Lymphatic Filariasis | Instant Homework Solutions

The topic of research is on Elephantiasis Causative Agent: Scientific name of organism(s)? Cellular/structural characteristics: If Bacterial: Gram reaction, shape and arrangement, metabolic capabilities, etc. If Viral: Genetic molecule, enveloped/naked, size, provirus, multiplication cycle, etc. If Prion: Description, location in body, function of normal form, etc. If Eukaryotic: Kingdom, multi- or uni- cellular, life cycle, metabolic capabilities, etc. History: How long have we known about the disease? History of vaccine development/treatment? Changes in our knowledge and attitudes of this disease throughout history? Epidemiology: Prevalence and transmission of the disease: Where in the world is it prevalent? How many people currently infected? Reservoir? Mode of transmission? Rate of new infections? Rates of morbidity and mortality? Pathology: Pathogenic effects on cells, tissues, organs, and systems: What is the damage the pathogen inflicts and how is it inflicted? Mechanical damage, toxins, damage from immune response? Sequence of infection: Incubation, prodrome, illness, decline, convalescence. Signs and symptoms of infection? Response and Treatment: Activity of the immune system against the pathogen: Cell mediated, humoral, innate, acquired? Medical treatment: Diagnosis? Progression of the disease in the host with vs. without treatment? Antibiotic resistant strains? Prophylactic measures? Socio-politico-economic issues: Historic and present-day issues that impact the spread of the disease. Practices and policies that help limit the spread of the disease? Cost of treatment  of the  Elephantiasis (aka lymphatic filariasis) disease. All the instructions are in the files that I uploaded, and please follow it carefully, use  single-spaced, with 1 inch margins and 12-point, Times New Roman font.

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Study of Biological Theories | Instant Homework Solutions

Why do some people reject the notion that biological theories should not be studied? Why are they necessary to study?

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Current Events in Microbiology | Instant Homework Solutions

This is the current event article or new research summary.  Please choose an article or a current event  in Microbiology. Eight sentences on Who is doing the research, what the research is about, and where the research is being conducted. Provide a link to your article. has a lot of up to date articles.

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The American Cockroach (Periplaneta americana) | Instant Homework Solutions

To answer the following questions, you will need to search for credible sources of information, using Google Scholar or other online resources such as the  iNaturalist or the Encyclopedia of Life.  (You can find information in other ways, but these are helpful places to get started!) Make sure that you cite all sources of information in the text of your responses and include the full citations in a literature cited section. 1. What is known about the ecology of your focal species? For each point you should have an in-text citation (author, year) for the source of the information. What habitat types is this species found in? What are some of the abiotic factors that define this type of habitat?  What is its role in the ecosystem? Does it have important biotic interactions with other species? (Does it utilize another species? Does it compete with another species?)  2.What is the status of this species? For each point you should have an in-text citation (author, year) for the source of the information. What is the conservation status of this species?  What is the native range of this species? Is it native or introduced to to southern California?  If it is native to Southern California, is it a species of conservation concern? Why or why not?  If it is introduced, how/why was it introduced and what makes the species successful outside of its native habitat?  3. What is the phenology (timing of important events in the life cycle)  of your species? For each point you should have an in-text citation (author, year) for the source of the information.  What time of year does it reproduce?  Is it migratory (only present for part of the year) or is it a resident (present year-round)? How long does it live?  4. What adaptions does this species have that allow it to live and reproduce successfully in this environment? For each point you should have an in-text citation (author, year) for the source of the information. What physical or physiological characteristics does the species have that make it well adapted for its environment? 5. Literature cited, using full citations as shown on the How To Page. Each in-text citation should be included in the list of literature cited and each item in the list of literature cited should have an in-text citation. Please include AT LEAST 3 high quality sources. 

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Biotechnology Ethics | Instant Homework Solutions

View one or more of the following YouTube TED Talks about Biotechnology Ethics: Important Note All video descriptions are derived from the owner of the related YouTube channel. It’s Time to Question Bioengineering – Paul Root Wolpe (19:42) (Links to an external site.) – Bioethicist Paul Root Wolpe describes an astonishing series of recent bioengineering experiments, from glowing dogs to mice that grow human ears. He asks: Isn’t it time to set some ground rules? GMOs: Why We Should Give Them a Second Chance | Lee Dong | TEDxYouth@BeaconStreet (8:59) (Links to an external site.) – The term GMO has been bogged down by controversy. But what actually are GMOs, and is that controversy completely justified? The Promise of Stem Cell Therapy | Neil Neimark, MD | TEDxAshland (17:35) (Links to an external site.) – Neil Neimark, MD and other doctors across the United States are part of a group that enjoys being on the cutting edge of the enormous possibilities and positive results that stem cell produces today and will continue to be a crucial part of wellness in the future. The Use of Cloning and Stem Cells to Resurrect Life (10:37) (Links to an external site.) – In this Ted Talk, Chief Scientific Officer at Advanced Cell Technology and possessor for the Institute for Regenerative Medical Wake Forest University School of Medicine discusses the cloning of cells (somatic cell nuclear transfer) and cell reprogramming (iPs). The Coming Trans-Human Era: Jason Sosa at TEDxGrandRapids (15:37) (Links to an external site.) – In this talk, IMSRV CEO and founder Jason Sosa connects the dots and takes you into the possible future of the trans-human era. He discusses the possibilities and the potential benefits. Stem Cells: The Hype and The Hope (12:57) (Links to an external site.) – Human regenerative medicine will succeed, the questions are when and how. In this talk, Dr. Srivastava’s discusses his research and hopes for human regenerative medicine. Technology Is Reinventing Humanity (11:38) (Links to an external site.) – In this talk, Jordan Nguyen explains his hopes for virtual copies of human beings. He explains research in progress and asks about the quandaries that lie ahead. Gene Editing Can Now Change an Entire Species – Forever | Jennifer Kahn (12:25) (Links to an external site.) – CRISPR gene drives allow scientists to change sequences of DNA and guarantee that the resulting edited genetic trait is inherited by future generations, opening up the possibility of altering entire species forever. More than anything, this technology has led to questions: How will this new power affect humanity? What are we going to use it to change? Are we gods now? The Ethical Dilemma of Designer Babies | Paul Knoepfler (18:19) (Links to an external site.)  – Creating genetically modified children is no longer a science fiction fantasy. In this talk, biologist Paul Knoepfler estimates that within fifteen years, scientists could use the gene editing technology CRISPR to make certain “upgrades” to human embryos. In this thought-provoking talk, Knoepfler readies us for the coming designer baby revolution and asks what the right path is for genetic modification and humans. Proceed to the “Questions to Address” section before continuing to the next page. Thoughtfully reflect on the issues discussed in the talks you have viewed. Address the following points in your discussion: What is the speaker’s point of view about the topic? Is the speaker biased? What ethical issues and ethical reasoning are argued?  Do you think that bio-engineering issues have moral and ethical implications? Why or why not? Do you agree with the speaker’s point of view? Be specific and thorough. Express how and why you agree or disagree and discuss how ethics and values contribute to your opinion. Consider the theoretical concepts discussed in the course. Do not just state your viewpoint, rather provide relevant details to support your findings and/or position. Post your initial response by the third day of the module week. Return to this discussion activity throughout the week and reply with meaningful comments to a minimum of two of your peers. In your replies, identify an opinion expressed that you disagree with or a point that you see differently. Respectfully discuss your alternate view and your reasons.

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Tobacco | Instant Homework Solutions

In the mid-1950s, the first study linking cigarette smoking to lung cancer was published. In the decades that followed, many other studies supported this finding and a host of other health-related effects attributed to smoking were uncovered. Over the last few decades, cities and states have created local regulations prohibiting smoking in certain public places. In 2009, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration was given regulatory authority of all tobacco products. Chapter 20 of your textbook begins with a comparison of two sources of inhalable nicotine: traditional tobacco cigarettes and E-cigarettes. Because E-cigarettes are a relatively new technology, less is known about the long-term effects of the firsthand and secondhand inhalation of vaping products. However, in recent years they have been treated and regulated similarly to traditional cigarettes.  Your assignment for this unit is to create a 10- to 12-slide PowerPoint presentation that covers the following elements: the anatomy and physiology of respiration (e.g., explain how breathing works); the effects of the inhalation of smoke and E-cigarette vapor on gas exchange in the lungs; specific diseases associated with smoking, both pulmonary and cardiovascular; and lastly, based on what you know about E-cigarettes from the reading and your own research, defend or oppose the regulation of vaping products as traditional cigarettes. You will need to cite and reference at least one article from the CSU Library databases as one of your sources of information. CSU Library Database Instructions Open the CSU Online Library link in your student portal. Under “discovery search,” click the tab for “articles.”” In the keyword search field, type keyword “vaping” and/or “E-cigarette” to find articles that cover this topic. You may get different results doing separate searches for each keyword. The keywords “electronic cigarette” may also be used. From the list of available articles that comes up, select one that interests you. Click on the article link, then click on “PDF full text or HTML full text,” and read the article. (Note: Not all articles will provide the full text; if your choice does not, you will have to select a different article.) Discuss what you learned from your chosen articles in 1-2 slides in your presentation. Cite the article according to APA guidelines, and list it on your references slide. PowerPoint slides should not contain a lot of text; use speaker notes to provide the details of your presentation. The general practice is to use no more than 5-6 bullet points per slide. The quality and depth of your speaker’s notes will be significantly factored into your grade. Title and reference slides should be included. These do not count toward the 10- to 12-slide requirement. In addition to providing references on a reference slide, you need to cite your material in the slides as appropriate; use APA format for your references and citations. Suggestions for Searching for Illustrations Use at least 3 images in the presentation. When looking for illustrations to use, it is suggested that you type the subject into a search engine and click “images.” For your presentation, you are allowed to copy and paste images (being sure to cite and reference them). However, you are NOT allowed to copy and paste content, such as text, tables, and the like. As much as possible, your presentation needs to be in your own words.  PowerPoint Guidance Do you need to refresh your knowledge concerning PowerPoint? Review this tutorial on PowerPoint Basics. Click on the Notes tab on the right side of the tutorial screen to see a transcript of the PowerPoint webinar. You can also search online for information concerning best practices about what should and should not be done when creating a PowerPoint presentation. Notes: As directed in the tutorial above, pay attention to the background and font colors in your presentation—try to avoid using plain black text on a white background, but also avoid using colors that are visually difficult to see (such as yellow text on a light background) or that are unpleasant (such as red text on a yellow background). Strive for a pleasing, visually appealing appearance. Reminder: The speaker notes should provide the detail and discussion of your presentation, and everything in the presentation should be in your own words, not copied and pasted from a source

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African Lions: Modeling Populations Activity | Instant Homework Solutions

READ EVERYTHING BELOW BEFORE GOING TO THE SIMULATION Go to the website: to an external site. and follow the instructions. As you read, answer the questions that are on each screen (you can see the questions below too), record your answers on the following:  Answer Sheet is the PDF Which of the following is an example of ecology? Which of the following questions interests you the most? From 1960-1963, the population of lions in the crater decreased. Which of the following is most likely to have been true from 1960-1963? What would have to be true, on average, from 1952-1956? What do you predict will happen to the lion population after 1963? a. Explain. b. Draw your prediction on the graph to the right, starting from 1964. (Take a screenshot of your drawing and insert into your document). Can you predict what the growth curve might look like over 12 hours? Draw your prediction on the graph to the right. (Take a screenshot of your drawing and insert into your document). In which hour are the bacteria growing the fastest? Pick a point in that hour. Look at the lion population from 1963 to 1975. Do you think this rate of growth will continue to increase? Who or why not? Using the picture to the right to get started, brainstorm a list of at least three limiting factors that might affect the lion population in the crate. Click a point on the graph where you think competition for space was low for the bacteria Use the graph to draw your prediction about the lion population from 1980 to 2012. (Take a screenshot of your drawing and insert into your document). Draw a line to estimate the carrying capacity of the petri dish. (Take a screenshot of your drawing and insert into your document). Draw a line to estimate the average carrying capacity of the environment prior to the disease outbreak (affecting lions) that took place in the early 1960s. (Take a screenshot of your drawing and insert into your document). Using what you now know about carrying capacity, redraw a new prediction of the lion population after 1963. (Take a screenshot of your drawing and insert into your document). Compare your prediction to the real data. What do you notice? If there are differences, can you suggest some causes? Which of the following is a density-independent limiting factor that could cause fluctuations in the carrying capacity between 1995 and today? Given the shape of these graphs, do you think Earth’s population will reach carrying capacity? What might be some limiting factors? What do you think will happen if we do reach carrying capacity? Choose one of the following to answer: What factors can influence how populations change over time? What is the difference between exponential and logistic growth? How can we apply population models to real world data? What inferences can we make about the human population?

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Genetically Modified Organisms Controversy | Instant Homework Solutions

Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) are a hot button of controversy throughout the world. Crop plants and animals with modified genomes are offered as ways of saving humanity from famine, but raise worries about creating monsters that may have unforeseen effects. Find and read/view internet materials about GMOs, and then write about the following questions: 1. What are the benefits and risks of GMOs? What regulations, if any, should apply to them? 2. Should there be limits on research on GMOs? Why or why not?

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Anatomy in Health Science | Instant Homework Solutions

In this discussion, you will explore the consequences of steroid abuse and identify the symptoms a potential patient may present with in the healthcare field. Research the steroid hormone Nandrolone in peer-reviewed medical journals found on the  Biology research guide. This site provides guidance on finding biology resources and citing sources. The site also identifies specific databases that are particularly useful for the field of biology. In your initial post, discuss the consequences, signs and symptoms, and physiological changes that Nandrolone causes. Speculate on the mechanism of how Nandrolone causes feminization of males and masculinization of females. How could the same drug cause sex reversal? 3 paragraphs

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Mobility Features | Instant Homework Solutions

Briefly identify and discuss bones of the pectoral and pelvic girdles as well as their attached limbs associated with skeleton models found in your text. Briefly identify and discuss the categories of joints found in humans, and compare their overall structure and mobility features. Write your responses in a minimum of 250 words in APA format.

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