[Get Solution]Parasympathetic and Sympathetic Activation

Parasympathetic and sympathetic activation are two competing effects of the autonomic nervous system. Many organs have dual innervation, allowing changes in a split second through chemical messengers. Your task is to discuss how the autonomic nervous system responds to changes in homeostasis and provide a comparison between autonomic and somatic nerves. You are making your […]

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[Get Solution]Darwin’s Theory

The minimum length for this assignment is 1,200 words. Darwin was not the first to consider evolution as a process but he did come up with the first effective explanation for how it happens. Describe Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection. Explain how this theory was a major advance over prior ideas as to how […]

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[Get Solution]Mycobacteria Tuberculosis

History and prevalence of the microbe. Characteristics of the microbe including the environment of where the bacteria grows, what are the growth requirements (will it only grow on a certain medium? Is it a halophile? Is it a thermophile?) How is the microbe currently treated in hospitals? What about countries who may not have as […]

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[Get Solution]Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic

Prokaryotic and eukaryotic are the two major categories of cells making up life on earth. Both of these types require water and carbon. Describe the characteristics of water and carbon that make them important to living things in general, and to specific forms of life including plants, animals, and prokaryotes. Why is NASA looking for […]

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[Get Solution]Disease System

For your final lab assignment, I would like you to pick a clinical condition (disease, syndrome etc) that interests you. First, explain what you know about the condition and the organ system(s) that are affected by this condition. Then explain how this condition is a departure from homeostasis. By studying Human Physiology over the past […]

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[Get Solution]Genetics and Mutation

Watch and take notes on Dr John Sanford’s November 2018 45 min. presentation to the National Institute of Health on, plus the 20+ questions and answers that follow. https://uncommondescent.com/evolution/john-sanford-gives-lecture-at-nih-on-mutations-and-human-health/ Answer the following questions: Name 2 famous geneticists who expressed grave concerns about the effects of mutation accumulation on human fitness. According to Haldane, what is […]

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[Get Solution]Advancement in Biotechnology

Nominate a person or group of people who have, in your opinion, made a substantial contribution to biotechnology. The nominee(s) can come from any time period. They can be currently living, or dead. You must clearly explain the contribution your nominee(s) has made to the advancement of biotechnology, then explain the impact of this contribution. […]

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[Get Solution]Nutrition

Below is an actual two-week lunch menu for a senior centre. Evaluate the menu using the MyPlate recommendations (Figure 13-7) and the menu planning guidelines. List two evaluative comments below, and then change the menu to incorporate your suggestions. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Baked Tilapia Braised Pork Ribs Chicken Enchiladas Eggplant Parm Cabbage Roll […]

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[Get Solution]Use of a Dichotomous Key

Classification is often done through the use of a dichotomous key, a series of binary decisions (yes/no, true/false, blue/green, rod/circle, etc) based on features of what is being classified, whether it is bacteria or candy. The attached files show two ways that a dichotomous key can be constructed for the classification of candy. In both […]

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[Get Solution]Directional and Disruptive Selection

Compare and contrast directional selection and disruptive selection, and provide an example of each. Many pathogenic bacteria species are becoming resistant to antibiotics. Explain how such adaptations can develop through the process of natural selection. (Hint: Relate this example to the conditions that are necessary for natural selection to occur.) What are the major evolutionary […]

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