Glaucon’s case. Is Glaucon’s argument persuasive, in your view? Do you think it relies on a dubious premise? If so, then identify the premise in question by the numbering you supplied in Task 2. For example, maybe you think Glaucon’s case relies on a questionable thought experiment. If so, then explain where you think the thought experiment goes wrong. On the other hand, maybe you think Glaucon’s argument is sound. If so, then you should develop what you take to be the strongest objection to Glaucon’s argument, and then explain why you think the objection fails. Question III: Plato’s Republic, Book 4According to Socrates in the Republic, how many parts does the soul have, and what are the natures of these parts? What is his method for proving that the soul has precisely this many parts? Develop what you take to be the strongest objection to Socrates’ division of the soul.This assignment involves three tasks:Task 1For Task 1, explain Socrates’ conception of the soul and its parts. What distinguishes each of the soul’s parts? What human motivations do the soul’s parts represent, respectively? Your job here is to outline the model of the soul that Socrates will go on to generate.Task 2Explain Socrates’ method for dividing the soul into parts. To what general principle does Socrates appeal in justifying this method? Next, explain how Socrates applies this method so as to generate the division of soul you outlined in Task 1. What specific cases does Socrates use to prove that the putative parts of soul are in fact distinct?Task 3Develop what you take to be the strongest objection to Socrates’ division of soul. Be sure to make clear the precise character of your objection. For example, do you object to Socrates’ method for dividing the soul (as you explained it in Task 2)? If so, explain as thoroughly as you can your reasons for rejecting this method. Alternatively, maybe you approve of Socrates’ method of division, but you also worry that he is misapplying this method when he divides the soul. If so, then explain as thoroughly as you can where you think Socrates is misapplying his method.Some Instructions:Assignments must be written in 12 pt. font and double-spaced, with one-inch margins and numbered pages. Make sure that your name and student number appear at the top of the first page. Title pages are not necessary.Your introductory paragraph must include a clear thesis statement. A thesis statement has two main components: i) A clear statement of the position you will take in the paper; and ii) a brief, clear outline of the case you will make in support of that position.Make sure to explain any technical terms you use. What constitutes a technical term? Ask yourself the following question: ‘Would a friend of mine who has never taken a philosophy course readily understand what the term means?’ If the answer is no, then it’s a technical term. Explain it.Use direct quotations (i.e. “____”) only on those rare occasions when you want to call attention to the author’s precise wording. Otherwise, explain the reading in your own words and cite accordingly in parentheses or footnotes.Any standard citation style (e.g. APA, MLA, Chicago) is acceptable, but please remain consistent in your paper. Make sure to give citations for Plato’s dialogues using Stephanus numbers (e.g. 434a; 435a-436b). If you have any questions about citations, ask the instructor. 

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Polling Exercise

University of Phoenix Material Polling Exercise Conduct a poll of at least five people by asking the following questions. Evaluate each answer and decide whether you would consider it as hedonic or eudaimonic, and record it in the table. Finally, answer the question below the table in 200-350 words. What makes you happy? Would you say you are living “the good life?” Why or why not? If you could make any changes you wished that would make you happier, what would those be? Hedonic Eudaimonic Write a summary of your results. What common beliefs about happiness were evident in your results?

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Geologic History

Write a 2000 word report about the geology of a particular area of California. This area may be a major national or state park, or perhaps a particular county where you grew up. Your paper should have four important sections.   Please label them with appropriate headings I.  Geologic features:  Describe the geologic features (rocks, structures — faults, landforms) of the area. Explain any geologic terms in your own words. Example: “Gneisses outcrop in the northeastern and central area. Gneisses are foliated metamorphic rocks with layering between micas and feldspars. The layering forms synclines and anticlines through out the area. Synclines are folds that open upward, and anticlines open downward.”  Also explain any spatial relationships between the features. What is the sequence of layering? Which rocks are next to each other, which rocks intrude others, what rocks do the faults cut, which is/are older/younger. II.  Geologic history:  Explain the geologic history of the area. Refer to geologic time periods or dates. What kind of plate tectonic activity was going on?  What mountains were forming?  etc. III.  Map of the area of interest:  Please include appropriate map scale and citation. IV.  Bibliography:  Please use MLA format.  Please observe the minimum source requirements described below. Style This is to be written in an informative and technical style. Please be clear and to the point. Avoid poetic metaphors and philosophical statements that are not related to science or geology. Use correct spelling and grammar.  Use Times or Palatino font in a 12 point size, one inch margins, double spaced, on standard 8 1/2 by 11 inch paper. All outside references must be appropriately cited.  Research Strategies You may research this paper by either participating in a scheduled field trip and examining the rocks for yourself (with instructor guidance), or you may carry out your own library research.  References The following are references that you may find useful. You may use other appropriate references not listed here. If you choose to do most of your research on a field trip, you must use at least one library/book reference. If you do a library report instead of a field trip report, you must use at least three references, and two of those references must be a book, magazine, or online library source.  After using two library references, you may use online references.  Make sure that your online references are from reputable government or academic organizations.  Do not use wikipedia as a source.  If you find information in a wikipedia article that interests you, please see which source the article references.   California Geology Magazine Alt, David D. & Hyndman, Donald W.; 1975, Roadside Geology of Northern California; Mountain Press Publishing; 249 pg. Durrell, Cordell; 1987, Geologic History of the Feather River Country, California; University of California Press; 337 pg. Harden, Deborah; 2004, California Geology; Prentice Hall; 552 pg. McPhee, John; 1993, Assembling California; Farrar Straus, and Giroux; 304 pg. Sharp, Robert P. & Glazner, Allen F.; 1997, Geology Underfoot in Death Valley and Owens Valley; Mountain Press Publishing; 319 pg.  Sharp, Robert P. & Glazner, Allen F.; 1993, Geology Underfoot in Southern California; Mountain Press Publishing; 224 pg.

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Carbonic Anhydrase

NOT THE WHOLE PAPER REQUIR LOOK ONLY FOR THE ATTACHED PART AND DO IT WITH ALL ITS REQUIREMENTS AND ZERO PLARIGZIME. The step will be included in uploaded files to have an idea about topic I in need to wrote about part that l will be uploading with all requirements and instructions below. 6) General Structural Features of the Enzyme: (if you cannot find all of the information for human enzyme, it is OK to describe from other organisms) ? Size of the protein. ? Primary structure = amino acid sequence ? Secondary structures such as alpha helices and beta sheets info ? Special features such as active site information, binding site, cofactor or prosthetic groups binding sites, or any other special features from tertiary structure and folding ? Quaternary structure (if it is monomer, dimer, trimer, or tetramer, in different organisms) and any other structural details you find for each subunit ? Is there any “homology” (= similarities) described for different organisms ? Any post-translational modification the protein undergoes ? Information from crystal structure studies by authors ? Now find references and find the pictures of the enzyme structure. Include them in the report, continue to give figure numbers, description (legend) and reference. 7) Physiological/Biological Function of the Enzyme: • Describe the general function of the enzyme = in which metabolic pathways the reaction catalyzed by the enzyme involved, or what roles does it play in the organisms = How is it useful for the organism • Make sure you have read the publications about this, not just what the database directly gives and include all the additional information you found from these publications. 8) Inhibitors (and activators if available): (you can find this in Brenda site and for details read the publications listed in the Brenda site) • Which are the inhibitors (and also activators) for your enzyme? (You can first get it from the Brenda site, and then look for details from the references the site lists). List all the ones you find. • Are these activators and inhibitors physiologically generated within the organism, or are they external ones? • What is the mechanism by which they activate or inhibit? (for at least one inhibitor and one activator you must describe in detail) • For the inhibitors (at least one inhibitor) what are the kinetics data (Ki Inhibitor constant, IC50 = What is the conc for 50% inhibition). • What are the consequences of inhibition or activation. 9) Medical, diagnostic, or industrial or other types of applications: Describe any of these applications you find from the databases and the references that are listed in the database, to find enough information. Which applications Why or how is the enzyme involved in these applications. 10) Mutations or other impairments, and Diseases caused by mutations, impairments or deficiencies of the enzyme: • What types of mutations or impairments or why the deficiencies are caused • What happens to the enzyme due to the above • What are the consequences? 11) Conclusions: (just create this title; you will work on the writing part for final step of the project) 12) Acknowledgements: (just create this title, but you will work on this for next step of the project) 13) References: In APA style, for ONLY those references you used this time, for the different sections of the report. Follow all instructions needed and zero plarigzime please.

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Chinese paintings

Compare Dong Qichang and Monet. What would happen if Dong Qichang meet Monet?Expect discussions of Chinese paintings, calligraphy, bronzes, ceramics, music, and philosophical traditions.The most important requirement for both topics is to clearly demonstrate theunderstanding of the issues in the paper, indicate your position and discuss specific examples.For Dong Qichang’s theory: “Dong Qichang. pdf” includes three pages in Art in China textbook (in additional materials) & outside sources if neededFor Monet: please find outside sources to support the claimBe creative~ thank you~

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