[ORDER SOLUTION] Membrane Structure

The Dynamic Cell Eukaryotic cells are more structurally advanced than prokaryotic cells. In a 1-2 page Word document, describe the structure and function of each of the eukaryotic organelles. Distinguish between those that are and are not membranous. Explain the importance of membrane structure and function in the organization of living processes within cells.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Biology Principles

Bio 1200: Anatomy and Physiology II Formal Writing Assignment Rationale Understanding the basic biology principles is key to being successful in anatomy and physiology or any related fields (nursing, pre-physical therapy, pre-physician, etc.). Students focus more on memorizing these basic principles and are often lost when the emphasis is made on understanding structure and function. Instead of memorizing, students form the connection early on to be successful in their respective allied health fields or explain complex terminology to non-science people. Listed below are the goals that are to be achieved in the completion of this assignment: • Students can relate Anatomy and Physiology topics to disorders/diseases they might encounter (news, family, or friends). • Introduce students to the research that drives the development of treatments for the disorders/diseases. • Provide the opportunity for the student to convey the information to someone who lacks a scientific background. Assignment Each student will pick one of 30 topics. If the topic reached capacity (four students per topic), please have three potential backup topics. Students will notice that most of the topics are multisystemic. Whether the topic covers one system or multiple systems, students are responsible for the following: • Look for a clinical case study (or clinical case reports) about the topic. The clinical case study must come from a reputable journal—the most common place to find case studies in the New England Journal of Medicine. The case study acts as the paper template, which means that the person described is the student’s patient. Students will explain how the disorder developed, symptoms, and treatments to the patient or friend/family member about what is happening. • Students will review background information (review and research articles) to understand the topic. • Based on the case study, students should be able to answer the following questions: a. What is the likely mechanism for the disorder? Or what caused the disorder? – As students evaluate the clinical case study, they will notice a few cut-n-dry (not textbook) cases. Students will explain why the disease manifested. This question allows students to analyze the physiological changes, which allows for the rationale for therapy and prognosis. For instance, the cause of pernicious anemia is the inability to absorb vitamin B-12. Instead of memorizing this fact, students should think that the destruction of the parietal cells by immune cells results in decreased intrinsic factor production. Thus, the lack of intrinsic factor will cause a decrease in vitamin B-12 absorption. Clinical case studies will report autoimmune gastritis or a gastric disease that will affect parietal cell development. b. What is the likely cellular response to a certain change in the environment? – The environment is a loose term. Macroscopic and microscopic responses are essential in understanding how the individual cell or organ adapts to stressors (chemical, trauma, genetic, etc.). For instance, erythrocyte (red blood cell) production is due to the hormone erythropoietin. Erythropoietin is produced mainly by the kidney, but the liver and spleen produce some erythropoietin. The oxygen levels in the body regulate erythropoietin levels. When oxygen levels fall, erythropoietin level Bio 1200: Anatomy and Physiology II Formal Writing Assignment increases, thus causing an increase in red blood cell production. While, if oxygen levels increase, erythropoietin levels will decrease. For a student with the topic of sickle cell anemia use a case study that mentioned kidney disease, the student is then tasked with explaining why a decrease in kidney function would exacerbate (worsen) sickle cell anemia symptoms. c. With references to cellular and biochemical processes, explain the clinical symptoms expected? – Most good clinical cases will mention a cellular and biochemical process. Understanding the underlying processes allows students to explore the relationships between microscopic physiology and clinical symptoms and signs. For example, a patient experiencing signs of pernicious or sickle cell anemia can experience weight loss, jaundice, numbness, and tingling of the hands, to name a few symptoms. Students have the opportunity to explain the relationship between how the disease was detected from subclinical symptoms (symptoms that might have arisen before) and clinical symptoms that lead to the diagnosis. d. What is the likely disease process based on the graphs and charts presented in either the clinical article or a research article? – Good clinical cases present a chart of the lab data, histological views, ultrasound figures, etc. Interpretation of data is critical in understanding the correlation between the graphic/chart data and the physiological process. For instance, a hematocrit is a tool used to measure the percentage of red blood cells in the blood. The normal reference range for an adult male hematocrit is between 41.9 – 53.0%. A 62-year-old male has a hematocrit of 18.7%; then, we know there is an issue with his red blood cell production. This will also cause symptoms to manifest that relate to anemia. e. What is the likely mechanism being affected by medication or treatments? – Understanding the cellular and biochemical response is not only crucial for studying the mechanism behind the disease, but it is also crucial in understanding the course of treatment. For instance, someone with sickle cell anemia that is suffering from kidney disease might be treated with dialysis, placed on an organ transplant list, and give synthetic erythropoietin. Understanding the reasoning for the treatment is essential for a patient’s survival and quality of life. Guidelines This formal writing assignment is an expository essay, which is not the same as a paper about a disorder. An expository essay is a verbal explanation of a concept to an individual. In this case, students are the doctor/nurse practitioner/physician assistant who has to explain the disorder (concept) to the clinical case patient or friend/family of the person in the clinical case(individual). The audience that students are writing for is someone who lacks a scientific background. Ensure that students give a thorough, comprehensive, and clear explanation when addressing questions. The paper should reflect the effort students placed in completing the assignment and summarization of complex concepts. Spelling, grammar, and quality of reference (i.e., clinical case and supporting documents) are incorporated into the project grade. Students’ paper’s text portion must be 5 – 8 typewritten pages in length, using 12-point font, preferably Time New Roman, Arial or Calibri, and double spaced. Students’ references must follow a consistent format and not count as part of the 5 – 8-page text requirement. A copy of the clinical case should accompany the paper (see the syllabus due dates). Bio 1200: Anatomy and Physiology II Formal Writing Assignment Citations Students are to use the APA (American Psychological Association) style of citation, which is not to be confused with writing a paper using the APA style, which means no title page, abstract, or subheading throughout the paper. APA in-text citation follows the author-date method. Students should not use direct quotes in their paper; rather, they will paraphrase ideas from others’ work. Most non-science APA guidelines use in-text references that use page numbers; however, students will omit the page number when quoting a reference in-text for this paper. The page number of journals or books will be placed in the reference list at the end of the paper. There are two ways to reference paraphrased statements: 1. The low absorption from the GIT suggested by Abou-Donia et al. (2008)… 2. …are superior to conservative therapies in managing type 2 diabetes (Mingrone et al., 2012; Raghow, 2013). For the paper, students will use the second style of reference to place the sources in parenthesis and not directly quoted. Single and two author sources will only use the last names followed by the year of publication (example: Smith, 2017 or Smith and Jones 2002). More than two authors are cited using the first author’s last name, followed by the phrase “et al.” in every citation. When two or more citations are included in a grouping within a sentence, the citations within grouping are arranged in chronological order. Multiple citations for a given year are further arranged alphabetically. Example: … it is controversial whether sleeve gastrectomy has the same effect for lower BMI patients (Lee et al., 2011 a, b; Al 2014). For more information, please visit Purdue University Online Writing Lab for in-text citation: basics and in-text citation: author/authors. Students may include several of one type and none of others, or students may use one or more references of each type shown in these examples. Do not include the phrase “Book”, “Magazine” or other such designation in your citations. For more information, please visit Purdue University Online Writing Lab for reference list: basic rules and reference list: author/authors. Book Boyle, M.A. and S. Long, 2013. Personal Nutrition. (8th ed) Wadsworth Publishing, Belmont, California. Technical article Reynolds, L.P., M.C. Wulster-Radcliff, D.K. Aaron and T.A. Davis, 2015. Importance of Animals in Agricultural Sustainability and Food Security. J/ Nutr. 145:1377 – 1379. Dissertaion/Thesis Schindler, J. 2010. The effect of Nutrition Education on Children’s Healthy Food Choices. Bachelor of Science Thesis. College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia. Website Haraminac, E. 2015. Eating the right food for a healthy body and bones. Michigan State University Extension. Available at: . Accessed July 27, 2015. Topics for the Assignment Bio 1200: Anatomy and Physiology II Formal Writing Assignment Each student will choose one of the following topics (have three backup topics): Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Pernicious Anemias Polycystic Kidney Disease Hypopituitarism Thalassemia Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Graves’ Disease Sickle Cell Disease Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma Diabetes mellitus Cardiomyopathy Chronic Granulomatous Disease Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Endocarditis Acute Myeloid Leukemia Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis Ischemic Heart Disease Mastocytosis Celiac Disease Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Uterine Fibroids Crohn’s Disease Neonatal Respiratory Distress Syndrome Endometriosis Irritable Bowel Syndrome Pneumonia Prostate Cancer Pancreatitis Pyelonephritis Erectile Dysfunction

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Theory Of Hypothesis

This week, much of your material focuses on cells and organelles, but part of your readings focuses on where the first living organisms came from. In this week’s discussion, we will be talking about hypotheses surrounding the origin of life on earth. Please read the folllowing: 7 Theories on the Origin of Life Choose one of the “theories” (they are actually hypotheses, not theories, but I didn’t write the article) from the slideshow above – all of them are mentioned at some point in From Soup to Cells. Please research that hypothesis using outside sources. In your initial response, please describe the hypothesis in your own words. What lines of evidence do scientists seem to think make the hypothesis seem possible? What are some of the weaknesses of the hypothesis? Be sure to include at least one outside source that you have found, as well as list of your sources in MLA formatting.  https://www.livescience.com/13363-7-theories-origin-life.html

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[ORDER SOLUTION] 2020 Pandemic

Please provide a synopsis of the attached Fed Chairman’s January 30th 2019  September 18th 2019 January 29th 2020 Sept 19 2020  Please provide an overall summary of the Federal Reserve’s Chair Press Conferences Include in your analysis “The COVID-19 pandemic is causing tremendous human and economic hardship across the United States and around the world. Economic activity and employment have picked up in recent months but remain well below their levels at the beginning of the year. Weaker demand and significantly lower oil prices are holding down consumer price inflation. Overall financial conditions have improved in recent months, in part reflecting policy measures to support the economy and the flow of credit to U.S. households and businesses. ” & also “My colleagues and I have one overarching goal: to sustain the economic expansion, with a strong job market and stable prices, for the benefit of the American people. ”  How is this central objective achieved.  What was the FOMC’s decision in each case.  What is the state of employment and inflation in the US economy.  What was the FOMC’s most recent decision. How similar and how different was the press conference of the Fed chairperson after the meeting? Elaborate on at least four subject matters that he presented. Elaborate on at least three pertinent questions that the press asked. Elaborate on the FOMC’s role in setting and implementing monetary policy. Explain the mechanism of a rate cut by the FOMC and its impact, if any, in the US economy. How is the federal reserve trying to effect the financial markets and the economy as a whole? What was its policy prior and what is it after the 2020 pandemic? FOMCpresconf20190130 FED.pdf   https://www.federalreserve.gov/monetarypolicy/fomcpresconf20190619.htm https://www.federalreserve.gov/mediacenter/files/FOMCpresconf20190918.pdf https://www.federalreserve.gov/newsevents/pressreleases/monetary20190918a.htm Quality of Assignment Content — Levels of Achievement: Quality of assignment content  Unacceptable  0 (0.00%) points Submission does not display an understanding of the associated learning objectives presented in the assignment. Minimal 0.42 (42.00%) points Submission demonstrates a minimal understanding of the associated learning objectives presented in the assignment. Competent 0.49 (49.00%) points Submission demonstrates some understanding of the associated learning objectives presented in the assignment. Effective 0.595 (59.50%) points Submission demonstrates a general understanding of the associated learning objectives presented in the assignment. Master 0.7 (70.00%) points Submission demonstrates a full understanding of the associated learning objectives presented in the assignment. Mechanics and Readability of Assignment — Levels of Achievement: Mechanics and Readability of assignment Unacceptable  0 (0.00%) points Writing is unclear and/or disorganized in all literacy standards. Assignment is not understandable to the reader. Frequent errors in spelling and capitalization: profound and/or inaccurate punctuation which render the submission unreadable. Minimal 0.09 (9.00%) points Writing is unclear and/or disorganized in most literacy standards. Assignment is unclear and not understandable to the reader. Contains many and serious intrusive errors of punctuation, spelling, and/or capitalization which partially inhibit readability. Competent 0.105 (10.50%) points Writing is unclear and/or disorganized in some areas of literacy standards. Assignment is partially clear and understandable to the reader. Contains several punctuation, spelling, and/or capitalization errors, but does not inhibit readability. Effective 0.1275 (12.75%) points Writing demonstrates mastery of most criteria for high academic literacy standards. Assignment is mostly clear and understandable to the reader. Contains only occasional punctuation, spelling, and /or capitalization errors. Master 0.15 (15.00%) points Writing demonstrates mastery of all criteria for high academic literacy standards. Assignment is clearly understandable to the reader. Free of punctuation, spelling, and capitalization errors. Structure and Organization/ Format/ Presentation of Assignment — Levels of Achievement: Structure And Organization/ format/ presentation of assignment Unacceptable  0 (0.00%) points Submission is not appropriate for assignment. Does not follow directions as indicated by instructor. References and citations are not included if requested. Thoughts are not expressed in a logical manner. Minimal 0.09 (9.00%) points Submission follows minimal directions and is missing many components indicated in the instructions. If requested, references are not included and/or properly cited. Errors in format several interfere with meaning, formatting weak. Competent 0.105 (10.50%) points Submission does not follow all directions and is missing some components indicated in the instructions. If requested, some references are included and partially cited properly. Several errors in formatting, or format is inconsistent. Effective 0.1275 (12.75%) points Submission follows directions and includes most components indicated in the instructions. If requested, references are included and mostly cited properly. Few formatting errors. Master 0.15 (15.00%) points Submission follows direction and includes all components indicated in the instructions. If requested, references are included and properly cited. Appropriate format and presentation for assignment. Quality of Assignment Content — Levels of Achievement: Unacceptable 0 (0.00%) points Submission does not display an understanding of the associated learning objectives presented in the assignment. Minimal 0.42 (42.00%) points Submission demonstrates a minimal understanding of the associated learning objectives presented in the assignment. Competent 0.49 (49.00%) points Submission demonstrates some understanding of the associated learning objectives presented in the assignment. Effective 0.595 (59.50%) points Submission demonstrates a general understanding of the associated learning objectives presented in the assignment. Master 0.7 (70.00%) points Submission demonstrates a full understanding of the associated learning objectives presented in the assignment. Mechanics and Readability of Assignment — Levels of Achievement: Unacceptable 0 (0.00%) points Writing is unclear and/or disorganized in all literacy standards. Assignment is not understandable to the reader. Frequent errors in spelling and capitalization: profound and/or inaccurate punctuation which render the submission unreadable. Minimal 0.09 (9.00%) points Writing is unclear and/or disorganized in most literacy standards. Assignment is unclear and not understandable to the reader. Contains many and serious intrusive errors of punctuation, spelling, and/or capitalization which partially inhibit readability. Competent 0.105 (10.50%) points Writing is unclear and/or disorganized in some areas of literacy standards. Assignment is partially clear and understandable to the reader. Contains several punctuation, spelling, and/or capitalization errors, but does not inhibit readability. Effective 0.1275 (12.75%) points Writing demonstrates mastery of most criteria for high academic literacy standards. Assignment is mostly clear and understandable to the reader. Contains only occasional punctuation, spelling, and /or capitalization errors. Master 0.15 (15.00%) points Writing demonstrates mastery of all criteria for high academic literacy standards. Assignment is clearly understandable to the reader. Free of punctuation, spelling, and capitalization errors. Structure and Organization/ Format/ Presentation of Assignment — Levels of Achievement: Unacceptable 0 (0.00%) points Submission is not appropriate for assignment. Does not follow directions as indicated by instructor. References and citations are not included if requested. Thoughts are not expressed in a logical manner. Minimal 0.09 (9.00%) points Submission follows minimal directions and is missing many components indicated in the instructions. If requested, references are not included and/or properly cited. Errors in format several interfere with meaning, formatting weak. Competent 0.105 (10.50%) points Submission does not follow all directions and is missing some components indicated in the instructions. If requested, some references are included and partially cited properly. Several errors in formatting, or format is inconsistent. Effective 0.1275 (12.75%) points Submission follows directions and includes most components indicated in the instructions. If requested, references are included and mostly cited properly. Few formatting errors. Master 0.15 (15.00%) points Submission follows direction and includes all components indicated in the instructions. If requested, references are included and properly cited. Appropriate format and presentation for assignment.Levels of Achievement:

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Monoclonal Antibodies

Topic: Diagnostic Immunology What to focus: What are polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies? Precipitation reactions, Agglutination reactions (Direct & indirect Tests), Neutralization reactions, Complement fixation reactions, Fluorescent antibody techniques, Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA).

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Asthma Attacks

For your final project you will be researching a case study from the list provided and you will write a paper based off of your research. The paper will be written using the questions that are listed in the prompt for the case study that you have selected. Your paper should be 4-6 pages long. Write your paper in Microsoft Word and format it according to APA standards. Please review the Guidelines for APA Style found in the APA Requirements link in the left sidebar found in Blackboard. Include APA citations from a minimum of three academic sources, and have a title page and reference page. Case Study 1: Asthma and Allergies Asthma is an inflammatory disease of the lungs in which the patient’s airways become temporarily constricted, making breathing difficult. Although the condition was virtually unknown in the early 1900s, today it affects 20.3 million people in the United States and kills 5,000 of them per year. From 1980 to 1994, the prevalence of asthma increased 75%. Asthma rates in children under the age of 5 have increased more than 160% in the same time period. The exact reason for the increased prevalence of asthma is not known, but the following observations offer clues: ? Asthma “attacks” can be triggered by the common cold, exercise, cold air, emotional stress, viral infections, aspirin, industrial air pollutants, smoking, obesity, ozone, and nitrogen dioxide. ? Having two parents with asthma increases a child’s chances of having the disease. Approximately 40% of children who have asthmatic parents also develop asthma. ? The disease tends to cluster in England and English-speaking countries. ? Exposure of children to dust mites, cats, cockroaches, molds, and mildews increases their chances of getting the disease. ? Children who are exposed to common parasites seem to have a better-developed immune system than children not exposed to parasites. These exposed children do not suffer asthma as frequently. ? Exposure to occupational agents such as dyes may trigger the onset of adult asthma. ? Poverty seems to be a substantial risk factor for the development of asthma. Assignment Case Study 1: Asthma and Allergies Write a 4-6 page paper incorporating answers to the following questions 1. Research the relationship between asthma and allergies. Describe how various agents trigger asthma or an asthma attack. How have the factors that trigger an asthma attack changed since the 1900s? As a researcher, how would you put together the clues given here to explain the emerging epidemic? 2. Find out where in the world asthma is least prevalent, and hypothesize why this is so. 3. Define the word “epidemiology.” How do researchers use epidemiology to study a disease such as asthma? 4. Visit the CDC website on asthma at and research the National Asthma Control Program. Find the name and address of agencies in your state (VA) that the CDC has funded to fight asthma

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Environmental Issue

TOPIC You have to pick an environmental issue that a community, city or province is presently facing in Canada. The issue may be of national significance but it should be discussed from a provincial, city or local community perspective. This is to ensure that you do not pick up a topic that is too broad in scope (I am looking for brevity and depth rather than a high-level overview). Given that environmental issues are often related to multiple other dimensions, e.g., social, economic, political (governance), and ethical, you have to set the context by highlighting all those aspects (as applicable). In addition, while making recommendations on how to tackle the issue, please limit the number of recommendations to your top two recommendations (you may make only one recommendation if you like) but do provide rationale for your recommendations. SUGGESTED STRUCTURE 1. The issue (including potential impacts): what is at stake? Why should we care? 2. Underlying causes: What is/are causing this issue? Provide brief historical overview if relevant. 3. Actions (past/present/future): What has been done to address the issue so far? What can we do now? What are some of the short- and long-term priorities? This about all relevant stakeholders including government, businesses, NGOs, community groups, individuals… 4. Challenges: What are the key challenges to addressing this issue (why is it difficult to solve)? 5. Recommendations: What are your top recommendations (provide justifications)? FORMAT The essay will have a length of no more than 1600 words excluding references. Use 12-point Times Roman font throughout with a line spacing of 1.15. Use a consistent style for layout and citations. Submit the document in MS Word format (do not send a document in PDF or any other format). Provide “in-text” citations; this means mentioning the source whenever you use facts and figures from a published source next to where you quote the information in the document. Also list all quoted sources at the end of the document in the “Reference” section. Do not mention any source not used in your paper (I want you to add a reference, not a bibliography). Use any of the common citation styles consistently (e.g., Chicago, APA, MLA etc.). IMPORTANT Please do not copy and paste sections from existing articles or reports. I expect you to do a thorough research, think about the issue critically, and then write up the report in your own words.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Medical Drug Research

For the New Drug Design (1-1 ½ pg), you must provide the following information with justification and rationale: Name of drug, cellular target (what specific structure or pathways does it target), how does it work (explain the molecular mechanism of action), how will it be administered (is it injected or oral), for how long, at what dose, how will you make the public aware of this new drug, how will you get it to the patients that need it, what is the cost, all the while keeping in mind that it must have low toxicity to the patient. Include a discussion of how you would determine the Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) and Therapuetic Index (TI).   What possible side effects or allergies do you imagine your drug having on the patient?  You must list at least 3 possible side effects to patients and why they would occur. For the New Chemical/Disinfectant Research (1-1 ½ pg), you must provide the following information with justification and rationale: Name of chemical, against what molecular part of the pathogen will you design your chemical against, how will it work (explain the molecular mechanism of action), how will it be used (as a sterilant, disinfectant, antiseptic), what concentration, general application of chemical (used in hospitals, homes, workplace etc), how will you make the public aware of this new chemical, how will you make this chemical accessible to the general public, what is the cost, all the while keeping in mind that it must have little or no side effects to humans.  Do you need special precautions to safely store it? Also include a brief summary of how chemicals work and why they are effective against inhibiting microbes. i am doing the assignment on a helminth called ancylostoma duodenale that penetrates the skin of humans. you cant target the cell membrane or ribosomes in humans and must find a unique pathway that is effective and not toxic to humans. for the chemical/disinefctant and antibiotic it must be brand new but can go basedon existing one but explain how is yours different.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Cardiovascular Systems

Assignment 2 Endocrine and Cardiovascular Systems Ms. J.S., a 52 yo white female with two children (16 and 14 yo) presents with history of fatigue, weight gain and muscle weakness over past two years. She initially thought it was caused by work stress and busy family life but has also noticed that she bruises more easily than in the past. She also noted purple lines (stretch marks) that you identified as striae. All of the above symptoms have been getting worse. Blood pressure is 170/110, respirations 12/min and some ankle edema (non-pitting) was noted. The limbs seem relatively thin and the trunk thickened, especially between the upper shoulder blades. Diagnosis was made of Cushing disease/syndrome. How could you differentiate between the two? Elevated levels of cortisol has two effects of plasma leading to increased volume: 1) up-regulation of receptors for aldosterone and 2) an increased effectiveness of ADH (either by centrally increasing ADH release or peripherally by increasing the cellular responsiveness). 1). What effects would these two changes (increased responsiveness to aldosterone and ADH) have on Na+, K+ and water levels in the plasma? (Endocrine Mod 3: MO2, MO3, CO2, CO3, CO4) 2). Where does cortisol secretion occur, and thus is a potential site of an over-secreting tumor? How else could someone develop Cushing syndrome if not by a tumor in that area? (Endocrine Mod 3: MO1, MO2, MO3, CO1, CO2, CO3, CO4, CO5) 3). What is the most common cause of Cushing syndrome in the United States? (Endocrine Mod 3: MO1, MO2, MO3, CO1, CO2, CO3, CO4, CO5) A. Adrenal tumors C. Infections B. Pituitary tumors D. Glucocorticoids prescribed by healthcare worker Mr. M.S., an overweight, 55 yo white male presents to your clinic with chest pains. He has a history of hypertension, alcohol use and does not restrict his diet. He is currently taking nitroglycerin tablets as needed for angina. This pain is worse and is not controlled by nitroglycerin. The pain is radiating down his left arm. The pain in the chest feels like pressure or heartburn. You hear inspiratory rales, consistent with pulmonary edema. His blood pressure is 100/75. He begins to have difficulty breathing, especially when lying down. EKG and serum enzymes suggest a left ventricular wall myocardial infarction. Cardiac catheterization reveals a pulmonary wedge pressure of 30 mm Hg (normal, 5 mm Hg) and two-dimensional echocardiography measured an ejection fraction of 0.35 (normal, 0.55). In the Coronary ICU, he was treated with thrombolytic agents (tPA), digitalis (a positive inotropic agent) and furosemide (Lasix, a loop diuretic) 4). What measures above helped you determine that the stroke volume (considering the measures that factor into it) was reduced? (Cardiovascular Alterations Mod 5: MO7, MO9, MO10, MO12, MO17, CO2, CO3, CO4, CO5) 5). Describe the mechanism of how digitalis (AKA Oubain) works at a molecular level to increase contractility (positive inotrope)? Discuss the ion gradients, how they were created/maintained for a cell at resting membrane potential and the effects of this drug that lead to its action (rise in what ion and where) on muscle contraction. (Cardiovascular Structure and Function Mod4: MO2, MO6, MO7, MO9, MO11, CO1, CO2, CO3) 6). Statins are commonly used to treat cardiovascular disease. Describe their effect and the mechanism of how that effect is brought about. Explain if men and women with similar cholesterol profiles are at similar risk for cardiovascular disease (i.e. are they equally predictive of cardiovascular risk for men and women). Supply a link to an article that supports your assertion and in a sentence or two, describe the “take home point(s)” of the article (Cardiovascular Structure and Function Mod 5: MO1, MO5, MO7, MO8, MO9 CO1, CO2, CO3) 7). Supply one link/web address/citation to an article (different from above article) that describes differences in either gender or race in the treatment or assessment of risk for cardiovascular disease and a statement of how that information will affect your assessment/treatment of patients in practice.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Work On Telomeres

Your video reflection is a write-up that discusses what you learned and your general thoughts on the video(s). It should be approximately 600 – 800 words, written using full sentences and paragraphs. The reflection should include information related to the bullet points below, however do not just list answers to those questions, the reflection should flow like a paper not a list of answers. What you learned that you found interesting and why you thought that topic was interesting? How the topic of the video(s) relate to what we are discussing in class and to society as a whole? Your general opinion on the video itself. Did you enjoy it or dislike it? Why? If more than one video is assigned, compare and contrast the videos. Why do you think they shown together? How did the information in one affect the information learned in the other?   The video below discusses Nobel prize winning work on telomeres, telomerase, and what makes our bodies age. DO IT BASED ON THIS VIDEO ! https://www.ted.com/talks/elizabeth_blackburn_the_science_of_cells_that_never_get_old

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