[ORDER SOLUTION] Role Of A Forensic Detective

Each question is separate, this is not a paper.Question 1. Imagine that you are a forensic detective and you have been tasked with analyzing a complete skeleton. How might you go about determining if the skeleton is male or female? What characteristics would you look for?Your answer must be at least 200 words in length.Question 2. Discuss the difference between general senses and special senses. Then, of the special senses, decide which you think is either most important or least important and explain your position.Your answer must be at least 200 words in length.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Vaccine Production

You will be required to write a 7- 10 page paper on how vaccines are produced and impact they have on society and public health.  It must be written with references sited and a reference page

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Cell Structure And Function

Understanding and Integration of Living Components of the Human Body.It is here where much detail is brought together with cellular structure and function, and the organization of many cells together in the body, that make up tissues. Do not merely memorize these individual vocabulary words, but rather, learn and comprehend how these cells and tissues interact and function together.Therefore ASSIGNMENT # 2 is as follows:Given what you have learned from Cell Structure and Function, and Tissue Related Concepts, how can present and ongoing climatic changes impact us, at the Cellular and Tissue level?        List two (2) precise examples including Cellular and Tissue for both.You MUST be BIOLOGICALY ACCURATE and very focused in your writing. No rambling on. Instead be brief, but succinct in your responses. It is to your advantage that you complete the readings of BOTH Chapters 3 and 4, before you approach your answer to this question. 

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Human Genetics

Essays must be in English and no more than 750 words.Word count includes in-text citations, but not reference lists.Essays must include at least 4 references.The question is All humans are 99.9% genetically identical at the DNA level. Remarkably, just a small fraction (0.1%) of our DNA contributes tothe different characteristics among populations around the world and that make every person unique. Important discoveries in human genetics and genomics often rely on comparing groups of people, for example people with a given disease compared to people without the disease. These studies utilize genomic data from individuals who have contributed their DNA for research purposes, most of which (approximately 80%) are individuals of European ancestry. How does this population representation impact genomic findings? Can the data and results of these studies still be useful for studies in other populations from around the world? Discuss whether inclusion of more diverse populations in genetic and genomic studies holds a potential to benefit future genetic research and improve human health.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Types Of Anemias

Types of anemiasDiscuss the different type of anemias.This paper is for pathophysiology.you may include graphs and figures as well

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Landmark Experiment

Briefly describe landmark experiment which used the scientific method and give reference for it. Please describe Gregor Mendel experiment with pea plant. Please have a look at the example which I’ve attached.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Thermoregulation In Humans

Questions: Part 1. Consider the following experiment (reference below). It has long been thought that antioxidants decrease risk for developing cancer. This was tested by giving either the antioxidant Vitamin E or placebo at random to 35,000 men, and measuring how many were diagnosed with prostate cancer 5 years later. There was no statistically significant difference in prostate cancer rate between the groups at the end of the study.   1. What was their hypothesis? (Be specific)   2. What was their treatment group?   3. What was their control group?   4. What was the dependent variable?   5. Can they broadly conclude that ALL antioxidants do not prevent ALL cancers? Why or why not? **Careful, this is tricky. Reference: Lippman SM et al. Effect of selenium and vitamin E on risk of prostate cancer and other cancers. JAMA. December 9, 2008.   Part 2 Design an experiment that you could do to test homeostasis of body temperature.  Do not make a big deal about this.  Think about the things that might make the human body heat up.   6. Explain your hypothesis   7. Explain your treatment   8. Describe your control   9. What is the dependent variable?   10. How could your experiment be strengthened?

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[ORDER SOLUTION] The Human Population

**********************************************REVIEW COURSE MATERIAL********************************************                                                                2 PART ASSIGNMENT  Instructions                   ASSIGNMENT 1 Globally, the human population is increasing exponentially. What are some of the reasons for this population explosion? Do you think this is something that should be controlled? And if so, how might reproduction be curbed? What effects of population growth have you seen in the area you live in? Your journal entry must be at least 200 words. No references or citations are necessary. Instructions               ASSIGNMENT 2 In this unit, you learned that the characteristics of a population at a given time can be represented graphically using birth and death rate data, among many other parameters. In Part I of this activity, you will work with a simple data set to create a human survivorship curve and answer questions about the results and the data itself. In Part II, you will work with interactive age structure diagrams in an online simulator to analyze population growth trends for both China and the United States. For an example of an age structure diagram, see the presentations for the Unit II Lesson.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Ultimate Predator

Consider humanity as the ultimate predator. Many if not most of us, particularly in the United States, are quite comfortable with the harvesting of organisms like tuna, deer, ducks, or rabbits. Other countries and cultures, however, value species that rarely, if ever, find their way to the North American dinner plate. What are your thoughts on the harvesting of organisms such as whales, dolphins, seals, etc.? Is hunting the only major issue that might threaten the existence of these organisms? Should we limit ourselves to eating only certain organisms? Why, or why not? In what ways are you selective about the foods you eat? Your journal entry must be at least 200 words. No references or citations are necessary.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Evolutionary Relationships

Microbiology Read the following blog and article: https://astrobiology.nasa.gov/news/the-three-domains-of-life/ Answer the following questions in 1–2 double-spaced pages following APA (7th ed.) format. How did the classification of a microorganism change from kingdoms to domains of life? How do cell types (prokaryotes and eukaryotes) fit in the kingdom/domain classification systems? Why don’t we classify viruses the same as living organisms? What are the evolutionary relationships between the two empires and the three domains? Please use intext citation question and answer format but double spaced

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