[ORDER SOLUTION] Scientific Data

Are the public service announcements enough to keep citizens informed and safe?  The CDC gathers scientific data to make determinations about health risks and the best way to inform the public.  What might be some of the barriers in both the hierarchy model and the ecological model that might prevent individuals from buy-in into the scientific data? How would you overcome the barriers?

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Grant Writing

HUS 510Module 3 Case Study “Creative Grant Writing for Study”Summary:Lori, the new Executive Director, is concerned about getting enough funding for her addiction recovery non-profit. Funding is not as available as it has been in the past, as most grant providers are changing their focus from therapeutic to punitive and medical approaches. Lori faces the dilemma of changing her organization’s mission in order to get more grant money or upholding their current therapeutic-based mission, increasing fundraising, and potentially reducing their services. This case study lesson examines the ethics of grant writing and analyses relationships between the Executive Director, board, and staff members.You will identify the ethical conflict in this scenario and create a solution for what the Executive Director should do. You will make an argument for your solution, using one of the ethical theories. Then you will utilize another ethical theory to make an argument against your solution, and discuss with your classmates.INSTRUCTIONS:Step 1: Step 1: Read Case 20: Creative Grant Writing for Study (pages 117-119).NOTE: You may have to login to the library website to access this material.Step 2: Submit a 2-4-page paper that analyzes ethical theories. The conflicting issues in this case study are: agency survival verses creative grant writing. Compare the Kantian and Utilitarianism ethical approaches to this case issue. Presuming you were in Lori’s shoes, provide a clear discussion of your proposed course of action including a which ethical theory you would utilize to guide your response to this ethical dilemma? Utilize the course SLU values (integrity and community) and two standards from the Ethical Standards for Human Services Professional to defend your course of action.RESOURCES:Mayers, R. S., Schoech, D., & Souflée, F. (1994). Dilemmas in Human Services Management: Illustrative Case Studies. New York: Springer Publishing Company. Access the case study through the Saint Leo University library.NOTE: the course LibGuide has a direct link to the case study.Ethical Standards for Human Services ethical code.LEARNING GOALS:Use ethical theories to analyze a real world scenarioAnalyze the purpose and challenges of grant writingDetermine the best potential solution and evaluate itDetermine the least intrusive intervention or treatment option for the clienteleLEARNING OBJECTIVEAt the end of this case lesson you will have a greater understanding of the complexities of funding an organization while also staying true to its mission through identifying the ethical conflict in this case.For this course, the Saint Leo University core values Integrity & Community are most applicable.IntegrityThe commitment of Saint Leo University to excellence demands that its members live its mission and deliver on its promise. The faculty, staff, and students pledge to be honest, just, and consistent in word and deed.CommunitySaint Leo University develops hospitable Christian learning communities everywhere we serve. We foster a spirit of belonging, unity, and interdependence based on mutual trust and respect to create socially responsible environments that challenge all of us to listen, to learn, to change, and to serve.Council on Standards in Human Services EducationStandard 17The curriculum shall incorporate human services values and attitudes and promote understanding of human services ethics and their application in practice.Council on Standards in Human Services Education—Sub-standardsa. Choosing the least intrusive intervention in the least restrictive environment.b. Respect for client self-determination.c. Respect for confidentiality of information.d. Recognition of the worth and uniqueness of the individual including ethnicity, culture, gender, sexual orientation, age, learning styles, ability, and socio-economic status.e. Recognition that individuals, services systems, and society change.f. Interdisciplinary team approaches to problem solving.g. Respect for appropriate professional boundaries.h. Integration of the ethical standards outlined by the National Organization for Human Services/Council for Standards in Human Service Education (available on NOHS website).

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Sustainable Tourism

The Final assessment for the Sustainable Tourism course will consist of an essay (individual assignment, 40% of the grade) that would address the 4 questions below.1.What role does government play in sustainable tourism development and management?2.To what extent are multinational corporations in tourism displaying green credentials?3.Explain the meaning of sustainability in a tourism context and suggest why this might conflict with other perceptions of sustainability.4.Why is sustainable tourism so difficult to achieve?Choose a destination (a country, region or a city) and discuss its sustainability challenges from the government and industry perspective. What would it be in your opinion, based on the current paradigms?For Professor Jafar Jafari, the founder of the academic journal Annals of Tourism Research, one thing is clear: “usually the distinction between growth and development is misunderstood” and this is at the core of “whether a country wants more tourism (growth) or prefers sociocultural/ecological sustainable tourism (development).”How do you, as a student and future practitioner assess it under the current circumstances due to travel restrictions and pandemic?You may include charts, graphs, figures and tables in order to present and discuss the data.(P.S- please use at least 7 academic sources, choose whatever destination you like)

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Distinctive Contributions

The purpose of this assignment series is to identify the particular and distinctive contributions of Matthew’s Gospel. To accomplish this, you will create an imaginary interview with Matthew, and while some of the questions are provided below, you will provide what you think the answers would be, according to Matthew.Below are the questions you must ask Matthew:What motivated you to write your Gospel?What credentials do you have in writing this Gospel?Since Mark, Luke, and John also wrote Gospels, what do you offer in your Gospel as a distinctive contribution?What do you hope that readers of your Gospel especially understand and apply after reading your Gospel?In 10 words or less, explain your portrait of Christ In other words, state what one learns about Jesus in your Gospel in a way that is especially unique to your Gospel.Ensure you have answered the questions above. Then create an additional 5 questions and answer them according to what you believe Matthew would have said.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Managing Quality Improvement

Review the following websites: The joint commission, ASQ, The national Quality Forum. a. Define the concept of quality management and risk management. Explain the difference between these concepts. b. Identify a need or problem that requires a quality improvement initiative. Chose patient safety Describe the nurse manager role in conducting a quality improvement  for patient safety. Cite goals, standards, or methods from the provided organizational websites to assist with your action plan and discussion.  c. Describe the characteristics of a just culture. How can a nurse manager establish this kind of work environment? d. Discuss important considerations when a sentinel event occurs in a healthcare setting. Use the joint commission as required citation and reference for this paper.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Wave-Particle Theory Of Light

Create a concept map outlining the theories and evidence that support the wave-particle theory of light. Where applicable, include (in brackets) the name of the scientist responsible for the discovery. Don’t forget to cite your sources. (30 MARKS) *This is all the information that I was given for this assignment

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Aircraft Maintenance

The assignment is to write about how aging aircraft effects maintenance. What are the struggle in maintaining aging aircraft in service and proper procedures for doing so.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Behavior Analysis Of Child Development

Look up and read about the Bobo doll study. If you can find any video footage, take the time to watch: 1) To what extent would the children in the Bobo doll study have behaved differently, if they had not been frustrated by the researchers? 2) Think of society today and the exposure of violence via media and games. Comparing to the study, what are your thoughts about children’s behavior today? How has society influenced the behavior of children today? How has media exposure affected children’s behavior today?

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[ORDER SOLUTION]  Universal Studios

•    Typically, an analytical paper needs to be making an argument about the content in question, with supporting evidence to back up the claim. o    Your two textbooks are excellent resources. Use them and cite as appropriate.o    Theories and ideas from other sources can be brought in as long as they are properly cited.•    An analytical paper is NOT a reflection paper. This means that it is NOT a summary or simply your own personal opinion on the content.•    These papers should be 2-3 pages long (not including title page or works cited page).•    Generally, these types of paper have a structure of opening paragraph/thesis statement > body/arguments > conclusion/final remarks•    They are properly cited in the appropriate format (XD uses Turabian, but any style will be acceptable), with a bibliography at the end of the document.•    Your paragraphs and arguments should flow cohesively, be well articulated, and be easy to read.•    Analytical papers are presented in a third-person style.o    Please do not use of words like “I” or “we” or “us” when talking about your argument; it is assumed that anything not attributed to other authors is your own opinion or argument.•    Your paper should compare and contrast the two immersive spaces chosen. Think about things like:o    How and why each space came to be.o    How the culture and society of the location contribute to the spaces’ design, themes, and individual experiences.o    What elements are similar between the two institutions? Why do you think that iso    How do these spaces utilize XD elements (those we’ve talked about or that are found in the readings) to create culturally-specific experiences?o    Are the institutions going for a wider audience or a more niche one?

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Map Outlining

On the Discussion Board we will be exploring conceptual models. Hamric’s Integrative Model of Advance Practice Nursing This week you will describe how this model may help APNs articulate professional role identify and function. Conceptual models will serve as a framework for organizing beliefs and knowledge about your professional roles and competencies and provide a basis for further development of knowledge. Question: Select one model from the above list and read the original source description. Address how well the model meets the following purposes: a. Helping to organize your beliefs and knowledge about advanced practice nursing b. Providing structure for research on advanced practice nursing c. Providing a coherent structure in which concepts important to advanced practice nursing are identified and related to one another d. Guiding curriculum development for advanced practice nursing e. Allowing practitioners to see the bigger picture so that they can provide holistic and comprehensive care Guidelines: Support your responses with scholarly academic references using APA style format. You are not writing an APA paper–but citing your sources in APA format.  Assigned course readings and online library resources are preferred. Weekly lecture notes are designed as overviews to the topic for the respective week and should not serve as a citation or reference.

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