[ORDER SOLUTION] Bioinformatics And Genome

3. Lander and Waterman derived formulae for the expected completeness of an assembly as a function of coverage c = NL/G, where G = genome length, N = number of reads, L = read length. Then probability that a base is not sequenced = e-c total expected gap length = Ge-c total number of gaps = Ne-c (a) what fraction of a genome could you expect to assemble from eightfold coverage? Present your result as percentage. (b) What total gap length would you expect in an assembly of a 2 Mb target genome size from eightfold coverage? (c) How many gaps would you expect in an assembly of a 2 Mb target genome size from an eightfold coverage of fragments with a read length of 500? (d) You want to sequence to sequence a 4 Mb genome by the shotgun method, by assembling random fragments with read length 500. What coverage would you require, to expect no more than four gaps, assuming no complications arising from repetitive sequences or skewed base composition?

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Physical Science

Define igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rock. What type of rock is granite? Limestone? Marble? Explain what is meant by the rock cycle. How does igneous rock change into sedimentary? Sedimentary into metamorphic? Metamorphic into igneous?

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[ORDER SOLUTION] The Digestive Process

For this discussion, everyone will pick a macronutrient and explain the process of digestion and absorption for your nutrient. There are 3 macronutrients. Choose 1 and discuss the topic thoroughly following steps 1 and 2 below. For this discussion you will pick one of the Macronutrients (Carbohydrate, Protein or Fat) and explain the full process of digestion and absorption. You can get creative and post pictures or videos. Some additional things to consider for each nutrient. You do not have to answer all of these questions, they are just meant to get you thinking and researching a little more about your nutrient. You may need to do some outside research for these topics, be sure to include your reputable reference. You only need to comment on the nutrient you chose to explain the digestive process about (i.e. if you explain carbohydrate digestion, only comment on topic (a) below: (a)Carbohydrates: What is the difference in whole food digestion and processed foods. Think whole grain (oatmeal) vs white flours. How does added sugar digestion differ from other complex carbohydrates? What are the benefits of fiber? (b)Protein: What are the differences between animal vs vegetable protein in digestion and absorption? Do all the calories in protein get digested, some people feel that a high protein diet helps with weight loss. How would you explain from a digestive process the calories absorbed from protein vs carbohydrate? (c)Fat: What effect does fat have on satiety. Why might a higher fat content cause issues with someone who has gallstones? Is there a difference in the absorption of MCT oil? Many people feel coconut oil is a super food, is Coconut oil absorbed any differently that other fats?

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Biodiversity Loss of Grey Nurse Sharks

I am writing a report on the biodiversity loss of grey nurse sharks in QLD. I’m using the DPSIR structure, used to address environmental challenges, and I am focusing on the first two categories; driving forces and pressures. For this report, please research and write about the driving forces and pressures that result in the biodiversity loss of grey nurse sharks in QLD (specific to Australia). For example: what are the main human causes of the biodiversity loss aspect you are examining? (Driving forces) How has this biodiversity loss occurred?  What material flows have lead to this biodiversity  loss (pressures)?  You can integrate this aspect with the previous aspect (D) by  considering what are the main driving forces leading to the pressures on biodiversity.  Please refer to journal articles and other cited reports throughout the analysis.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Protection Of Human

ASSIGNMENT DESCRIPTION Deliverable Length: 2 pages (excluding the title and references pages) OBJECTIVES When you consider the ethical concepts in research, what are the most critical ones related to the use of human subjects? For the Key Assignment: Write a statement of how you will address this critical area and ensure the protection of human subjects involved in your research. At least 2 references are required, and the paper should be in APA format (i.e., title page, margins, references page, etc.). Please submit your assignment. For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Feeding And Eating Disorders

Directions In your initial post, address one of the following questions: 1.Pick one of the other eating disorders (purging disorder, night eating syndrome, OSFED) and describe the key difference(s) between the disorder you chose and the eating disorders described in the DSM-5. How would you screen, assess, diagnosis, treat, and refer a patient with this diagnosis? 2.Discuss the different approaches you would take when completing a psychiatric interview with a child or adolescent client versus with an adult client with OSFED. Identify specific differences in interviewing techniques. Articulate the developmental differences you would take into consideration. 3. “Other Specified Feeding or Eating Disorders” is not found in the DSM-5. However, have you seen them in clinicals or personally with your friends or family? If in clinicals, describe your experience of interviewing, assessing, diagnosing, treating, and referring the patient. If personally, describe the same hypothetically. (Be sure to use pseudonyms.)

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Living Components of the Human Body | Instant Homework Solutions

Understanding and Integration of Living Components of the Human Body. It is here where much detail is brought together with cellular structure and function, and the organization of many cells together in the body, that make up tissues. Do not merely memorize these individual vocabulary words, but rather, learn and comprehend how these cells and tissues interact and function together. Therefore ASSIGNMENT # 2 is as follows: Given what you have learned from Cell Structure and Function, and Tissue Related Concepts, how can present and ongoing climatic changes impact us, at the Cellular and Tissue level?        List two (2) precise examples including Cellular and Tissue for both. You MUST be BIOLOGICALY ACCURATE and very focused in your writing. No rambling on. Instead be brief, but succinct in your responses. It is to your advantage that you complete the readings of BOTH Chapters 3 and 4, before you approach your answer to this question.  Do not “Google” nor seek textbook answers. Verbatim responses are so obvious and result with grave consequences in allotted point value.

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HIV and Ebola | Instant Homework Solutions

I need someone to check the thesis statement, the topic and concluding sentences for each paragraph, the in text citations ( be sure that they matches the information provided) and check the reference list as well. Be sure that it is in APA style and be sure that the information in the essay matches the reference list and the in text citations

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Pathophysiology : Disease Analysis | Instant Homework Solutions

Module 1 Discussion 2: Disease Analysis Journal Overview When you are faced with a medical case and do not know how to approach it or have questions, what do you do? Even experienced nurses, dentists, doctors, and pharmacists will go to their smartphones and begin searching for answers. So much information is available. How do you know what information is reliable and valid? The purpose of the journal assignment is for you to practice finding, evaluating, and summarizing resources around key concepts that are presented throughout the module, which are relevant to your specific area of interest. This journal should be valuable to you; you can collect sites, resources, and readings that you find helpful to your learning. This module will focus on the following topics that examine how our body responds, or rather adapts, to environmental toxins on a cellular level:  -Cellular adaption and neoplasia  -Infection, immunity, and inflammation -Hematological disorders You should spend approximately 10 hours on this assignment. Instructions 1. From the list of selected readings below, choose two with topics that you know the least about or are most interesting to you. 2. Then search for, read, and incorporate other readings of your choice in your area of interest that focus on cellular adaption and neoplasia; infection, immunity, and inflammation; and/or hematological disorders. You might include:  -1-2 journal articles or websites -Book chapters (past textbooks may be good options)  -Your goal is to have a total of at least 60 pages of content read.  3. Your summary of each reading should be at least one paragraph (100-200 words) and include the following information: -All references must be cited using APA Style format.  -Number of pages read -Keywords you used to find the reading  -Link to the reading -Why you selected the reading -Main point of the reading  -Describe how the health deviations you read about alter normal physiology. -Provide your key takeaway from the reading. This could be something that made you pause, changed your thinking, supported your thinking, or made you question something. 4. Build your journal in a Word document. You will build on this document in each module. (Do not start a new journal document for each module.) By the end of the course, you will have all five journal assignments in one single document. 5. Attach your Word document to a post in the Module 1 Discussion 2: Disease Analysis Journal discussion board. In your post, respond to the following questions: How do you know that the material you have found and read is reliable? How do you know that it is valid? 

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Diet and Disease | Instant Homework Solutions

Section1. Along with dietary assessment, history and physical examination are fundamental in the clinical assessment of nutritional status. Research, introduce and discuss a specific physical sign associated with a particular nutritional deficiency or excess. Section 2. According to Ann Coulston in her book the Nutrition in the Prevention and Treatment of Disease: “Nutritional status assessment is incomplete without assessing the intake of dietary supplements … because supplements provide many essential nutrients and other bioactive substances that affect health outcomes and disease.” Discuss the considerations, tools and approaches used in the assessment of dietary supplements. Section 3.  Dietary Record Keeping, 24-Hour Dietary Recall, Food Frequency Questionnaires and Brief Dietary Assessment Instruments are some of the tools used to investigate clinical nutrition status in individuals. Discuss the pros/cons, limitations and issues associated with these or other assessment tools you’ve learned about.

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