[ORDER SOLUTION] Apert Syndrome

I need a 5 paragraph essay including introduction paragraph on apert syndrome, facts, and daily life

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[ORDER SOLUTION] In this essay please do the following:1) Define what science and chemistry are to you2) How has your view on the importance of science and chemistry changed? (If it has not, you can just say that)3) Based on what you have learned in class, how are they involved in your life? How could they apply to your future career?4) What would be your response to a friend who says that taking chemistry/science is pointless?

In this essay please do the following:1) Define what science and chemistry are to you2) How has your view on the importance of science and chemistry changed? (If it has not, you can just say that)3) Based on what you have learned in class, how are they involved in your life? How could they apply to your future career?4) What would be your response to a friend who says that taking chemistry/science is pointless?

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Aerobic Respiration

What kind of energy do living things use?What is ATP?What does autotrophic and heterotrophic mean?must cover all of these themes: Aerobic respiration, anaerobic respiration (alcoholic, acetic and lactic fermentation); photosynthesis and chemosynthesis.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Sex Linked Trait In Humans

Discussion Board 1: The Cell/GeneticsFor each board, please choose one question to complete the main post. The main post must be AT LEAST 250 words. The post must be related to one of the topics presented by your instruction found below. If the post is not 250 words or not on a topic presented it will be returned.Please make sure that all of the information that you use to complete your post is from your textbook. If you choose to use sources outside your book you are required to cite and reference in APA format. Otherwise the post will be returned.What is a sex linked trait? What is the difference in inheritance between boys and girls for these traits? Describe an example of a sex linked trait in humans.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Agent Distilled Mustard

Please note I have uploaded the Chapter 3 reading which will be one cite.  After reading Chapter 3, select one classification of chemical agent (nerve, blister, blood or choking) for further study. For example, you may choose the blister agent Distilled Mustard (HD) or you may choose the nerve agent Sarin (GB), among many other choices from your research. Write a brief synopsis of the agent’s properties and effects. Then discuss the use of the agent, either in past conflicts or a potential use by a terrorist group. You must cite at least 2 sources for this review.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Digestive System Disease

Exotoxins are critical to the signs and symptoms suffered in many diseases of both the digestive and nervous system.  You will compare and contrast the role of exotoxins (often termed neurotoxins) in at least one nervous system disease which is tetanus OR botulism and one digestive system disease (may not be either Clostridium botulinum nor Clostridium difficile)  to fully explore their role in disease. Realize that exotoxins in GI diseases are often termed enterotoxins). Most important is how the action of the toxin on the body/cells leads to the specific symptoms of that disease?  How does the toxin gain entry into the target cells? What does it do to them? Are there similarities between how the toxins work or differences? In general how are these diseases acquired? How are they treated?  Be specific, be detailed, include citations and references.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Soft Tissue Sarcomas

Term paper assignment(includes students who have opted  to use this course for Reserve Graduate Credit ) must do option A A.Primary manuscript analysis assignment: Each GRADUATE student will be required to select a primary article studying a signal transduction pathway from a top-tier journal and provide an in-depth analysis of the article. YOU MUST RECEIVE APPROVAL FRIOM ME regarding the article chosen. The analysis must include the following components:1. The complete article reference (Authors, Journal, Volume, Page numbers)2. A two paragraph description providing the issue being addressed in the article, why it is an important topic, what is generally known about the topic to date (include 4-5 key references), and what question(s) the authors hoped to answer.3. A list of each technique used  in the article that includes technique name, general purpose of the technique, theory behind the technique, and what the authors found using the technique.Also include a list of controls used for each experiment and for what each is controlling.4. A list of conclusions made by the authors from each figure.5. The overall conclusion of the authors.5. A critique  of the article: Which experiments were believable and which were suspect? Would better controls be more appropriate?  Doe the authors draw conclusions that are not justified? Would include other experiments to make the data set bett

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Function Of Antibodies

Respond the question in a form of essay. Write in cohesive sentences.  Do not plagiarize.1-C) The molecule oxygen is vital to life for my living organisms, especially for aerobic microbes.  Describe the importance of the oxygen molecule as well as its dangers.2-C) Describe the function of antibodies and the result of the pathogen for all of the following:NeutralizationOpsonizationComplement activation.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Causes Of A Pandemic

Review the following documentary on the 1918 Influenza from NULibraryhttps://nu.primo.exlibrisgroup.com/permalink/01NATIONAL_INST/cl5c2u/alma9921453090001661In this discussion board (DB), please post your original thread summarizing the documentary in your own words. Include the following in your discussion:Find a credible resource for information on COVID-19. Write the resource in APA format at the bottom of your post.Identify 2 similarities between Influenza 1918 and COVID-19Identify 2 differences between Influenza 1918 and COVID-19Your thoughts about both outbreaks and take home message you would convey to the public (as a scientist as well as a person in the community that does not want to cause a panic)These posts need to be a couple of paragraphs and should not exceed a page (minimum of 250 words required for full credit of original post).  Your original, first post must include the resource in APA format and is due by Friday, (PST, 11:59 pm).To answer start your discussion, click the link “Week One Discussion” above. Once you are in the forum, click the “Create Thread” button to view the question again, as well as, create and submit your answer.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Crypto-Currency Bitcoin

Assignment instructionsThis writing assignment asks you to use basic relationships from the course to assess the crypto-currency Bitcoin (BTC) and its valuation in U.S. dollars (USD). The assignment also asks you to critically assess the usefulness of those relationships for unconventional currencies.Reading and Web ResourcesGo to the website of the American Economic Association and the article “Bitcoin: Economics, Technology, and Governance” at https://www.aeaweb.org/articles?id=10.1257/jep.29.2.213. Read the article and make sure you understand the principles of Bitcoin. Infer how the supply of bitcoin evolves over time through “minting” and the “mining” of blocks in the blockchain. One way to think about the valuation of a bitcoin in U.S. dollars is to assess its change in value over the past decade or so (bitcoin started to have meaningful value in early 2011). For this purpose, use the Relative Purchasing Power Parity condition and restate it in a way that relates the expected change in the nominal exchange rate of BTC (E in [USD/BTC]) to the rate of money growth of bitcoin (?MB/MB), money demand for bitcoin (?L B/LB), and the inflation rate of the U.S. CPI (?). Some of these quantities are quick to find. You can compute the change in the nominal exchange rate of BTC from , the rate of money growth of bitcoin from , and the U.S. inflation rate from . What can you infer about the change in demand for bitcoin? Another way to think about the valuation of bitcoin in U.S. dollars is to estimate a plausible value. For this purpose, use the Quantity Theory of Money, which relates the supply of bitcoin MB and the velocity of bitcoin v B (say in 24h) to the price of a U.S. dollar in terms of bitcoin P B (in [BTC/USD] so that 1/P B = E) and the volume of bitcoin transactions is QUSD (in 24h). You can find bitcoins in circulation MB at and the Estimated Transaction Volume in USD QUSD (over the past 24h) at . You can compute the velocity of bitcoin v B (over the past 24h) as the ratio of BTC sent in the last 24h at https:// bitinfocharts.com/bitcoin (in BTC) and MB (in BTC). What is your valuation of bitcoin in dollars E = 1/P B?WritingSuppose you are writing to explain bitcoin valuation to a freshman at UC San Diego. Plan on writing four paragraphs with up to 500 words.1) Write an opening paragraph that explains what bitcoin is, as a currency.2) Use both valuation methods above, or if you like another method (related to course material) and online data, to describe either the change in the fundamental USD value of a bitcoin or your best estimate of a fair USD price of a bitcoin. Make sure to explain your reasoning. If you need more than two paragraphs to do so, write more than two paragraphs.3) In a final paragraph critically assess the usefulness and limitations of the basic relationships from the course for the valuation of bitcoin.ReferencesBohme, Rainer, Nicolas Christin, Benjamin Edelman, and Tyler Moore. ¨ 2015. “Bitcoin: Economics, Technology, and Governance.” Journal of Economic Perspectives, 29(2): 213–38.

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