[Get Solution]Life Outside of Earth

this is an astronomy course I need to find TEN facts about life outside of earth in the future and you also need 10  references some of them have to be scholarly articles and some can be opinions but most peer-reviewed facts and references… and this is about the future and then you will need […]

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[Get Solution]Aristarchus and Astronomy

1-2 paragraphs about a historical figure in astronomy, Aristarchus, and their discoveries/achievements/contributions to astronomy.         So much stress and so little time? We’ve got you covered. Get your paper proofread, edited or written from scratch within the tight deadline.

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[Get Solution]Pseudoscience and Real Science

Week 7 – Pseudoscience vs. Real Science The 2009 movie, 2012, caused a resurgence in popular interest (and in some cases, fear) about global disaster brought about by astronomical events. This was heightened by ready access to less-than-reliable information on the Internet. One of the purposes of this class is to help give you the […]

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[Get Solution]Effects of Human Body after Space Flight

Write a problem solution paper between 750-850 words written on the topic (Effects on the human body after space flight).         So much stress and so little time? We’ve got you covered. Get your paper proofread, edited or written from scratch within the tight deadline.

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Laws of Planetary Motion | Instant Homework Solutions

Answer the following questions. Briefly describe Kepler’s three laws of planetary motion. How did Newton’s laws of motion and law of universal gravitation validate Kepler’s laws? List the parts of the electromagnetic spectrum. What types of telescopes are useful from the Earth’s surface? What can they observe? Explain how light is produced at the atomic level. Distinguish between emission, absorption, and continuous spectra. What can absorption and emission spectra tell us about stars? Why do modern astronomers place telescopes in orbit about the Earth’s atmosphere? What types of objects can be observed from those telescopes that aren’t visible from the Earth’s surface? The use of outside sources is optional, but you must provide citations and references in APA format for any sources you use

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How the Universe was Made | Instant Homework Solutions

Your paper should be 5-10 pages in length. No title page is required or desired. On top of the 5-10 pages requirement, you need one page of References (Works Cited). You need more than one Reference, but there is no maximum. Whatever is needed to write your paper. Books, articles, and websites are appropriate References, but be critical. The internet is a huge resource filled with lots of bad and dated information. You may cite your references any way you like (Chicago format, MLA, …) your choice. Please this class is a Physical Science: Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence class. This class isn’t about aliens but about the galaxy but rather the broad issues in accepting evidence of terrestrial life. I just need the paper to be just about how the universe was made.

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Exoplanets | Instant Homework Solutions

What is an exoplanet? About 3 to 5 pages – Decent, formal, scientific English. (no slang or unformal expressions). – Typewritten. – Figures can be drawn by hand.- At least one figure and no more than three figures.- Figures must have a caption.- At least two references NOT WEBSITES! A reference can be a book (our textbook is acceptable) or an article; online-article or books are acceptable, but they must be quoted as articles/books (Author, title, etc. ; any format is fine), not though an online link!- Websites link can be used for figures. Be careful to copyright issues.- After the title, a 3 to 5 sentences abstract is required.- The main text can be divided in sections; each section will then need a title.

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Astronomy Picture of the Day | Instant Homework Solutions

Here is the procedure:   NASA has for years and years put up the Astronomy Picture of the Day.  There are literally thousands of pictures and videos to look at.  Find one that catches you eye for this discussion. Perhaps start by looking at the pictures from your birth date, the date of your favorite holiday, or similar…. Here is the link to the website.   https://apod.nasa.gov/apod/archivepixFull.html 1) Please go check the rubric and samples I upload “APOD Rubric and Samples”.  2) pick one APOD from the website (any date from the website is ok) , research it and write a brief paper.  There are no official limits or minimums on this paper, but it should be similar the examples.  There is also no citations numbers requirement, two or three is good.

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Space Weather Discussion | Instant Homework Solutions

There’s Weather in Space? Full Description Space Weather merges astronomy and meteorology to explain how events on the Sun and in near-Earth space can adversely impact the operation of Earth-orbiting satellites, communications systems, and many other systems on or near the Earth. Go to www.windows2universe.org/space_weather/sw_intro/overview.html to learn a bit about it. After reading this site (note that you can read the same information at either a beginner, intermediate or advanced level), discuss some aspect of space weather (what it is, how it’s studied, its effect on us, etc.) that you find particularly interesting. Instructions: Your initial post should be at least 250 words.

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Constellations and Stars | Instant Homework Solutions

Exercise: Formal Paper A minimum four page research paper regarding the topic of Constellations and Stars will be part of the project. The content of the paper must include short but detailed summary of the history of how the constellations we have today came to be (giving an example of the history of origin of a few constellations, how were the 88 that we have today determined by the IAU etc.) Include the formation of the IAU and how decisions were made regarding constellations, also tell us about 2 recent decisions/findings made by the IAU in the past 5 years. Based on the constellations you observed, you will also research at least 5 stellar objects that reside in one or more of your constellations, giving a brief summary on each in your own words, including characteristics such as, type, magnitude, location in the constellation and any unique qualities. (Note: these objects can range from stars to nebula to galaxies; do not use information posted in any of our Discussion topics.) The paper must have an introduction and conclusion, be well organized and have a professional appearance. The content of thepaper needs to be a least 4 pages (excluding images, tables, etc., quotes should be used at a minimum), in APA format, and it should be double-spaced, with Times New Roman font size 12 and 1-inch margins. Students who plagiarize any portion of their final paper will receive a zero for the entire assignment. Using a paper written for a previous class is not allowed. The in-text citations and reference page should be correctly formatted using APA style. Spelling and grammatical errors will be penalized.

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