Fertilization Process | Instant Homework Solutions

Human Development Presentation create an educational PowerPoint presentation as if you were presenting to your classmates on the topic listed below: Fertilization Process Your PowerPoint presentation should be a minimum of 10 slides (not including the introduction and conclusion slides), contain appropriate images, provide what you would say/present in the Notes section of each slide, and have proper APA format (reference slide).

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Local Invasive Species | Instant Homework Solutions

Non-native, alien, exotic, weedy, and invasive are all terms to describe plants or animals that are introduced into an ecosystem where they are not usually found. So what’s the problem with invasive species? Let’s look at a few examples. Invasive species currently impact half the species listed as Threatened or Endangered in the U.S. One study estimates the total cost of invasive species damage in the U.S. to be over $100 billion each year (Pimentel, Zuniga & Morrison, 2005). In the Great Lakes region of the United States, invasive species that come from ballast water for ocean vessels are estimated to cost $138 million a year in damage (Rothlisberger, Finnoff, Cooke & Lodge, 2012). In the southeast, a vine called kudzu grows voraciously over everything choking out other plants, wildlife habitat, forestry plots, and even taking out powerlines at the tune of over $500 million (Bettcher, n.d.). The list of examples and impacts goes on. This week, we will explore the top global invasive species in your area, the damage they cause and what we can do to stop them. You can either use a search engine to find invasive species in your area (search for your state and invasive species) or you can visit: Find an invasive species in your area or somewhere you have been – a plant, animal, insect, fungus. Include the name of the species in the title of your post – before posting, make sure to check the list so that you do not choose the same species as your classmates! Identify your geographic location and research your chosen species Answer these questions: What is the common and scientific name (properly formatted)? Where did it originate? How did it get to your chosen location (speculate if you don’t know)? What characteristics of the species makes it successful? What are the affected native species (any plants, animals, etc.)? What efforts are underway to prevent the spread of the species? What is one thing you learned from this research? For more information: Wildlife Guide: https://www.nwf.org/educational-resources/wildlife-guide/ Feral/Wild Pigs: https://www.fs.usda.gov/Internet/FSE_DOCUMENTS/stelprdb5313597.pdf Invasive Species: https://www.nwf.org/Educational-Resources/Wildlife-Guide/Threats-to-Wildlife/Invasive-Species Resources: Bettcher, M. (n.d.). The growing problem of kudzu: An exploration of issues and solutions. Retrieved from Pimental, D., Zuniga, R. & Morrison, D. (2005). Update on the environmental and economic costs associated with alien invasive species in the United States. Ecological Economics. 52(3): 273-288. Rothlisberger, J.D., Finnoff, D.C., Cooke, R.M. & Lodge, D.M. (2012). Ship-borne nonindigenous species diminish Great Lakes ecosystem services. Ecosystems. 15(3): 462.

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Industrial Microbiology Scavenger Hunt | Instant Homework Solutions

First, LOOK CAREFULLY through the Industrial microbiology readings for things that can be produced from industrial microbiology. Second, go on a scavenger hunt around your house for things that might have been produced by industrial microbiology. Really look at ingredients and chemicals around the house. Does your phone, computer, or other things around you have copper in them? Do your household cleaners or hand sanitizer contain alcohols produced by microbial metabolism? If so, add that to your list. Submit your list here by clicking “Add submission”.

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Gene Editing Technology and Biotechnology Solutions | Instant Homework Solutions

Please write a 4 page paper on gene editing technology and biotechnology applications. Some examples of topics include: GMO, Cloning, Evolution, Gene therapy, Behavioral biology or simple biology life history. If you want to write about your favorite animal go right ahead. Papers should be 12 point font, double spaced with 1 inch margins and should include 5 citations in APA format. All citations should be in proper format with at least 3 from research journals you can have 2 from other sources.

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Cell Cycle Discussion | Instant Homework Solutions

What happens during each stage of a cell cycle? Name one thing that could wrong during one of the phases and describe the consequences. This is the discussion question  Anatomy and Physiology  Amerman, E. C. (2019) Human anatomy & physiology (2nd ed.). Pearson. ISBN 9780134553511

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Osmosis in Sucrose Solutions | Instant Homework Solutions

This is an introduction to a lab manual and has to be about 1.5 pages long single spaced. I am supposed to introduce the topic of choice which is the effects of osmosis in potatoes with different sucrose solutions.  Just talk about osmosis and its effects  in general and add the learning objectives that I added below. Make sure to use peer reviewed sources from scientific journals. Introduces a relevant biological concept (enzyme kinetics, etc) Provides appropriate background information to understand the introduced topic Includes a minimum of 3 Learning objectives: 1.     Develop qualitative and quantitative reasoning skills required for scientific inquiry, experimental design, and problem solving.  2.     Introduce a familiarity with some of the basic molecular techniques used for the study of cell and molecular biology.  3.     Use laboratory equipment and methods to produce meaningful and reproducible data. Introduces the experiment Key words are introduced At least 3 peer-reviewed sources  Correct citation format (APA citation format)

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Effect of Elevated Temperature on Seagrass | Instant Homework Solutions

write a proposal for an experiment we could conduct with the experimental system you’ve been setting up (eventually we would have put heaters in half the tanks to elevate the temperature). You would determine the temperatures used, algal species used (look up common local species that you think we could collect easily from nearshore habitats), time the experiment would run, and what/how we would actually measure about the algae. Then you would have a “predicted results” section where, you predict what the effects of elevated temperature will be on whatever we measure about the algae. The research with hypothetical methods and predicted results. So the paper would have an Introduction, Proposed Methods, Predicted Results, Discussion, Literature Cited sections. It would be 5 pages long.  The experiment would be with 16 tanks where we would meet the conditions of the habitats (miami) and collect seagrass flowers. half the tank would have heaters they are filled with distilled water purpose of the research is to show the effects of elevated temperature on seagrass

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Bottled Water Discussion Paper | Instant Homework Solutions

Tapped” Video Bottled Water Discussion Paper Hide Assignment Information Instructions Bottled Water Discussion Paper Directions Times New Roman 12pt. Font 1.5 Spacing 1.5 pages (paragraph format) APA Style for citations (use the References tool in Word) Use at least one Peer-Reviewed Journal source, cite your textbook, and cite the video. How to Use the Library Website to Find a Reputable Source Submit to the Assignments dropbox on D2L Brightspace Other resources: How to Read a Scientific Paper Directions for the References Tool in Word – For this assignment, please watch the video “Tapped” and answer the following questions in your paper. “Tapped” video (Also available on Prime) What are three main issues with bottled water that are brought up in the documentary? Is ground water considered “Private Property”, “Common Property”, or “Open Access”? Explain each term using examples if possible (use page 45 (Ch. 2) of your book)) and talk about who owns the groundwater. Explain how exploiting lakes and groundwater is an example of a “Tragedy of the Commons”. Define “Tragedy of the Commons” and talk about at least one other example (p. 49 (Ch. 2)) Explain how using “Command and Control” regulations or “Pigovian Taxes” could be used to regulate the ground water use by bottled water companies (make sure to define each term) (p. 51) List two solutions to the over-pumping problem in Maine that are mentioned in the video. Do you think those are reasonable? Why or why not? Using the information and figure 2.17 on p. 47, talk about why using single-use plastic water bottles is a waste of energy. (Include all the steps in the supply chain from oil to consumer)  Using a peer-reviewed journal source (see the how-to powerpoint) in your “Content” section) talk about the known health effects of Bisphenol A (BPA) or Toluene from plastic bottles. (make sure to cite your source) If you use bottled water, how could you use two less water bottles a week? (Be specific about your plan). If you don’t use bottled water, what do you do instead?

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Muscular Disease Research Paper | Instant Homework Solutions

we will be doing research papers on any disease, disorder, or other complication associated with the muscular system. You may pick a muscular disorder you are familiar with or one that is new to you. You can use Google to find crazy disorders, or look at the last few slides in your notes from this chapter as well. Once you have decided on your disorder, you will begin writing your paper. Your paper needs to be in basic MLA format and will be a minimum of two pages double spaced. Your paper must contain: • A detailed explanation of the disease • Causes of the disease • Symptoms of the disease • Treatment/Preventative measures for the disease. • Demographics of individuals who are at risk of the disease • Any other important information or interesting facts deemed appropriate

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Infectious Diseases | Instant Homework Solutions

Access the following site http://sciencedaily.com  Once you are in, look across the top menu tab, click on ‘News’, from the navigation bar to the left, scroll down to ‘Health & Medicine’, click to access, again, look to the left and scroll down to ‘Infectious Diseases’, click on that and you will open the page ‘Top Articles’. Select an article you like to read and discuss, you can also read related articles shown on the side of the main article. For more article choices, go to the bottom of the page and select next page until you can find one. After you read through all the materials you want, write a short report (in your own words) to relay the contents of the news to the rest of the class and also express your own opinion. Do not cut and paste. Using 5 or more words from another source without quoting and referencing it is considered plaigarism and will result in a zero grade earned for the assignment. Use APA formatting and at least two references:

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