Our Body Microbial Garden | Instant Homework Solutions

How do our microflora affect us? Be sure to do the following before starting your discussion: Go  to http://commonfund.nih.gov/hmp/index and learn about Human Microbiome Project. Go to https://www.bbc.com/news/health-18422288 and listen to the BBC radio program on Human Microbiomes. Read these articles: Based what you have learned from the website, article, and chapter 14 (from the textbook Microbiology: An Introduction (13th edition) by Tortora, Funke and Case Published by Pearson/Benjamin Cummings. The 12th edition is also acceptable.) about microflora, write a two paragraph discussion on how microflora influence our health and what can we do to sustain a healthy microflora in our body.

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Origins and Epidemiology of HIV | Instant Homework Solutions

The first article is a transcript of an interview on NPR news entitled, “Origin of AIDS linked to colonial practices in Africa.” It gives some insight into the epidemiology of HIV and how it was discovered. The second link is to a Radiolab podcast over the same information.   Is there anything in the article that surprises you? What do you think? https://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=5450391?storyId=5450391 https://www.wnycstudios.org/podcasts/radiolab/segments/169885-aids

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Molecular Biology and Genetics | Instant Homework Solutions

In molecular biology and genetics, mutations are accidental changes in a genomic sequence of DNA. Using the South University Online Library or the Internet, research genetic mutations. On the basis of your research, respond to the following:  Define a genetic mutation. Analyze and describe the different types of genetic mutations and their effects. Then discuss, in detail, the role played by DNA and RNA in genetic diseases. Assess and describe the breakthroughs, if any, in the treatment and management of genetic diseases.  Discussion Question 2  Using the South University Online Library or the Internet as your research tool, respond to the following:  Explain the relation between muscles, ATP energy, and the calcium ion.

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Make Up Virus | Instant Homework Solutions

A report on a fictional science virus called flotus virus , over view of viral host ,symptoms, attachment and penetration ,synthesis of viral protein, assembly and release, discussion

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Marine Ecology Project | Instant Homework Solutions

Marine Ecology Projects: Kelp Forests, Coral Reefs Marine Ecology is the study of organisms and how they interact with each other and with their environment.   In ecological studies, scientists may examine the characteristics of a habitat that allow for certain organisms to grow and flourish while others do not, or conversely the interactions of organisms–which may be competitive or facilitative, direct or indirect–and how these interactions affect the success of organisms (usually determined by organism abundance, or offspring produced). These interactions may be between predators and prey, hosts and symbionts, or between members in the community competing for space, or alternatively, species facilitating the success of others by excluding competitors (or eating them). To understand the holistic nature of marine habitats we must first understand the unique role species play in these habitats, or the organism’s niche.  Species have evolved to effectively function in habitats where their physiology (or genetics) are adapted to obtain food, compete for habitat space, and produce offspring. The delicate dynamic of marine communities can be shaken by the introduction of new species–so-called invasive species–or the loss of other species–such as a loss in herbivores (example: the mass die-off of Diadema spp. sea urchin on Caribbean coral reefs in the 1980s  (Links to an external site.) ). Such shifts in the composition of species in a community, or the abundance of important species within a community, can have dramatic effects on ecosystems.  (watch a video about the loss of Diadema spp. and the loss of fish herbivores in the Caribbean and how saving herbivores may help to save coral reefs!).   Sea otters play a critical role as predators of sea urchins, unfortunately, sea otter populations along the western USA were almost wiped out due to hunting. This has affected kelp forests by increasing the abundance of sea urchins on many rocky reefs. However, this is not beneficial for temperate kelp forests  (Links to an external site.) . In many kelp forests, urchins have acted as “loggers” mowing down kelp canopies resulting in large barren spaces (called “urchin barrens”) on the reef that once was a vibrant kelp forest community. These effects are sometimes referred to as “trophic cascades” (in the example of otters and sea urchins) or “phase shifts” (in the example of the shift from coral dominated to algal dominated reefs in the tropics).  These are but a few examples… The Impacts of humans on coral reefs and kelp forests may be severe.  These effects may be direct (i.e., fishing reducing the abundance of herbivores, reduction in habitat abundance due to coastal development) or indirect (i.e., hunting otters resulting in an explosion in urchins, climate change increasing ocean temperatures  (Links to an external site.) ).  Further, the effects of humans these effects are likely to be amplified due to anthropogenic climate change  (Links to an external site.) .  Specific factors that you may want to discuss are: 1. temperature, light levels, dissolved nutrients — how to do these impact, structure or limit these systems 2. species interactions — herbivores and carnivores, predators and prey, host and symbiont 3. invasive species, competitive interactions between key ecosystem players 4. dominant primary producers and factors affecting the distribution of animal groups 5. disease, population crashes/proliferation 6. human and environmental disturbances — this includes local impacts and those happening at global scales (like climate change) Minimum guidelines: 1.  5 complete pages double spaced NOT including the reference page 2.  Times New Roman font (12 pt) 3.  Focused and well crafted paragraphs 4.  Provide a reference page (cite minimum of 5 references, and yes you can use your book) 5.  References must be cited in the text following scientific journal formatting 6.  A clear and concise title 7.  Never quote! Paraphrase the literature in your own words and provide a citation References you must include at least 3 primary literature citation, and 2 or more secondary literature citations to receive full credit for the references. Good, reliable references do not come from blogs or general websites. These sources are “popular media” and are not scientific. If you cite a news site, such as Nature News (news from the journal Nature) this is a secondary source and it is reliable since you are getting information that is summarizing a peer-reviewed work. Your book is an example of secondary literature. If you cite a journal article, this is the best reference type and is called “primary literature.” These are peer reviewed papers written by scientists and are published in academic journals. You can find some of these academic journal articles online for free (search through google scholar) a good source is:

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Genetics and DNA Technology | Instant Homework Solutions

I used the textbook, Microbiology: An Introduction (13th edition) by Tortora, Funke and Case Published by Pearson/Benjamin Cummings. The 12th edition is also acceptable  in coming years, the development in genetics is going to have a big impact on medicine, especially in the areas of diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of diseases.  The following link explores some of those applications. Read about Genetics and DNA technology in chapter 8. Based on what you learned in chapter 8 and from the article on the website, post two paragraphs on   Prompts: Choose a technology and the applications of DNA technology in medicine. Discuss the pros and cons of the technology you chose Please don’t copy sentences out of the book or websites. Please specify the technology you are discussing.

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Pick Your Pathogen | Instant Homework Solutions

Project Parameters: For this assignment, you will identify a pathogen in a newspaper article or publication of your choice, apply principles learned in BIOS 242, and research the pathogen for its connection to nursing/health care. You must get approval for your chosen article and pathogen. You will then write a paper on their chosen pathogen/topic. Use the template hyperlinked above when writing your paper. The pathogen can be a bacteria, fungus, protozoa, or virus. In addition to the article, information to include in the paper should include, morphology, gram stain characteristics, virulence factors, susceptibility to antibiotics, host cells, nutritional needs, growth conditions, mechanisms used to evade the immune system and invasion into the host(s), interactions with the hosts and diseases caused and affected body systems. Additionally, students should explain symptoms when the pathogen infects a host, as well as a diagnosis and the therapeutic intervention needed after infection. You may also add information on statistics related to infection (epidemiology) and any new research findings related to the pathogen. Writing Requirements (APA format) Length: 2 pages (not including title page or references page)  1-inch margin Double spaced 12-point Times New Roman font Title page References page (minimum of 2 scholarly sources)

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Reproductive System Pathologies | Instant Homework Solutions

Students will discuss reproductive system pathologies Objectives Define the primary terms related to the pathology and the diagnostic and treatment procedures of the reproductive system. Instructions Step 1: Answer the following: Testicular and breast self-examinations are one way to help identify these types of cancer early. Do you think that individuals partake in the self-examinations as often as they should? What do you think can be done to promote the awareness and effectiveness of these examinations? How could explaining the treatment options, if the cancer advances, influence an individual’s desire to be more proactive today?

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Trigeminal Nerve Damage | Instant Homework Solutions

Students are required to write a paper on the topic of trigeminal nerve damage. The content of the paper should include a section describing the function of the trigeminal nerves (V?, V?, V?), potential nerve damage and related side effects, and treatment of the Trigeminal nerve.  The written report should be 3 pages (paragraph form), double spaced, 12pt. font, Times New Roman, 1” margins. A cover sheet must be attached which lists the assignment title, the student’s name, the course title, and the date. At least 3 references are required, with at least 1 reference originating from a peer-reviewed journal (the references is not included in your page count).   Cover Page: (Name, Class Title, Date, Paper Title) References: (does not count toward required pages) Include a copy of at least 2 journals/research papers referenced. Books, magazines or journals, with an author, can be referenced. Use the Learning Resource Center for your research and printing needs. Your access to publications such as books, magazines and journals. https://www.galepages.com/miss22358 (Link will open in new tab.) (Links to an external site.) Use National Library of Medicine (NLM) format. For details: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/bsd/uniform_requirements.html (Link will open in new tab.) (Links to an external site.) References are numbered in the order they appear in your report, not alphabetically. Example within the body of the paper: Dental caries has decreased significantly in the past 30 years.1 Notice that there are no spaces between punctuation and the numbered reference Example for references page: 1. Skaar DS, O’Connor H, Luepker, MD. Dental procedures and risk of experiencing a second vascular event in a Medicare population. JADA. 2012;143(11):1190-1198.

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Pelagic Filter Feeding Megafauna Literature Review | Instant Homework Solutions

Instructors instructions: For this assignment, you will conduct a literature review in support of my ongoing research. I will post some suggestions of useful search terms that you may use inside a google scholar search or library search. All sources described in the paper should be more recent than 2015 (coincidentally the year of my daughter’s birth).You should summarize current research and describe it in such a way that you are demonstrating one of the course learning objectives, specifically to “characterize an organism’s proximal/ecological response to its environment in contrast to its ultimate/adaptive response through evolution.” The key theme is diving behavior of pelagic filter-feeding megafauna, which includes organisms such as whale sharks, basking sharks, and manta rays. However other pelagic species that exhibit deep diving behavior (> 200 m) are also of interest so if tunas, sharks, sperm whales, or other mammals interest you then they can be your focal species. I am also interested in the ecological association with the “sound-scattering layer” or “deep scattering layer.” I may also be interesting to compare multiple species in the same body of water, or the same species in multiple bodies of water. You are free to get creative and let your own curiosity guide your research.    Like any collegiate paper, use proper citations (APA style), and should include a minimum of 5 peer-reviewed scientific journal articles.  Word count: 1600- 2000 words (not including literature cited section, 12 pt font, 1.5 spaced). -Your literature review should be so through that I get a solid understanding of the papers you are describing AND your connection to how this research pertains to our course objectives. The paper should not only have excessive quotations directly from articles, where you were just citing chunks of information rather than synthesizing it!! Instructors on going research:  A manuscript from my whale shark research has been provisionally accepted!  This ties in directly with the literature review, however this is NOT one of the articles that you can include. You must review 5 peer-reviewed journals published since 2015.   The publication in which I am a co-author is titled:  1- Seasonal occurrence, horizontal movements, and habitat use patterns of whale sharks (Rhincodon typus) in the Gulf of Mexico  (Links to an external site.)  https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fmars.2020.598515/abstract 2- and is part of a special journal research topic titled:  Movement and Connectivity of Large Pelagic Sharks  (https://www.frontiersin.org/research-topics/13130/movement-and-connectivity-of-large-pelagic-sharks#articles)

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