[ORDER SOLUTION] Models Of Alzheimer

This is the link you have to use it to do this assessment.https://www.researchgate.net/profile/JanettaCulvenor/publication/225927644_Amyloid_precursor_protein_processing_and_retinal_pathology_in_mouse_models_of_Alzheimer27s_disease/links/0f3175315269adad91000000/Amyloid-precursor-protein-processing-and-retinal-pathology-in-mouse-models-of-Alzheimers-disease.pdfhere is the detailsThe analysis must include the following components:1. The complete article reference (Authors, Journal, Volume, Page numbers)2. A two paragraph description providing the issue being addressed in the article, why it is an important topic, what is generally known about the topic to date (include 4-5 key references), and what question(s) the authors hoped to answer.3. A list of each technique used in the article that includes technique name, general purpose of the technique, theory behind the technique, and what the authors found using the technique.Also include a list of controls used for each experiment and for what each is controlling.4. A list of conclusions made by the authors from each figure.5. The overall conclusion of the authors.5. A critique of the article: Which experiments were believable and which were suspect? Would better controls be more appropriate? Doe the authors draw conclusions that are not justified? Would include other experiments to make the data set better?

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Vaccine Development

In this discussion board (DB), please post your original thread include the following in your discussion:Find at least 2 credible resources for vaccine development. The resource can be a video, government website, documentary, etc. Write the resources in APA format at the bottom of your original post. The vaccine does not have to be against COVID-19.  For example, you can research Polio, MMR, Hep B vaccine among many others that have already been developed and tested.Summarize the information you gathered.Questions you may want to answer in your summary: What was the vaccine for? What was the timeline from development to general use for the public? What precautions should be taken?These posts need to be a couple of paragraphs and should not exceed a page (minimum of 250 words required for full credit of original post).  Your original, first post must include the resource in APA format and is due by Friday, (PST, 11:59 pm).

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Maturation Promoting Factor

IN YOUR OWN WORDS, explain specifically how Maturation Promoting Factor (MPF) regulates the cell cycle in normal dividing somatic cells (not specifically in frog oocytes). Include in your explanation how MPF is turned on and off. 60-word limit

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Beneficial Microbes

Why is it that beneficial microbes used to preserve food and add flavor do not cause illness? Choose a food or drink to demonstrate your example (e.g.,beer, wine, cheese, kimchi, etc.)? In which ways can ineffective inactivation lead to foodborne illness? Explain.? What preventative measures may be taken to prevent foodborne illness in this situation? Explain

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Genetic Genealogy

Familial DNA vs. Genetic Genealogy.  You may compare and contrast, discuss legal issues, as well as cases that have used either.  Just be sure to include both of these DNA tests in the paper.

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IN YOUR OWN WORDS, explain specifically how Maturation Promoting Factor (MPF) regulates the cell cycle in normal dividing somatic cells (not specifically in frog oocytes). Include in your explanation how MPF is turned on and off. 60-word limit

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Molecular Biology

pick one paper that is provided and think of follow up experiments from that article. These can be only weakly connected to the article, following up in any kind of direction. I would like you to come up with 2 specific aims for a mock grant that follows from that article. Each aim should include:1) 1-2 sentence hypothesis/aim that should be very focused and specific (i.e. answered by minimal molecular biology experiments).2) Naming one specific molecular or bioinformatic experiment for each aim that you could propose to do to examine the aims. i.e., “qpcr” or “blast the coffee genome for xx”These should be very short and focused. My goal is to help each of you come up with focused aims before you think about writing a grant on it. The hardest part of science is focusing in on a topic. For instance, consider the aims:1) I aim to cure cancer2) How does telomere length affect cancer cells?3) Does the expression of miR-7 in ovarian cancer affect the expression of its target gene EGFR?All of those example aims fall under the umbrella of cancer biology, however, only the last aim is a focused, targeted aim that could be answered with a few experiments. I am looking for aims like the last one.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Selective Breeding

Summative Research Assignment: You will work individually to write an essay on Selective Breeding. Describe examples where selective breeding has resulted in new varieties of cultivated plants and particular traits in domesticated animals.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Biochemical Pathways

Yeast synthesizes ATP through two major biochemical pathways: respiration and fermentation (both produced CO2). This experiment will test yeast’s ability to metabolize sugar for energy. You can complete this activity in lab or even online without the materials.The ExperimentUsing four 250 ml flasks, add 125 ml of warm water and 25 grams of baker’s yeast. Add the following amounts of sugar to the four flasks and mix well:   o    Flask 1: 0 gramso    Flask 2: 1 gramo    Flask 3: 2 gramso    Flask 4: 4 gramsAfter mixing the yeast/sugar solution, affix a rubber balloon over the mouth of each flask. Incubate the flasks in a warm environment for 24 hours.1.    Recall what you know about the reactants and products of cellular respiration, write down the chemical reactions you expect to occur if cellular respiration and or fermentation were to occur2.    write a hypothesis about what you think will happen to each of the flasks:3.    Predict the outcome. Use the model flasks below and draw what each balloon will look like at the end of the 24-hour incubation period. Next, quantify the volume of gas that is produced when the yeast metabolize the sugar in each flask.  The easiest way to calculate the volume of gas in a balloon is to measure how much water each balloon can displace.  One liter of water is the equivalent of 1000 cubic centimeters (cm3).  If one of your balloons displaced 209 mL of water, what was the volume of the balloon? (hint 1 mL = 1 cm3)4.    The amount of water displaced from each of the four balloons is recorded in the table.  Calculate and record the appropriate volumes of each balloon in the table.Quantity ofsugar in flask (grams)    Amount of water displaced (ml)    Volume of balloon (cm3)0    24   1    91   2    194   4    378 5.    Graph the effect of sugar quantity on respiration in yeast as measured by CO2 production.  Produce a bar graph with a title, and be sure to label the axes, mark an appropriate scale on each, and include units. [Hint: the independent variable, quantity of sugar added, should be plotted on the horizontal axis; the dependent variable, volume of CO2 produced, should be plotted on the vertical axis.]6.    Was your hypothesis correct?  Explain why or why not using the data7.    What if you added a few sprigs of Spanish Moss to each flask, added a wet paper towel and sealed the mouth of the flask with a cork. You keep the flasks in the sun. Predict- in which flask will the Spanish Moss show most prolific growth, and why?8.    Write down the summary reaction of the process carried out by Spanish Moss to attain growth.Spanish Moss: Tillandsia usenoidesSpanish Moss is an epiphytic plant (grows on other plants for support) which gets moisture from the air and thrives well if given CO2, and sunlight.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] The Human Digestive System

Watch the 3-minute video: https://www.viddler.com/embed/4ef12221Using what you learned from chapters 4 and 5 (section 5.5), describe how one slice of bread is digested and absorbed from mouth to anus. Include any relevant hormones and enzymes and why those are necessary. Discuss how the bread is broken down from a complex carbohydrate to a simple carbohydrate and how it is transported into the cells. List all steps in a bullet-point format.

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