[ORDER SOLUTION] Body Immune System

I. Please answer 2 questions. II. Write a short paper describing the differences between the body’s immune responses to bacterial vs. viral infections.( 1-2 pages) III. Write a paper in which you address the following: (It is done below and I need rewording for the similarity score to be< 30%)

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Fungal Pathogens

Sociology final reflection papePAPER: THE REMEMBRANCE PROJECTYou will write a 2-3 page reflection as the final for this course, thus, 20% of your grade in this course depends on the precision, depth, and creativity demonstrated in this paper. Having dived into the study of society and discussed differences across hundreds of variables, the time has come to think about the one variable which is incontrovertible across time and space – death.Every person who has ever lived has had to contend with the facts of existence and no fact is more immutable than all who live will eventually pass away. The existential anUnit 7 DiscussionFungal PathogensChoose any one of the fungal pathogens and discuss its appearance, staining reaction, culturecharacteristics, disease caused, and epidemiologicalcharacteristics (where is it common, who is at risk).Unit 8 DiscussionDisease TransmissionExplain how nosocomial infections are becoming serious health threats within healthcare system. Discuss the known methods used for breaking the chains of disease transmission.Propose a way to educate the general public on their role in preventing disease transmission.Each discussion must be at least 100 wordsgst induced by such realizations often follows on the heels of a close friend or loved one passing away. Of course, just because all people pass away doesn’t mean they agree on what constitutes a life well lived. It is my hope that all of you will live a life that you can consider to be “well-lived” whatever that means to you personally.I think part of living such a life stems from having thought about what we value about ourselves and others, what we are most proud of and ashamed of, and what we hope our legacy will be after we are gone. To facilitate such thinking, I have created this journal exercise based on two thought experiences. All I ask is you sit there and think deeply about each experiment for a few minutes and then commit yourself to writing no less than one page about each one.Thought Experiment #1:Imagine that one of your close friends is talking to one of their friends, someone who knows nothing about you and who has never met you before. Having never encountered you before, this friend of your friend has no idea what you look like, what your voice sounds like, how you dress, what your beliefs are etc. How would you WANT your friend to describe you to their friend?Thought Experiment #2:Imagine that you lived to be 90 years old and passed away while you were sleeping. One hundred years after you die, a researcher begins writing a biography about your life. What would the researcher need to emphasize for you to feel like the biography did a good job of capturing your life?Again, please read the thought experiments carefully and think about them for several minutes before starting to write. You need only include half a page for each experiment, although you are certainly welcome to write as much as you want. The paper is due December 6. 

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Marine Sciences

Please answer only four (4) of the questions below as completely as possible.  Answers to the questions can be found in Introduction to Ocean Science 4th Edition, by Douglas Segar as the questions come from the Critical Thinking Questions in the text.  25 points each.   here is the link to the textbook  http://www.reefimages.com/oceansci.php  (Links to an external site.)  I expect that to answer each question completely, your answer should be between 100 and 200 words in length, but the choice is yours. A few words is not likely to provide a sufficient explanation.   You are sailing across the water into an almost regular swell that comes from directly ahead of you. Suddenly you notice that the same swell now appears to be coming at you from two slightly different directions at a small angle from each side of the boat’s bow and the wave pattern ahead looks confused compared to the smooth swell you were sailing on a few minutes before. What are you seeing, and why? Should you be concerned? Chapter 9 In the Hawaiian Islands the youngest island, Hawaii, is the biggest, has sandy beaches along the smallest fraction of its coastline, and has more black sand beaches than the other islands. Oahu, which is older than Hawaii, is smaller, has a greater fraction of its coastline occupied by beaches, and does not have black sand beaches. Kauai, which is older than both Oahu and Hawaii, is smaller than either of these other islands, has the largest fraction of its coastline occupied by beaches, and also does not have black sand beaches. Explain why this progression of island characteristics with age occurs. (These processes are described individually in several different chapters of this text.)  Chapter 11 If you measured the dissolved oxygen concentration carefully in the photic zone during a spring bloom of phytoplankton, describe how you would expect it to change over 24 h and why. Would the changes in concentration during the 24 h be different at different depths within the photic zone? If so, describe how and why.  Hint:  First list and explain the important factors that control diurnal variations and then explain the result of these processes. Chapter 12 Is it likely that a global climate change in which the Earth’s atmosphere warms by several degrees will alter the frequency or intensity of dinoflagellate blooms? Why? Is it likely that the frequency and geographic extent of periodic anoxia in coastal waters will change? If so, how and why? Chapter 13 The temperature and salinity of the abyssopelagic environment vary little with latitude or from ocean to ocean. This environment is also uniformly dark and the pressure uniformly high. Does this mean that, if we were able to sample every species in a cubic kilometer of deep-ocean water, we could be certain that we had sampled a large majority of all abyssopelagic species that exist in the oceans? Why or why not?  Chapter 15 Coral reefs and kelp forests both have high species diversity compared to some other ocean ecosystems. What are the possible reasons for this high diversity?  Chapter 15 Describe the principal sources of petroleum contamination in the oceans. Discuss what would probably cause more pollution of the oceans: production of oil from drilling platforms in U.S. coastal waters and transport of the oil ashore in seafloor pipelines, or purchase of oil from foreign suppliers and transport to the United States in oil tankers.  Chapter 16

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Virus Classification

There are actually several categories of viruses. Antivirus software makers typically categorize viruses according to the way they spread from one computer to another, but other methods of categorization are also used. Go online and learn about the different categories of viruses. Pick ONE of the categories to describe and submit and give an example

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Pathology Of Appendicitis

Criteria for paper as follows: 1)  Description of the pathology of appendicitis 2)  Normal anatomy of the major body system affected in appendicitis 3)  Normal physiology of body system affected by appendicitis 4)  Mechanism of the pathophysiology of appendicitis 5)  Prevention of appendicitis 6)  Treatment of appendicitis  APA format references page at the end of the paper.  In-text citations should be included when appropriate. Reputable resources include peer-reviewed journal articles, textbooks, interviews with clinicians who deal with these pathologies , personal experiences, class lectures, and other scientific sources.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Animal Nutrition

Question 1 (10 marks)Outline the energy systems used in animal nutrition, and state which system is used for ruminants, for swine, and for poultry.Question 2 (10 marks)(i) What is an antioxidant, (ii) what nutrients have antioxidant activity AND what is the mode of action of an antioxidant?Question 3 (10 marks)What are major feed additives in monogastric animal nutrition AND describe the mode of action of phytase.Question 4 (10 marks)Describe, using at least one example, the impact of maternal dietary supplementation on foetal developmentQuestion 5 (10 marks)Outline the process of digestion in the ruminant and describe factors which should be considered to enhance the efficiency of this process.Question 21 (10 marks)a) Explain the interactions and changes occurring in the calf gastrointestinal tract during the weaning transition which stimulate development to a mature state.b) Summarise Milk Fat Depression (MFD) in the dairy cow, outlining its causes and effects.Question 22 (10 marks)Describe lignin and explain its functions.Question 23 (10 marks)Outline the energy systems used in animal nutrition, and state which system is used for ruminants, swine, and poultry.Question 24 (10 marks)What are fat soluble vitamins? Name them and mention a few functions for each.Question 25 (10 marks)Describe the specialised anatomy and outline metabolism in the gastrointestinal tract of a hindgut fermenter.Question 26 (10 marks)Discuss the factors affecting feed intake regulation in ruminants, including any differences from monogastric animals.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Respiratory System

Answer the following questions. Add space below each question as needed to insert your answer.1. Describe the pathway of inhaled air from the nose to the alveoli.2. Explain the function of each of the structures in the respiratory system.3. Explain the relationship between internal and external respiration, including transfer and transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide.4. Follow the path of a drop of blood as ti travels from the right ventricle to the left atrium.5. Differentiate among oxyhemoglobin, hemoglobin, bicarbonate, and carbonic acid.6. Distinguish among the respiratory volumes, including tidal volume, residual volume, inspiratory and expiratory reserve volumes, vital capacity and total lung capacity.7. Discuss the movement of atmospheric air into and out of the lungs. Be sure to explain the relationship between airpressure and air flow during inspiration and expiration.8. Define the following disorders of the respiratory system: common cold, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis, sinusitis, otitis media, bronchitis, asthma, tuberculosis, and pneumonia.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Human Stem Cells

Prepare a detailed report on the topic you choose, including these elements:1. Describe the background and basic issue of your chosen topic.2. Describe the basic argument of opposing viewpoints.3. Identify the strengths and weaknesses of both views.4. Choose which view you agree with (only in the conclusion).5. Explain why you agree with that view.Incorporate the information you learned about your chosen topic from this course,but don’t limit your discussion to the textbook and study guide. Take advantage ofexternal resources to provide an in-depth, comprehensive report.This assignment is designed to help you apply what you’ve learned from yourlessons by researching and writing about a controversial topic you’ve studied andto give you an opportunity to demonstrate your written communication, research,and critical thinking skills.Writing Guidelines1. Type your submission, double-spaced, in a Times New Roman font, size 12.Use a standard document format with 1-inch margins. (Don’t use any fancy orcursive fonts.)2. Read the assignment carefully, and address the topic suggested.3. Be specific. Limit your submission to the topic suggested.4. Use proper APA formatting. Include in-text citations and a reference page inAPA style. On this page, list websites, journals, and all other references usedin preparing the submission. Also, include a cover page and in-text citations.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Bacterial Pathogens

Unit 5 DiscussionViral StrategiesImagine yourself to be a virus and you need to establish infection in an organ of your choice.Discuss the innate and adaptive immune responses, including the roles of neutrophils, monocyte, macrophages, antigen, antibody, and B and T-cell mediated responses, that you will need to overcome along with their attributes to establish the infections and the type of immunodeficiency you will be benefited by.Unit 6 DiscussionBacterial PathogensChoose any one of the bacterial pathogens and discuss its appearance, staining reaction, culture characteristics, disease caused and mechanism of disease.When responding to your classmates be sure to note similarities and differences between the bacterial pathogens both of you chose.  How do these influence virulence?Keep the discussions separate. They should be at least 100 words each.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] The Urinary System

Assignment 4.1: Urinary System Anatomy and Physiology Assignment 4.1: Urinary System Anatomy and Physiology   This assignment supports the following lesson objectives: USING THE TEMPLATE SUPPLIED BELOW (USE THIS TEMPLATE FOR CREDIT!! DOWNLOAD, FILL IT IN….SAVE IT….UPLOAD IT)   DO NOT SIMPLY COPY AND PASTE A BUNCH OF PHOTOS!!! YOU NEED TO TYPE YOUR OWN WORDS IN ADDITION TO ANY PICS! Identify the anatomical structures of the urinary system and their functions Describe the composition of urine Explain the physiology of the urinary system   Assignment Overview This presentation assignment explores the anatomy and physiology of the urinary system.   Deliverables ·       A five-slide PowerPoint presentation   Activity Details Perform the following tasks:   Step 1: Create a PowerPoint presentation Create a five-slide PowerPoint presentation that covers the following topics: o   Anatomy of the urinary system o   Path of urine formation o   Composition of urine   Conduct research as necessary and include images in your slides (cite your sources). Be concise. Put detailed notes in the notes section of each slide.   Step 2: Save and submit your assignment. When you have completed the assignment, save a copy for yourself in an easily accessible place and submit a copy to your instructor using the dropbox below. (click the + symbol in the “additional files” or drag and drop feature).   Week 4 Template (Urinary PowerPoint).ppt

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