[ORDER SOLUTION] Scientific Literature

It’s basically a journal article review. Here is the link that I chose. Please reach out to me if you encounter any concerns.  Here are the assignment instructions. In this assignment, students will review a microbial journal article. Choose one article from a primary scientific literature source that uses a microbe as a model organism/system and write a comprehensive summary of the study that answers the following questions: Write a summary of the study that includes: Why did the scientists perform the study (i.e., description of background)? What was the hypothesis (or hypotheses) under investigation? What were the major results and did they support or negate the hypothesis? Which key techniques were used to achieve these results? Why are the results significant and do they point to further/future studies? In other words, why does this article matter, and what should or could be done next? Why did you choose this particular article to review? Was it interesting, informative, clearly written, or none of the above? Compose your review in current APA Style and include: A title page  Answers to the questions above in paragraph format (2 or more pages) A reference page with the reference for your article and any other sources used in your review.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Chemical Digestive Process

There are several processes that take place from the moment food enters our mouths until it is completely digested and used for energy. Using approximately 400-500 words, describe the mechanical and chemical digestive process of eating a chicken sandwich. What roles do the pancreas, gallbladder, and liver play? Where is your body deriving its energy from? Include at least two scholarly references (using APA formatting and style) to guide your answers.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Food And Drug Administration

Write an essay of 250 words on one of the following topics. Use internet sources to find relevant information: 2. Do you think the United States Government’s Food and Drug Administration (FDA) should approve the sale for human food of genetically modified Atlantic salmon, which contain a gene from Pacific Chinook salmon that causes them to grow more quickly? What are reasons in favor and against approval of such GM food?

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[ORDER SOLUTION] The Female Pelvis

Discuss two characteristics of the female pelvis. Why are these characteristics significant? this is the discussion question anatomy and physiology 1

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Chemical Threats

Please note I have uploaded the Chapter 3 reading which will be one cite.  After reading Chapter 3, select one classification of chemical agent (nerve, blister, blood or choking) for further study. For example, you may choose the blister agent Distilled Mustard (HD) or you may choose the nerve agent Sarin (GB), among many other choices from your research. Write a brief synopsis of the agent’s properties and effects. Then discuss the use of the agent, either in past conflicts or a potential use by a terrorist group. You must cite at least 2 sources for this review.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Intracellular PH Dynamics

Have you spoken with any current or past lab members? What did you learn? * In my previous lab, I learned how to work as a team. There were many projects I have done as a team. My lab mates and I had to discuss, learn, and teach each other. There was also full of excellent scientists who helped each other out. Senior scientists were willing to share lab protocols and demonstrate techniques to junior researchers or lab assistants. I learned how to share knowledge and ideas from them. I also focused on learning gel electrophoresis, PCRs, fluorescent microscopy, and Cell culture and counting from my mentor as technical skills. It was fungal research and fermentation lab. So, I had many chances to handle microbiology to molecular biology techniques and lab equipment.   Which projects in my lab interest you and why? * The topic” Project 1: How is normal development regulated by intracellular pH dynamics?” is interesting. When I worked in a food company, understanding and measuring pH precisely was essential because it makes food ingredients function optimally. I always wonder how pH works in the human body. So, it is attractive to study how pH works in cells with Drosophila tissue.    Explain why you would like to do research in the Grillo-Hill lab. * I always want to be a person who contributes to making a healthy society. That is one of the reasons I choose to study science.  There are still many unknown things. In other words, there are many things to be studied and founded. By learning and studying in the Grill-Hill lab, I feel it can be my step stone to achieve my future goal. Also, I had a chance to see the lab people photos on the website. I feel the Grillo-Hill lab is supportive and energetic, and I cannot stop thinking about being in your lab. It makes me excited! That is why I would like to research in the Grillo-Hill lab.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Genetic Testing

No word limit, one line sentences are ok. No sources needed. No cover needed.  Just answer the following questions. There are many avenues to testing your ancestry through DNA Kits. Find a website that offers the testing and answer the following question. 1)      Which DNA testing site did you research? 2)      What is the process to submitting your DNA and how long until you hear back? 3)      Does the company address the privacy and protection of the DNA submitted? What does it say?  4)      Are there any medical tests done on the DNA supplied or just lineage? 5)      Is there any indication as to how many DNA markers they use to trace your ancestry? 6)      Do they look at Y-chromosome, mitochondrial DNA and/or autosomal chromosomes? 7)      How far back does the kit trace (in years)?  8)      What ethnic regions are covered by the test? 9)      Does the site offer further resources to contacting relatives that were discovered during the testing? 10)   If you have submitted a kit before tell me about your results and what surprised you? (I have never submitted one)

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Gene Combinations

Explain how two crawfish have different traits from their parents and how did the gene combinations give them this as a result

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Explain one paragraph (in your own words what are the following disease). NO COPY PASTE, I will submit it through turn it in for copyright. also, add your reference for each disease.What is it, which amino acid is not working, is it an (enzyme not working if so which enzyme), can the patient live with this disease, what are some of the clinical presentation patients will present, is there any treatment for these type of patient.HomocystinuriaPhenylketonuria (PKU) and Maternal PKUMaple Syrup DiseaseAlkaptonuriaHomocystinuriaCystinuriaTyrosinemia

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Human Microbiome

Read and answer the following questions. Parasites and the treatment of asthma and allergic diseases.  A) Describe three different mechanisms, from mouse, human or in vitro studies, of how helminths can influence the severity or outcome of allergic airway inflammation (AAI). See the Bohnacker et al. review (Frontiers in Immunology, 2020).  B) From the Blank et al. paper (PLoS ONE, 2018), explain the strategy, or rationale, for their experiments targeting rheumatoid arthritis in a mouse model. Be sure to define CIA, TPC, and neuropilin-1.  C) In the data presented in the figures, 1 through 3, interpret the results for each of the three figures and how the differences between PBS, T, PC, PPC, and untreated controls, support their findings.

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