Intrinsically Disordered Proteins | Instant Homework Solutions

Introduction section of a thesis dissertation. Main topic of the thesis is disorder in protein structures.  Four main sections:  1) structure-function paradigm  2) Structural determinants of protein disorder and functions related to disordered proteins 3) Structural transitions of disordered proteins

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Metabolic Map-Principles of Biochemistry | Instant Homework Solutions

Principles of Biochemistry Please construct a “virtual” poster with all the pathways we have discussed from glycolysis to the beta-oxidation of fatty acids depicted inside a cell.  You do not need to include every single reaction but you should include those which are regulated, those that produce or consume energy (ATP, NADH, NADPH), and those at branch points between pathways. For your own benefit, you may want to include a separate list of regulated enzymes and what regulates them.  Please include in your diagram intracellular membranes and locate reactions in the appropriate subcellular location.  Try to include each metabolite only once per subcellular location. Transporters are well worth including. Generating these may be done in PowerPoint using boxes around the metabolites, arrows to indicate reactions, and key enzymes within circles.  Please appreciate that if it appears that all or part of the map is copied and pasted from a resource, no credit will be given.  The making of the map is intended to provide a “synthesizing” experience where connections among pathways and the influence of cellular compartments are better appreciated.  Ideally, this would be done on paper but that is not an option this term. – Please recreate, from scratch, your metabolic map to be similar to the example I posted.  This large diagram should have metabolism in the context of a model cell including the plasma membrane, ER membrane, and a very large mitochondrion with its two membranes.  All pathways from glycolysis through beta-oxidation should be included.  Each metabolite should be written only once in each cellular compartment.  Transporters embedded in the various membranes should be shown.   Please do not skip steps such as glucose > glycogen.  Instead, the steps of glucose > glucose -6-P > glucose 1-P + UTP > PPi + UDP – glucose > glycogen should be included.

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FDA and Atlantic Salmon | Instant Homework Solutions

Write an essay of 250 words on one of the following topics. Use internet sources to find relevant information: 2. Do you think the United States Government’s Food and Drug Administration (FDA) should approve the sale for human food of genetically modified Atlantic salmon, which contain a gene from Pacific Chinook salmon that causes them to grow more quickly? What are reasons in favor and against approval of such GM food?

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Microbial Journal Article Review | Instant Homework Solutions

It’s basically a journal article review. Here is the link that I chose. Please reach out to me if you encounter any concerns.  Here are the assignment instructions. In this assignment, students will review a microbial journal article. Choose one article from a primary scientific literature source that uses a microbe as a model organism/system and write a comprehensive summary of the study that answers the following questions: Write a summary of the study that includes: Why did the scientists perform the study (i.e., description of background)? What was the hypothesis (or hypotheses) under investigation? What were the major results and did they support or negate the hypothesis? Which key techniques were used to achieve these results? Why are the results significant and do they point to further/future studies? In other words, why does this article matter, and what should or could be done next? Why did you choose this particular article to review? Was it interesting, informative, clearly written, or none of the above? Compose your review in current APA Style and include: A title page  Answers to the questions above in paragraph format (2 or more pages) A reference page with the reference for your article and any other sources used in your review.

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Energy Comparison of Fuels | Instant Homework Solutions

In this laboratory exercise, you will learn how various sources of fuels are formed. You will also assemble a calorimeter and measure the heat released from two different fuel sources. You will learn about the different types of fuels, combustion reactions, and differences between the energy content in fuel sources. Complete all sections of the Energy Comparison of Fuels laboratory exercise, in your Environmental Science Lab Kit from Hands-On Labs, Inc. Fill out all parts of the worksheet. It will not be necessary to submit your original worksheet for this assignment. In a Word document, discuss all parts of this lab activity. Your essay should include the answers to all the worksheet questions. Do not include the original questions. Your answers should be presented in flowing paragraph form. Be sure to include all data tables and graphs from this activity in your paper. Your paper should meet the following requirements: Be 3-4 pages in length (excluding tables, graphs, and other visuals, title page, or references list) Include 1-2 outside sources

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Punnett Squares | Instant Homework Solutions

Work the following problems. Be sure to include the genotypes of the parents, the worked Punnett square, genotypic fractions and ratios, and phenotypic fractions and ratios. 1. G = green seeds g = yellow seeds Cross a plant that is heterozygous for green seeds with a plant that is homozygous for yellow seeds. Name: ____________________________ Section: _____________ 2. H = Stripes h = Patches B = Black b = Orange Cross an orange cat that is heterozygous for stripes with a heterozygous black cat that has patches. Print off and complete the Punnett square homework (Ch12 Punnett Square HW), then answer the following questions. Note: fractions with a numerator of “0” have a denominator equal to the number of boxes in the Punnett square. Monohybrid Punnett Square: 1) The genotype of the first parent is  and the genotype of the second parent is  . 2) The possible genotypes are  (list all 3, separated by colons), the genotypic ratios are  (separated by colons), and the genotypic fractions are  (separated by colons and in simplest form). 3) The possible phenotypes are  and  , the phenotypic ratios are  (separated by colons), and the phenotypic fractions are  (separated by colons and in simplest form). Dihybrid Punnett Square 4) The genotype of the first parent is  and the genotype of the second parent is  . 5) The possible genotypes are  (list all 9, separated by colons), the genotypic ratios are  (separated by colons), and the genotypic fractions are  (separated by colons and in simplest form). 6) The possible phenotypes are  ,  ,  , and  , the phenotypic ratios are  (separated by colons), and the phenotypic fractions are  (separated by colons and in simplest form). The phenotype associated with a(n)  allele is ONLY seen if the individual does NOT have a(n)  allele. Print off and complete the pedigree homework (Ch12 Pedigree HW), then answer the following questions. Pedigree #1: 1) This trait follows a  inheritance pattern because individuals  and  in generation  are  and individual  in generation  is  . 2) Individual 3 in generation IV has  % chance of inheriting this trait. Pedigree #2: 3) This trait follows a  inheritance pattern because individuals  and  in generation  are  and individual  in generation  is  . 4) Individual 12 in generation II has  % chance of inheriting this trait. Genetics Pedigree Homework 1) Fill in the genotypes for as many people in the pedigree as you can. (You may pick any letter to represent this trait.) 2) What pattern of inheritance does this trait f ollow (dominant, recessive, sex – linked )? How do you know? 3) What are the chances that person 3 in generation IV will get the trait?

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Enterobacter Aerogenes Research Paper | Instant Homework Solutions

The research report must be on Enterobacter Aerogenes  Your research paper should include the following topics: (5 pts) General characteristics of the organism. Describe basic characteristics of your organism. For example, characteristics may include types of metabolism, classification, ecological roles, and results of biochemical tests and staining. (5 pts) Relation to human health. Discuss how your organism is pathogenic or beneficial to humans. (5 pts) Your choice. Every organism is unique! Provide some interesting facts or details you find fascinating about your organism. Some ideas are historical information, disease outbreaks, useful applications, or personal encounters with the organism. Have fun here! 2 pts: Three references from reliable sources, not including your textbook. References are referred to in the body of your writing. See below for more information about good references and how to cite them in a scientific paper. 2 pt: Writing mechanics – this includes good sentence structure, spelling, and organization of your ideas. 1 pt: appropriate formatting when using the scientific name of an organism. References: Your source of information can include reference books, journal articles, most internet resources, but not popular magazine articles or projects published by other students. You should have a minimum of three sources. Format of Biblography and Citations Sources must be listed in a bibliography at the end of the paper. Scientific writing does not typically use MLA or APA styles. Footnotes are not used in scientific writing. See below for examples of how sources should be formatted in your listed bibliography. In addition, when you use information in a sentence or paragraph, you must cite the source in the body of the paper, usually at the end of a sentence or paragraph.  Scientific sources typically use two formats for citations within the body of your writing (in-text). The first is the “Name-Year” or “Citation-Name” method, where sources are listed alphabetically in the bibliography according to the author’s last name.  Within the paper, the author’s last name is enclosed in parentheses at the end of a sentence, but before the period as (Lim and Tan, 2003).    The second style is the “Citation-Sequence” format, where sources are numbered and listed in the bibliography in the order in which information is used in the report. After the sentence with information from the source, the number of the citation is enclosed in parentheses before the period, like (1).  The first reference in the bibliography would correspond to (1). If you cite the same source multiple times in the paper, use the same number.   For more information and examples on citation formats, go to the Cabrillo College Library website at  or to . Be cautious when using the Internet. The extension associated with the URL indicates the type of website you are accessing:  “.com” indicates a commercial website “.gov” indicates a government website “.edu” indicates an education institution, like a university or college “.org” indicates a not-for profit organization. These websites may belong to advocacy groups with a particular bias. Examples of web references: Whitman, D. B. Rev. 2000 April. Genetically modified foods: harmful or helpful? Genetically Modified Foods, Cambridge Scientific Abstracts http://www/ (with date you accessed the website) Webber, G. D. 1996 July 22 (last rev.) Regulation of genetically engineered organisms and products. Biotechnology Information Series, North Central Regional Extension, Iowa State University, (with date you accessed the website) Sullivan, S. 2000. Is Genetically Modified Food Safe? (with date you accessed the website) If a website has no specific author, list the reference by the website sponsor (ex. National Institutes of Health, or Mayo Clinic) The paper is to be written in your own words. Direct quotes are not used in science writing, so you must paraphrase. Do not copy writing directly from the source. This is plagiarism and the entire unknown report will be rejected if this is done. Instead, summarize the ideas in your own words and include the reference (see #3 for how to format references). The report must be typed with margins no greater than one inch, spacing no greater than double, and font size no greater than 12. Do not take up valuable space with the title of the report – all that is necessary at the top of the page is your name, the name of organism and the number of your unknown – nothing else. Also figures or pictures that you might include in your report do not count as part of the one page minimum.  It is expected that you will use a Spell-Checker and correct English grammar. You will upload all three parts of the project to Canvas. The best document format to use is PDF. Document formats that CANNOT be read in Canvas include Google Docs and Pages.

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Plant Life Cycle | Instant Homework Solutions

1. Explain alternation of generations in the plant life cycle. Compare the similarities and differences in the life cycle of a plant with an animal. You must use at least these terms appropriately in your essay: sporophyte, mitosis, zygote, egg, embryo, spore, gamete, diploid, 2n, n, meiosis, sperm, haploid. 2. Explain the differences between sexual and asexual (all the different types) reproduction in animals, plants, fungi and bacteria. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of sexual versus asexual reproduction. You must use at least these terms appropriately in your essay: Gametes, chromosomes, independent assortment, crossing over, meiosis, mitosis, parthenogenesis, fragmentation, cuttings, hermaphrodites, self-fertilization, clone, variability, evolution, natural selection, environment.

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Cell Cycle Evolutions | Instant Homework Solutions

The personal project consists of two parts.  First,  write a short story, that would serve as a “modern sequel” to the story called ” Love in a Fallen City”. I will provide the PDF story of it in the file section. Following that, you will submit a brief written report  (3 pages).  In this report, you are expected to address the following questions:   •             What kinds of concerns do you share with the particular writer/ artist you choose? •             Besides similarities, what are some key differences? •             Are these differences created by cultural, economic, or political factors that are completely new to the artist? •             What kinds of representational strategies did you use to articulate/ address your concerns? •             Why do you consider these strategies the most appropriate means of expression?  •             What kinds of difficulty / dilemma/ constraint did you face in the creative process? •             In what way did the creative process allow you to interpret the primary text differently? •             Can these differences illuminate your understanding of the primary text, and perhaps today’s America?  If so, in what ways? Elaborate.

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The Human Heart | Instant Homework Solutions

Thoroughly explain how your body gets oxygen and gets rid of carbon dioxide. Make sure to discuss the respiratory and cardiovascular system in great detail, including the flow of blood in the heart and the rest of the body as well as the diffusion of the gases into and out of the lung and body cells. You must use at least these terms appropriately in your essay: Diffusion, concentration, capillaries, venules, arteries, aorta, pulmonary artery, veins, arterioles, pulmonary vein, superior and inferior vena cava, one way valves, atrioventricular valves,

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