[Get Solution]Taxonomy vs. Phylogeny

For novice biologists, taxonomy and phylogenetics are difficult concepts to understand and keep separate. This confusion is made worse because modern taxonomic methods make use of molecular tools. Write an essay that contrasts taxonomy to phylogenetics and explains how both disciplines are important to our understanding of species and evolution. Your essay should include a […]

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[Get Solution]Black Women Hair

***The purpose of the assignment is to propose a specific solution to fix a specific problem affecting a specific social identity. The problem must be directly related to specific identity contingencies, stereotype threats, and their effects.***  ? 4 academic sources (Steele and 3 PBSC library database articles).  ? Annotations for every source on the works […]

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[Get Solution]Universal Healthcare

For your final essay, you will write an eight-to ten-page argument essay.  In addition, you will submit a Works Cited page that includes AT LEAST SIX sources.    In your essay, you will demonstrate elements of persuasive writing that we have covered in class.  Think the four pillars of argument, rhetorical analysis, rhetorical situation, deductive and inductive […]

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[Get Solution]Covid-Related Topic

For this assignment, write 2-pages in an op-ed style on the topic of COVID. I have loaded two files COVID 1 and COVID 2 in FILES that have a number of news stories on the topic. Pick one of these — or a COVID-related topic of your choice and write a short argument. Make certain […]

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[Get Solution]Education Should be Free

Why education should be free and how  should have an opposing  3-4 reasons why education should be free and opposing side  reasons from weakest to strongest  go back and forth in between my points and the opposing side         So much stress and so little time? We’ve got you covered. Get your […]

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[Get Solution]Impact of the Government

In your Report, you will address the following issues: (a) What are the key issues of the public policy debate? (b) What is the available research evidence? (c) What are the range of proposals or solutions? (d) Which solution(s) do you favor and why?         So much stress and so little time? […]

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[Get Solution]Connections Paper

Length- 700-1000 Assignment Select a song, image, video, or other artistic expression in English and make an argument for a) how it connects to one text that we read in this class and b) what that connection illustrates about a specific theme/idea/issue. Assignment Goals • continue to showcase your text-based analysis skills • solidify composition […]

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[Get Solution]Human Research

Research Writing Assignment Information for your research paper. (1500 or more words) Please, write about one of the topics from the approved list which you were provided earlier in the semester. You need to research at least 3 scholarly articles. (They may all be from our textbook.) Your paper should include these 3 parts: 1) […]

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[Get Solution]School Lunch Shaming

Assessment Specifics Argument Essay Cover Letter Minimum 200 words (successful cover letters are often longer) Address letter to your instructor In a couple sentences only, explain your primary motivation or purpose for writing your draft and describe your audience. Answer at least 2 of the 5 questions below; (where applicable) provide brief, specific examples of […]

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Black Women Hair

***The purpose of the assignment is to propose a specific solution to fix a specific problem affecting a specific social identity. The problem must be directly related to specific identity contingencies, stereotype threats, and their effects.***  ? 4 academic sources (Steele and 3 PBSC library database articles).  ? Annotations for every source on the works cited page. * use Steele’s terminology  Intro: **The assignment must begin with an introduction that: ? Hook ? Anecdote ? Context (critical background, history, definitions) ? Thesis statement that follows the CH 12 template**  Thesis: **The thesis/proposal statement must follow the template in CH 12:  A. Identify the group of people you hold accountable for implementing change.  B. Identify specific, actionable solution (using a verb that compels this group of people to take action) . C. Identify specific reasons (the exact contingencies, threats, and effects affecting the social identities your proposal focuses on)**  Body: Since the primary objective is to propose a solution to fix the problem.  ? Students may have one paragraph that continues to elaborate on the context or history of the problem.  ? Students must have a paragraph (or two) that explains the nature of the problem in order to explain why change is urgently needed:  ? Identify the exact identity contingencies, stereotype threats, and their effects.  ? Explain the exact identity contingencies, stereotype threats, and their effects.  Conclusion:  ? The conclusion paragraph must reiterate (rephrase) the thesis/proposal statement.  ? It must acknowledge opposing views on the issue.  ? It must appeal to readers by explaining why this issue should matter and what is at stake (win or lose). For Evidence:  ? All evidence must be framed so the connection to the thesis and claims is explicit and evident.  ? All evidence must be introduced.  ? All evidence must be elaborated on.  ? All evidence must be cited (if there is no page number, provide a paragraph number). ? All quoted evidence must be properly punctuated and formatted. This everything the professor wants for the essay. Also thank you for your time and help the articles will be uploaded.  ** Use the “Steeles” article throughout the whole essay **  **  I should not see any mention of a source until the 4th or 5th sentence of a body paragraph. ( Her words)**

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