[Get Solution]Official Prompt for Second Outside Speaker Critique

Task:  View a Ted Talk of your choice and type of a critique using template below.  It can either be in outline form, or in narrative form. The length needs to be 7-14 paragraphs (1 ½ to 2 pages)   Speaker:                                 Topic:___________________________________________ The 7 categories for critique: Intro:  (10) How did the speaker set the […]

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Official Prompt for Second Outside Speaker Critique

Task:  View a Ted Talk of your choice and type of a critique using template below.  It can either be in outline form, or in narrative form. The length needs to be 7-14 paragraphs (1 ½ to 2 pages)   Speaker:                                 Topic:___________________________________________ The 7 categories for critique: Intro:  (10) How did the speaker set the mood and establish the theme of the speech?  Did the speaker provide ethos at the beginning?   Body:  (20) Did the speaker have several identifiable main points?  Did he/she use proper transitions or signposts?   Conclusion:  (10) Did the speaker end the speech with a challenge to the audience?  Or, did he/she elicit a laugh or a dramatic response from the audience?  Did he/she remind the audience of the theme?  Did he tell the audience how to get more information?   Visual Aids:  (10) Were the visual aids used effective?  Could the audience see them?  Were they clear and concise?  Did they create a rhythm?  Did they make sense?   Delivery:  (20) Did the speaker entertain as well as inform?  Did the speaker create  an energy and a rhythm?  Did the speaker have any bad habits that created “noise” and took away from the speech?   Reasoning:  (20) Were the facts and figures accurate?  Were the arguments valid?  Did the speech contain relevant information for the audience?   Appeals:  (10)  How would you describe the appeals for getting the audience on the speaker’s side?  Ethos (justice)?  Pathos (emotion)?  Logos (logic)?   Give the speech an overall grade :  (out of 10)

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